Monday, 17 January 2022


Mainstream news outlets in the western world continue to report on the words and deeds of their political elites as if the surface context created by them is all there is to consider. No deeper probing of underlying motives are discussed, referred to or even mentioned. Listening to these reports, where state-sanctioned narratives are treated as holy gospel, delivered by virtual saints, any truly insightful individual will smell a rat. These outlets are partners with their elites in an ongoing crime against their populations.

The elites of the western world are waging a war to maintain their dominant status in the world. As in all wars, truth is the first casualty. Barefaced lies are simply one more weapon in an armory where no holds are barred in pursuit of the ultimate goal sought. This goal is the total elimination of all entities opposing complete global dominance by the USA and its allies. The goal is not containment of the leadership of rising Eurasian nations, it is their outright elimination. All means considered necessary are being used in pursuit of this goal.

We have arrived at a fight to the death where only one approach to international systems of governance and one value system will be tolerated by the West should it win. Its elites have left nothing off the table when it comes to the weapons they will use to achieve victory. Deceit at every level, any degree of sophistry believed useful, betrayal to demoralize and confuse, a whole host of the dirtiest tricks dredged up from over a century of global subversion. This is the milieu in which we now live, an end game war where the West fights the dirtiest war in its existence to maintain its failing patrician control of the planet.

The intelligence agencies of the USA and UK are at the forefront of the dirty war being waged. Innumerable plans are continually being organized in minute detail to confuse issues, create false flag events, maintain facades of trust and arrange the undermining of those targeted as enemies. No holds will be barred until this effort by the West is somehow brought to an end by a sufficient rise in the fortunes of the Eurasian nations to make them completely invulnerable to the West's attacks.

Meanwhile, those who live within the propaganda soup that is the western world's mainstream news media will be fed soporific drivel where insight and analysis of any worth is completely absent. Fixed points of reference will be maintained at all times whereby western intentions and deeds are sanitized, portraying them all as innocuous and virtuous attempts to do good. This will remain true, as it did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya, even as hundreds of thousands die, economies are ruined and entire regions of the planet are fragmented into wastelands.

This no holds barred, truth-free environment can be seen in all western elite acts and statements and have been seen for over a decade and a half now. To gain some sense of the truth of any given situation you must now reverse and re-interpret all that emanates from official western sources and their media mouthpieces. The end game war demands that ANY methodology be used no matter how immoral, unethical or downright criminal it may be. The West is in a fight for survival and its claws are permanently bared in a continual war mode. This will remain true until the last moments of its malignant existence while even an iota of its past power remains.


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