Russia will have the two new republics in eastern Ukraine within its borders before too much longer. A defensive border will be agreed that Ukraine will never dare breach. If it does then it will certainly be sorry.
Kiev will require to keep its nose clean in future because no western threats against Russia are going to be effective or dissuade her in future. The western powers have thrown everything at Russia and Russia is finding its way round or through them. Any further attacks will be weaker and easier to circumvent.
The global south is not taking up the cudgel thrown at its feet by the West with which it is supposed to hit Russia. It will remain on friendly terms with Russia for all sorts of reasons, many of them to do with practical issues regarding energy needs.
Russia is so rich in resources, oil, gas, wheat and so much more. She has gold to back the ruble and with each day is rising up from the blows placed upon her to defiantly shake a fist at her tormentors.
It is only a matter of time till the Russian military brings Zelensky and his coterie of lowlifes and thugs to admit defeat and come to terms. There is no way Russia will relent, no matter what it takes, this thing is just too vastly important to all Russia’s future ambitions for a secure border and iron-clad strength.
With her reputation for taking no shit from anybody Russia is building a certain reputation as a bully-beater and this will come in very handy as others see what a resolute leader it has with a nation of patriots backing him to the hilt.
But the main asset is the multiplicity of Russia’s incredible natural resources, very much in need by all in the east and global south. This talks even more persuasively to others regarding making friendships with Russia and refusing to antagonise her. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you and Russia will increasingly feed the east and south as the power of the west withers away.
The western world has been gravely let down by its elites. They have shown their immense incompetence and cack-handed policies. They have brought an oncoming disaster down on their citizenry across the entire western sphere and this is only the precipitous start of an ever-greater fall as China rises.
Russia, with China close by her side will be totally immune to the spitting rage coming out of the West. No more will Russia need to worry what they say ‘over there’ in the dying empire ruled by mental pygmies and ranting imbeciles.
Russia has stood up to be counted. She has shown the entire world that she is now totally unafraid.
And nothing will ever be the same again.
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