The ‘colllective west’ needs Russia to be appearing to lose in Ukraine or at least to be failing to meet its goals. The framing requires Russia to be frustrated and increasingly desperate.
Why? Because this will make a chemical weapon attack by Russia appear plausible.
Russia is in fact winning this war. The vast majority of what is left of the Ukrainian army is kettled, surrounded, kept within what in Russian military terms is named as a cauldron. Separated from other units further west three units of the Ukrainian army are slowly and steadily being denied any power of exit while Russian troops advance on their positions.
Kiev is surrounded except for humanitarian corridors down which civilians and deserters from the Ukrainian army or the Nazi-legacy extremists can travel out of danger zones. The leadership in Kiev is isolated and increasingly vulnerable. All Ukrainian combatants are running short of food, water and fuel.
Russia has in recent days been targeting fuel dumps that the belligerents require to keep fighting and water supplies for those trapped within surrounded cities and units of the Ukrainian army and militias will surely be reaching critical levels.
But for the western media none of this is happening. Instead the picture is being conveyed of a heroic fightback by noble Ukrainian troops who are reversing Russian gains and even, in one particular fantasy by the BBC beginning to surround the Russian army to some degree in some fantastical place.
The chemical weapon false flag that is without doubt planned requires the Russian campaign to be framed in this way in order for the media blitz to come afterwards to be believable. Another situation as in Douma, in Syria, where the side being framed is obviously winning and is then accused of the attack, must be avoided this time.
The tactic without doubt is the last gasp effort, the final throw of the device for those continuing to live in hope within the Kiev cabal. Their one and only hope is for NATO involvement, for it to install a no-fly zone and begin shooting down Russian planes. No other hope remains as Russia grinds forward strangling supply lines and kettling their remaining troops in an ever tightening grip.
It’s the last chance saloon situation for the discredited, immoral and thoroughly corrupted Ukrainian regime, a junta without a democratic foundation, a coup-created melange of extremists, terrorists, sadists and oppressive madmen and women. Insane creatures in desperate need of that final big lie that might, just might, save their vile lying necks.
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