Thursday, 26 January 2023


Those who run the western world are determined to interfere to the maximum extent they can with no ethical or moral limit to their actions with the single-minded goal to transform all recalcitrant nations to their mirror image.

No appeals to their ‘better nature’, powers of diplomacy, common sense or reason will have any effect upon their determination. Those who are currently standing in their way will be targeted relentlessly to destruction if necessary to fulfil the above goal. 

The western powers are acting as an empire-building force with dictatorial levels of hubris and relentless activity to achieve their goal of a uniform world in terms of governance. All nations will be forced to accept the mode of governance that they use or they will remain in the cross hairs of western sources of power both politically and militarily. Intelligence services, that have been working on the goal of global uniformity in conformance with western desires for decades, are now more active than ever in the world war that is currently underway.

The only way the western powers can be stymied in their attempts to secure their goal of global conformance to their needs is by the robust countering of these ambitions by all means possible. Both China and Russia are at the forefront of this effort and not only by political and military means. China and Russia, through building trading and financial networks divorced from the influence of the western powers are in effect waging a necessary war against them to preserve their own individual and sovereign nationhood in the face of threats to them.

The USA is of course at the forefront of the assault upon the rest of the world where it does not accede to its demands. Assisted by the United Kingdom and most of the European Union elites they form a formidable force with which to threaten, coerce, damage and destroy nations they have targeted for regime change and transformation to their requirements.

As Professor John J. Mearsheimer has pointed out, the surge to achieve global conformity to western needs went into high gear in the ‘unipolar moment’ as he calls it, when the Soviet Union collapsed. In that time the power of the USA and its allies/proxies was at its height and the goal of spreading ‘liberal hegemony’ appeared to be eminently achievable. However, we have been slipping as a world incrementally one step at a time toward a multipolar epoch where the powers of the western elites are steadily diminished.

What we are seeing now, with the western powers using Ukraine as a tool against Russia and Taiwan against China is a desperate attempt to re-engineer and re-establish the unipolar moment and thus put back on track the goal of establishing global uniformity of governance in the western model.

There can be and will be no turning back from the goal of undermining all non-conforming governance systems by the western powers. They cannot conceive of allowing those nations who do not conform to their wishes being left alone to determine their own future course. Western elites, whether political or within the mainstream media sphere are united in seeking to do whatever is necessary within the nations they have targeted to bring about conformity to western needs and desires. There is not a glimmer of hope that they will retreat from their determination to do whatever they can to shake, destabilise and destroy the target nations until they conform. As a secondary goal they will be weakened, even to the point of collapse as remains the secondary goal for Syria and which remains the goal in many other nations such as Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and indeed all others that have not yet conformed to western requirements.

In recent months we have seen the blowback from the attempts by the West to achieve a significant weakening of the Russian Federation. For nearly a year now attempts have been made in successive waves to hit and destroy Russian institutions from the financial to the cultural and from the economic to the personal. Almost all such attacks have failed and many of them are now having a cumulative effect on western economies and populations. The western powers  have in effect metaphorically-speaking  shot themselves multiple times in the foot and to such a degree that they risk being unable to stand.

Thus both Russia and China are strengthened in their attempt to remain in ever-greater extent invulnerable to western attacks seeking to undermine and transform them. Meanwhile, with western nations becoming weaker and both Asian and Eurasian nations adhering ever closer to each other along with many nations in the global south (many who have aspirations to join BRICS) the probability of a robust and self-sustaining multipolar world free of western threats, attacks and violent military attempts to undermine them becomes an ever more tangible aspiration.

If a fully multipolar world with fully independent, sovereign and inviolate nations eventuate from the mix of economic dynamics now in play then the final nails will be hammered into the coffin of western elite aspirations to dictate how these newly, fully sovereign and inviolate nations will govern themselves in perpetuity. At that point the era of the World Bully/Policeman of the collective West will finally be over.

Thursday, 19 January 2023


U.S. political elites are the inheritors of a package of influences which range from the flight of the pilgrims escaping religious persecution in Europe to the concept of America's 'manifest destiny' to transform the world into what is blithely assumed to be its glorious self. Added to this are concepts surrounding concepts regarding idealistic notions of a Manichaen universe of simplistic black and white, good and evil where their god is almighty and commands Americans to do His will. This rather racist concept of all-encompassing superiority is largely what fuels U.S. foreign policy along with the desire of the companies that make up the North American military industrial complex, their lobbyists and the collective influence of sponsorship and easy access to decision making in each successive government. The rest of the world pays the price in terms of death and destruction, the fragmentation and weakening of their nations and economies and much else besides that stymies all efforts by others to create a multipolar world where tolerance for other forms of governance and not one single concept can prevail whereby trade and relationships of mutual respect can be grown toward something akin to global peace and freedom from the blackmail, threat and warring from the USA. One of the single most important changes to any further U.S. intervention outside of its borders ought to be an effort to explore nuances within the cultures of nations in which it wishes to intervene. The simplistic nature of U.S. thought as it has been seen in the past through an ideological lens has reduced a great many issues and thus actions to either-or questions of good and evil. Much of this is underpinned by an over-the-shoulder look at what will sell well among the North American population, a population whose long-term media has conditioned an extremely simplistic vision of a world that can ALWAYS be reduced to right and wrong, good and bad, virtuous and evil. Within this overall context we find that western audiences are thus conditioned to believe that the U.S. and its allies are always right, and at worst merely mistaken. Good remains on those intervening on behalf of the "best" nations against the extremely dubious if not outrightly bad, or evil and eminently untrustworthy other ones. Other ones that need disciplining, manipulating, threatened, cajoled or invaded into being good (though never quite matching those in the saintly West. The economic rise of China is seen as a threat to the USA but is not communicated in this nuanced way as a spur to greater efficiency in competitiveness but is left hanging in the air to allow an inference of the possibility of violent attack. North Americans are so primed by successive usage of the fear spur to gain consent to indulge in war that the knee-jerk reaction to such breast-beating is inevitably positive. The ideologies behind this state that the USA (or rather its elites) are without doubt good people trying to do their best and would never stoop to tricking them in any way. Despite all the evidence which is clearly visible regarding the influence of the military industrial complex and a massive army of lobbyists and sponsors seeking influence it seems the foreign policy decisions which result are by and large considered virtuous and tending toward bettering the world. Until the population of the USA becomes as cynical concerning the geopolitics concerned as it does about the politics I can't see this ever standing even the remotest chance of changing.

Wednesday, 11 January 2023



The present conflict Russia vs The West with Ukraine as the proxy of the West needs to be seen in the context of falling western power in the face of the rise, not only of China and Russia in terms of financial and economic clout in the first place and intellectual influence in the second, but also of the nations of the global south. To a western world whose elites have totally internalised the notion that they are the guardians of our planet and that without them everything will go to hell, these threats to their continued status as world warders are terrifying and they are determined to do all they can to reverse this situation. For them there is no Plan B, only the shoring up of their power and the coinciding reduction of that of all others who do not agree to submission to them.

Putin in 2007, just a few years after 9/11 when the desire of the U.S. elites to see the USA become world hegemon in perpetuity and this desire became an absolute necessity (to them), told the assembled western elites in Munich that Russia was not signing up to submit to what he saw as a dictatorship. He stated unequivocally that Russia would not submit to be ruled by any nation or group of nations and explained why. Of course he also said Russia would fully cooperate with all other states on areas of mutual danger such as international terrorism and nuclear proliferation. But the assembled great and good of the West only heard and endlessly spoke about the first part. Putin, in 2007, became their public enemy number one.

So Putin was in their crosshairs. But of course not alone. There was (and still is) a long list of others. Initially distracted by Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria it naturally also includes a host of others. China of course, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba and now most certainly Brazil among others. As China and Russia gain in influence along with the nations of the global south the list increases rather than decreases. But the necessity for the western powers to achieve their goal of retrieving their necessary unipolar world, in essence a prison planet with them as warders has also increased.

For these reasons Ukraine will continue to be a tool applied by the western powers, not alone, but a tool among many still to be activated or re-energised. Only an eventual, hopefully economic, quarantining will stop them. Otherwise we are looking at a forever war indeed, something GW Bush and his people talked of, but one even more widespread and prolonged than even they envisaged.

The level of potential destruction is incalculable. As incalculable as the amount of money the western powers are willing to spend on what they see as an existential challenge which they MUST not lose. The destruction of the entire planet in even more than an economic sense appears better to them than losing what they see as their sacred right and requirement to remain absolutely dominant.

The western powers have all this fully justified to themselves. They brook no doubts within their communities of fellow elites. There is one narrative because there is one agenda. That agenda is for them to once more become supremely dominant, to have the power of overwhelming manipulative control, enabled always to set the required narrative through their elite media partners in coordination, as ever, with their military industrial complex executives.

Look to no end point in this struggle. China, Russia and their allies and partners across the global south and in Latin America see a multipolar world of shared responsibilities as they way to peace through trade and international agreements under the auspices of the United Nations. The nations of the collective west want to be able to call the shots virtually alone and at the very least with the announced compliance of meek "partners".

Threats, bribery and violent war are some of the tools the collective west will use to attain its goals. It is to be hoped that the majority of our world's population will recognise that no peace, harmony or true freedom can come by that route and will choose the far better path offered by those powers who are rising now. The 'Forever war' if it is to be brought to an end at all will come to one of two ultimate conclusions. The first, with the USA and its proxies delivering what will essentially be a prison planet where we are watched 24/7 from space and in turn watch all that we say in case someone hears about it and we are then cancelled. The second, a fully multipolar world where power is balanced across the planet with no one nation or group of nations telling all the others what they should do or not do in compliance with demands, a world where there is instead tolerance for diverse forms of governance and mutual respect and cooperation toward a permanent peace and true freedom become a reality.

Thursday, 5 January 2023


People may say that Russia is a danger to the entire world and that therefore it must be crushed to make it safe, that every avenue to its destruction must be left open to make it vulnerable to attack. These attacks can have many forms, not only full frontal military attack but more like death from a thousand cuts, maximised pressure, full-blown propaganda dirty tricks and every possible means used to trip it up, destabilise it and foment a regime-change insurrection within it.

However, there is a basic flaw to the idea often floated or implied that Russia is some kind of massive danger to the world. That flaw centres around the difference between the soviet Union and the Russian federation of today. The former was massive in the power and reach of its influence. The latter has only a mere shadow of such power and influence.

Russia is struggling to take the Russian-speaking Donbass region of Ukraine. It can be easily guessed how Russia would fare regarding any other such expeditions. The fact of the matter is that Russia was pushed into the corner from which it has now reluctantly and violently escaped. Russia refused the request of those in south-eastern Ukraine that they be allowed to join the Russian Federation. What is more Russia worked with France, Germany and successive Ukrainian regimes to find a peaceful route to some form of peaceful resolution to the desire for the Russian-speaking majority in the Donbass to retain their allegiances (including myriad mixed marriages with Russians over centuries included), their language, and culture by way of a high degree of autonomy from those in western Ukraine who regularly called them names (Moskals) and generally looked upon them as inferiors and possibly traitors.

The Ukrainian nationalists made no secret of their hatred of the Russian-speaking population there for near a century and the diverse views of the Nazi occupation during WWII brought everything to a head. That Russia was given no path out from the situation post 2014 when the democratically elected, Russian-leaning government and president were overthrown by a violent insurrection brought us to where we are now. Russia asked for security guarantees and the removal of NATO from its borders in late 2021. When this was refused, when Zelensky talked of regaining nuclear status, when the Ukrainian army had become a de facto NATO force and shelling of the civilian population by the Ukrainian army spiked in the early months of 2022 Putin knew that all efforts to find a peaceful solution were in vain. Thus the operation to remedy all that had gone before began. There is no way that Russia will cease its operation in Ukraine unless its goals are met, and this very much includes ensuring Russia has security in perpetuity.

In the view of a growing number, especially those in the academic and expert fields where Russia is known best, Russia absolutely should be given the security guarantees she requires.

However, this would not play well for the collective West as its communal goal is to maintain its long-held global dominance and attendant ability to arrange things in its own interests. The primary goal of the western powers is to ensure that they stay top dogs. This requires that the uppity rising powers MUST be kept down by weakening them by whatever means they have at their disposal. One of these means is the demonization card. Playing this creates a propaganda meme whereby their rivals are seen to be some kind of not-quite delineated but only implied danger. They are a danger right... whereas the western powers are in fact those which have been causing all the death and destruction for decades now.

So, give Russia guarantees that it won't be threatened? No way. The western powers wish to maximise the fear Russia and Russians fear in the hope that they will be weakened internally and be easily subject to further weakening. All in the aid of maintaining and increasing western power to the end of creating a virtual prison planet with them as perpetual wardens. Since 9/11 this has been the overwhelming goal of every world power linked to the USA. It is seen as imperative and is perpetually justified by narratives that tell of the need for the West to monitor and control for the benefit of all. However, the primary beneficiaries would be those western powers themselves and, rather than creating a world of freedom it would instead by a world under perpetual surveillance.

In an address he gave in 2007 Putin told the assembled dignitaries of the western world that though Russia would work in close cooperation with all other nations in the fight against international terrorism, nuclear proliferation and all other projects of mutual self-interest, Russia would not sign on to the dictatorship of any nation or group of nations and especially not nations with a record of using war as a near-first solution to all perceived "problems". Russia would follow her own course, sovereign and independent but happy to cooperate and of course to trade with mutual respect being keynote.

Putin's words about cooperation were ignored and immediately forgotten. Only his words denoting that Russia would not submit to the absolute requirement of the western powers post 9/11 that they be the unrivalled dominant power, one that would control all other nations and not necessarily hold their sovereignty, rights or independence to be of higher value than their need for security. Thus Putin became public enemy number one and has remained so from those cold February days in Munich when he made his speech, till now. Every scary story about Putin began after that date, every rabid statement, every demonizing magazine cover and article, every accusation of almost every crime in the book... all occurred after this time, none before. Before he was seen as eminently acceptable, never thereafter.

The reversal of perception of Putin has led us directly here and to the present scenario where a nuclear war on our planet is a potential outcome. The absolute need to do what was regarded as necessary post 9/11 has led us here and the goals set at that time and inviolable and require ALL opposing entities to be removed, destroyed or otherwise rendered weak and unable to present any threat to the supremacy of western power.

So, should Russia be given her security guarantees. Absolutely she should. But will she be given them? Absolutely not.

Unless she fights for them. And she is fighting for them right now in Ukraine as you read this. 

Monday, 2 January 2023


The losses in manpower and machines of Ukraine have been absolutely enormous. As Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission has recently admitted, at least 100,000 Ukrainian troops have died and just about every military vehicle of importance that Ukraine had prior to February 24th have been destroyed.

Russia is now grinding down the combination of foreign volunteers, young and old men mobilised and barely given a month's training plus western specialists. Russia has launched up to a dozen new military satellites in recent months which give them eyes on Ukrainian troop movements and potentially precise locations of artillery and large group movements.

The energy production capacity of Ukraine is nearing total degradation and once complete and the ground hard enough Russia will use a 500,000 strong army to sweep all before it in its upcoming winter offensive.

You have to wonder what the Ukrainians are banking on right now. Yes, they can keep throwing men forward, mostly at this point barely trained for a month, usually less. Men up to the age of 70. Women too no doubt. And what will they achieve exactly? They might hold back the highly trained Russian military with its far superior artillery power for a limited period. This is more or less great for that Russian military. Come on while we wait here and fire six times as many shells at you constantly decimating your numbers. Then we will move forward a bit and do the same all over again. This is why the Russian commander and that of Wagner talk respectively of 'grinding down' the Ukrainians and putting them through a 'meat grinder'. So, what exactly can be achieved by Ukraine in these circumstances?

Okay, the USA and others provide greater financial support and more and better weapons. But this hasn't worked in the past. No matter which supposedly 'game-changer' weapons have been given the Ukrainians Russia still manages to grind on. This is because Russia HAS to grind on... because it sees its very nationhood is at stake. Barack Obama said a number of years ago that Russia had, 'escalatory dominance'. Russia has an enormous capacity to wage war. Its industry is now even more geared up to destroy Ukraine than before. Russia is not going to lose this. It cannot afford to and it has all the capacity it needs to do so. Sooner or later Ukraine will crack.

Delay in negotiating a settlement will have two consequences however. 1. Even more Ukrainians will die. 2. Even more Ukrainians territory will be lost. There is a third to add to these two. Ukraine is parcelled up into pieces, one taken by Poland, another by Hungary and a third by Romania. These are the realities. It seems the only reason that they cannot be faced by those pushing for ever more war is that they cannot face the humiliation of defeat. But it is coming... no matter WHAT they do.

Ukraine will certainly lose Bakhmut sooner or later. There is simply no way Russia will give up on the task of taking it. Too much hinges on this. Recent reports, including that of the commander of the Ukrainian 'Svoboda' unit, tell of horrendous conditions in and around Bakhmut with dead Ukrainian troops littering the fields and even the trenches themselves, trenches which flood on a regular basis. The local hospitals are receiving on average 150 casualties per day with amputations relatively common. Across the battlefield it has been estimated that Ukraine is losing between 500 and 800 troops each day. This is not sustainable. Russia will pound Bakhmut to dust to take it and in fact it suits the Russian military high command to do so as the object is to eliminate as much of the Ukrainian military forces as possible, to put them into a "meat grinder" as the head of Wagner has said. Sooner or later Bakhmut will fall.

The new Russian military satellites now have full oversight of the battle space. These were put in position over the last few months and the current strikes can be seen to have relied on the new satellite data that has become available.

Ukraine stands no chance of keeping anything much in the days and weeks ahead. Another 380,000 Russian troops are arriving with the most modern of weaponry at their disposal. Russia is readying its military for an overwhelming surge that will hit Ukrainian positions, logistic centres, repair shops, warehouses, arms dumps and quite possibly state command and control entities.

There is no possible way Ukraine can do anything very significant against what's coming... especially as its western sponsors are realising the game is just about up and Russia is going to be the winner that takes all.

Russia attempted to find a peaceful way by which the mixed marriage Russian-Ukrainian population of eastern Ukraine could retain their language, pro-Russian culture and allegiances in the face of the president and government they by majority had elected, being ousted by means of an insurrection. The people in that region of Ukraine had expected that change would come through the democratic process, not through riot, or by any other means.

The events which took place on Maidan Square in Kiev therefore shocked and horrified them and they knew with some confidence what was to come. They knew for instance that those who had taken power were those who had failed to secure their positions by democratic means. They knew also that their language, allegiances, pro-Russian culture and indeed their lives were at threat and that henceforth they and their children down the generations would never again experience the ability to reliably cast their vote and have the government they favoured be elected to power.

In effect what had occurred in Kiev was a coup, and they knew it. In addition to all of the above they had seen various members of the United States political elite appear on the square exhorting those there to continue and achieve their goal of bringing the democratically-elected president and government down. A president who had announced that elections would be brought forward to a few months hence in which the entire matter of Ukraine linking ever closer to the European Union could be decided democratically. This was not to be. Instead many were to die including around fifteen policemen. I wonder if anyone reading this can imagine what the political elites of the USA would do if such a number of police officers were killed by similar insurrections in their country?

The people in eastern Ukraine read the writing on the wall and when the new authorities in Kiev said they were going to act against the Russian language every fear they had was confirmed. Were they to accept this new government forced on them and accept to that their already hated population (called 'Moskals' by the ultra-nationalists and most of the general public in western Ukraine, i.e. Russians) was not to be further excluded from any right to a democratic vote, their language itself and that of their children, and perhaps even the right to live at all? Of course not. They took matters into their hands by largely peaceful means, took over administration functions in their regions and demanded a level of autonomy that would guarantee their future rights.

Putin, when asked by the leaders of what became self-asserting republics, to let them join the Russian Federation, refused, stating they must remain within the boundaries of Ukraine but that he would work with others to attain for them the level of autonomy within Ukraine that they required. At the time of asking Kiev had sent its military plus the most violent of the Maidan militias to the republics and they had begun bombarding their villages, towns and cities.

Putin worked with Germany, France and the Ukrainian authorities on the autonomy issue to bring peace and reconciliation to the region. The Minsk Accords were agreed and ratified in 2015 and the next seven years were spent attempting to have them implemented. Ultimately the Ukrainian authorities stated they had no further interest in them. In the interim, from 2015 to 2021 NATO and others within the West has reinforced, trained and financed the Ukrainian army plus put in place massive lines of defence bordering the two regions.

During this period also a constant bombardment of the civilian populations of the two regions was carried out by the Ukrainian military and the so-called 'Volunteer Battalions' such as the 'Azov Battalion'. There was scant, if any, reporting in the West of this latter fact. 

When the Ukrainians said they were no longer interested in Minsk and the ex-president of Ukraine, Poroshenko, said it had merely been a ruse to let Ukraine re-arm Russia understood the situation. Then Zelensky, the current president talked of regaining Ukraine's nuclear status and swore to take Crimea back by force. Then, there was a sharp rise in the shelling of the republics. 

Putin saw that the peaceful means he had hoped would resolve the question of the Donbass region was no longer recognised by Ukraine or its western supporters. It was for these and other reasons, such as NATO pushing for Ukraine accession to it and with Ukraine having become a de facto NATO state, with nothing at all evident that might provide a peaceful path forward to resolve the thorny questions Minsk ought to have answered that Putin took Russia into Ukraine. 


The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being d...