Tuesday, 7 December 2021


In a world where facts and truth hardly matter any more, to those who are desperate to stay top dogs in this world the only concern over Ukraine is to create the appearance of Russian guilt.

Russia can be made guilty for almost anything now with no questions asked by western mainstream media news, only the nod of compliance and the production of whatever half-truths, innuendos and accusations are required.

The elites of the western world have reached ultimate desperation and have totally abandoned any rules which may have held sway in the past bringing them to stay somewhere within the parameters of reality.

Now all are fair game to its no-holds-barred, essentially criminal attitude to the fast weakening position western elites find themselves in. China along with Russia present a formidable rising barrier to U.S. global hegemony for that is their unrelenting ambition.

The only acceptable outcome for them is the realisation of all goals formulated in the protocols agreed upon after 9/11. For them there is no reneging on that sworn duty in unquestioned form, to eliminate every entity not bowing to U.S. power. There can be no retreat from that goal, no backing down. Ever. To do so even to the slightest, the most minuscule degree is to leave the USA vulnerable to attack by that slightest degree. That is totally unacceptable. They want FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE. Not an iota less.

Nothing is going to dissuade them from the task before them and just as kidnap, torture and mass slaughter were all given “justifications” after 9/11 the mere telling of lies and setting up individuals and nations for demonization is as nothing by comparison. The post 9/11 protocols give carte blanche to every U.S. agency to do whatever they considered to be effective, no matter how unethical, immoral or downright criminal. Gaining 100% security for the USA would be worth it. The ends would justify the means.

Look for no backing down of any of this shit. Look for no coming to senses, no giving up, no questioning or retreat of any kind from applying maximum pressure or telling endless lies. The entire panoply of western elite entities from the political to the military to the media are all completely signed up to destroy every “enemy” out there. That these “enemies” are simply economic rivals and not true enemies makes no difference. They are to be eliminated if they do not adhere to U.S. wishes.

The USA is playing ultimate hardball and for keeps. No quarter is to be given and every dirty trick in the book will be used. And if there are any not yet written they will be invented and used with alacrity in every way possible to subvert, undermine and weaken by all means necessary the targets that have been ordered destroyed.

Surprise at the total lack of integrity or moral stance by the West in its constant lying and propagandizing against Russia is misplaced. When you recognize exactly what is at stake for those heading the USA and those within its grip all becomes clear.

This is WWIII, the end game war. It is the final world war and will determine if the western empire falls or it rises to make a de facto prison planet its fiefdom supervised, monitored and controlled so that no “enemy” can ever eclipse the jealous and eternally suspicious power it will then wield.

Any and all lies, any and all acts, all is permissible and nothing is to be thought too awful, too deceitful or too criminal, the spectrum of activity is not to be curtailed all the way to nuclear annihilation in the hottest war imaginable.

Mere lies are as nothing compared to all that is contemplated. This is the result of an unquestioning obedience to the post 9/11 demand to destroy ALL opposition to the USA forever, and by whatever means that can achieve that objective.

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