There is a relentless push going on to provoke Russia into an act of war.
With this the USA gains some public relations points by being able to say Russia is an unconscionable aggressor state. This latter also helps in what may well be the greater goal in the present scenario, to relentlessly blacken Russia's name with a view to taking down any and all economic rivals.
The USA is in the fight of its life to retain its economic dominance. China is rising inexorably and Russia, though having a far smaller economy than either China or the USA, is also a nation of great influence.
Political influence is one side of a strategic coin where economic success is the other. Where you are a powerful influence you will also have open channels for your business sector to exploit to the full. This also works conversely, where you have built up an extensive trading network you will also have a high degree of political influence.
The trend has been to the economic advantage of China and Russia over the USA and EU for many years now, especially and observably so regarding China. This threatens both the economic success of the USA and Europe as well as its taken-for-granted political influence.
The USA and UK and to a lesser extent European nations have fashioned for themselves an aura of indomitable influence that stretches to almost every corner of the world. From their ivory towers these elites scan the globe with patrician mentalities that have come to seem their natural inheritance. Over the centuries from slavery to colonialism to the "winning" of the Cold War they have prided themselves on their values of superiority and their to them highly deserving 'exceptional' status. The continuance of this status depends on their continued political influence which hangs in turn upon their economic success. That economic success of course also determines their ability to support their military reach and sustained levels of potential threat to rivals.
It has long been commented upon by those not enamoured of western foreign policy that war and the threat of war are necessary to maintain the military industrial complexes of western nations and particularly so when it comes to the United States. In this field political influence also plays an important part. Apart from the revolving door aspect where political bigwigs end their political careers to become board members in so-called defence corporations there is also the incestuous sponsorship regime they need to support reelection campaigns. The "defence" corporations need ever more orders, politicians require ever more cash and those who pay for these mutually beneficial relationships are usually those in nations targeted for regime change.
Regime change enables a flow of orders to western (usually U.S.) companies for a variety of services from legalised mercenaries to building contractors and a plethora of other service industry personnel linked to the U.S. Army and Air Force. The mightily raised threat level (usually on a one by one basis, but not always) creates the leeway required to boost "defence" spending and generally smoothes the influence highway to the goals set which the threat levels are raised as high as necessary to accommodate.
We see this currently regarding the situation revolving around Ukraine. Russia is the threat (even when it is clear to incisive observers that it is instead the USA) that makes the usual range of win-win factors come into play. Military industrial complexes are stimulated, NATO gains more traction in ex-Warsaw Pact nations, American influence rises, Russia as a trading partner becomes less favoured and perhaps even excluded from consideration.
In this scenario as in all those seen previously the target tends to get caught in a net spread through myriad devious methodologies. No matter what it does the western machine adjusts its tactical ploys to further ensnare the victim.
Continuously repeating that Russia could attack Ukraine at any time thoroughly conditions western minds not adept or interested in probing such situations deeper than reading or listening to headlines. These headline surfers tend to be in the majority in these days of limited leisure time, work stress and hard-to-balance household budgets. Western mainstream media acts as the complicit foil for western states in all this as examined in my previous commentary.
It all amounts to a Devil's Recipe Book wherein a somewhat bitter propaganda soup is cooked and then served both daily and nightly into the open minds of its somewhat tired and distracted customers.
Russia can demand that this stop. Russia can prepare her defences. Russia can appeal to the better nature of the powers tormenting her. Russia can look to the better natures of those in the UN. None of this is likely to stop or even to restrain the determination of western powers to eliminate its leadership and present system of governance. The decisions made immediately after 9/11 do not allow for any restraint to be shown in eliminating all targets not conforming to western will. Neither do they allow any moral or ethical considerations to affect the methodologies used to effect the goals agreed.
So, when it comes to the question of whether the USA is acting to stop a war or trying to get one started, it will always be the latter. That is, until every last possible opponent of unlimited U.S. power has been demonized, subverted, deceived, tortured, attacked, invaded and finally eliminated from the face of the Earth.
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