Wednesday, 8 December 2021


To what audience, if any, are the political elites of the West playing to these days? Or is the presence or absence of an audience now almost totally irrelevant?

Certainly, western mainstream media and the liberal, so-called left, are still enthralled. But these are captive audiences who have long since sold their soul to these devils.

What of the general public of the West ensconced as they are in their so-called, ‘exceptionally superior’ democracies?

Does anyone care anymore among the elites who run the West what their populations think? Or are they treated as virtually worthless cyphers expected only to turn up on polling day and sanction the faux democracies that are supposed to serve them? I strongly suspect the latter case. What real say have the populations of western states had since their impotent protests against the obvious illegal war that their “masters” were about to inflict upon Iraq?

Where is the accountability when western mass media fail totally to hold western leaders to account, even when the death toll of their murderous rampages reach hundreds of thousands? Where does foreign policy feature in presidential and general elections when so-called news entities like CNN and the BBC dominate the airwaves? The answer is it hardly features at all. All the usual shibboleths are rolled out, the primary one, of course, being the economy where voters are encouraged to think and vote only with their wallets in mind.

Where is this wondrous democracy and its attendant accountability we hear lauded as exemplifying the superiority of the West over all others? Notable by its absence in the case of western foreign policy agendas quite obviously. The military industrial complexes of western nations speak loudest by far on this issue. Hardly a squeak emerges from any public forum… if any such entity even exists these days.

Western audiences are treated solely to the delights of those within a rigidly barriered and bordered elite class who endlessly support each other's concepts of state integrity, purity and self-righteous anger at the failings, misdemeanours and supposed crimes of others. They mirror the notion of upstanding western state institutions that are founded in the noblest of aspirations and within which virtual saints wrestle with the problems of the world and role out various economic, political, media or military weapons to chastise and punish those behind them.

The liberal so-called left of the West is a hypersensitive self-preserving army composed wholly of rigid mindsets concerning the holy status of all things western and ever willing to pontificate on the barbaric and evil machinations of those they consider enemies of “freedom”. These acolytes of western superiority endlessly create faux justifications for the “necessary” acts against others they perpetrate while within their closed circle of thought where a halo hovers always above.

There is a single narrative on each issue regarding this or that irredeemable “enemy” whether that be Russia, China, Venezuela, Belarussia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran or anywhere else that western power seeks to dominate and if possible eliminate. This single narrative aids the overall agenda, to constantly establish, reestablish and force on all concerned the holy dictatorship of western demands.

There exists a growing number in the West who cannot hear the mouthings of such people without a curl of the lip. They have become sensitised to the outpouring of lies and sophistry of these people. They know much more of the murderous history of these people than ever before. The recent past proved a gateway to more distant acts from the western elite playbook of coups, assassinations, subversions, invasions and both covert and overt warfare. The soft soap words of the faux bleeding heart liberal lookalikes of today whose hearts are in fact perpetually stony, unlike their forebears who did in fact, have an ounce or two of compassion within them. Now, these ersatz peaceniks favour war and are unafraid to say so. For all the best possible reasons of course.

So where is the audience for these lefty warmakers these days? Does it sit sack-like in its comfy consumer couch imbibing their words subliminally, unable to find any escape no matter which channel happens to be on? Most probably yes. The propaganda soup that most of the western world swims in is virtually ubiquitous. Unless some serious effort of mind is employed and the lazy seductions emanating from the TV are switched off and internet sources are found, what hope is there for anything approaching a holistic public view on western foreign policy?

Ultimately the elites and the one-sided fairy tales they spout are talking to each other, reinforcing the already solid prejudices against Russia et al, creating an ever more opaque world for themselves where no chink of actuality can penetrate. In this exotic elite world of self-serving rectitude and Calvinistic desire to discipline all the wrongdoers who just happen to be ‘over there’ and not at all them… a hothouse of myopic ignorance is seeded, has been seeded and will continue to be seeded.

The tattered facade of western righteousness may be obvious to a growing number outside this elite sphere but is this of any importance to those who consider they know better on all things? For those who disdain the madding crowd, the irrational herd far, down below their ivory towers this hardly matters at all. These bovine creatures have been herded into corrals of distraction long since and a plethora of new areas of petty and shallow interest have been created for them in these creative modern times where a psychological cattle prod has proven extremely useful.

In the grand scheme of things as seen from the top-down across western elites it hardly matters that the “natives” are restless. As long as they remain eternally divided, contentious and focused in navel-gazing fashion on issues supposedly vital to them elite control of all central issues such as foreign policy can be dealt with absent any element even remotely resembling democracy.

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