The USA and UK in particular clearly think so.
At the very least they believe it can be postponed. Their goal currently is again clearly, to weaken the possibility of this eventuality and if at all possible destroy the foundations of the central elements which currently make it appear inevitable.
That these efforts by the USA and UK and in ever declining form by Europe, to weaken and if possible stop this new paradigm, could cause another world war in its most devastating form (with a form of world warfare already being waged by them) clearly doesn't faze them to any significant extent.
The stakes for them are obviously considered too high to let any considerations of widespread death and destruction mitigate the extent or range of their plans. In my view the political elites in tandem with their media elites consider this to be an existential issue requiring an all-out effort to maintain western global dominance without which they have convinced themselves the world will go all to hell.
They have come to believe through centuries of happy self-awarding conditioning that they stand at the pinnacle of right conduct, good governance and ethical behaviour, the natural inheritors down from one generation to the next of the guardianship of the planet. In accordance with these beliefs those who do not stand with them must certainly then be standing against them and standing therefore against all that is righteous and good.
I am unaware of any empire that believed they were not right in all they said and did. How many bureaucracies and established elites indulged in self-doubt down the millenia. I would hazard to guess that the answer is an easy one, namely none.
And how many of the serried ranks of controllers of such empires gave up their notions of superiority, grandeur and benefits of high, self-granted status and control of others without a fight. You may say the British Empire is one such... but I did say 'without a fight'. The British Empire ended in most places faced with a determined force fighting for this outcome.
The empire of the West has lasted a very long time and has been reinforced significantly during that time, the chief of these being the outcome and aftermath of the Second World War. Hitler and Nazi Germany were defeated. Leaving aside that the Russian victories over German forces and entry first to Berlin was the main factor in ending it, in the West the impression given was that of a victory by the West.
The empire of the West has however been looking increasingly tarnished of late. This especially so since 9/11 when the USA, UK and others began their campaign of regime change wars with their attendant lies, deceptions, manipulations and outright propaganda assisted by a complicit western press and media. The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan added another nail to its coffin. It seems inevitable that eventual withdrawal from Iraq and Syria will add further nails to it.
Currently we see another series of nails being readied in the shape of a European withdrawal from U.S. and UK battle plans regarding both Ukraine and Russia. The humiliation I predicted a number of commentaries ago appears imminent. Upon this further set of nails being applied to the coffin of the western empire I would suggest that few more will be necessary to complete the job.
What then?
Over the last several decades we have seen the inexorable rise of the Chinese economy. That of Russia has followed a similar if not nearly as impressive increase in its economic success. Now that both nations fully recognise the mutually beneficial results of ever-closer cooperation there can surely be no further restrictions on their continued success and ever-growing influence. Their growing influence will I predict 'bring on' the foundations for the new 'empire free' geopolitical paradigm I expect, predict and am hoping for.
At the point where an unlamented western empire rests dormant in its well-sealed coffin I would predict we will see a world breathing a deep and long sigh of relief. This while the work of restoring the world to a place where agreement and not disputation become the order of the day, where trade not trouble is at the forefront of press and media around the globe and where a general tolerance of diverse forms of governance is found.
In short the beginnings of a world where the prospects for war diminish, where that which unites us is emphasised rather than that which divides us and an acknowledgement is recognised that most of humanity wishes only to reside in peace, nurturing their families, seeking betterment of their lives, not at the expense of other nations and where no one particular political dogma is demanded for all nations.
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