Thursday, 26 January 2023


Those who run the western world are determined to interfere to the maximum extent they can with no ethical or moral limit to their actions with the single-minded goal to transform all recalcitrant nations to their mirror image.

No appeals to their ‘better nature’, powers of diplomacy, common sense or reason will have any effect upon their determination. Those who are currently standing in their way will be targeted relentlessly to destruction if necessary to fulfil the above goal. 

The western powers are acting as an empire-building force with dictatorial levels of hubris and relentless activity to achieve their goal of a uniform world in terms of governance. All nations will be forced to accept the mode of governance that they use or they will remain in the cross hairs of western sources of power both politically and militarily. Intelligence services, that have been working on the goal of global uniformity in conformance with western desires for decades, are now more active than ever in the world war that is currently underway.

The only way the western powers can be stymied in their attempts to secure their goal of global conformance to their needs is by the robust countering of these ambitions by all means possible. Both China and Russia are at the forefront of this effort and not only by political and military means. China and Russia, through building trading and financial networks divorced from the influence of the western powers are in effect waging a necessary war against them to preserve their own individual and sovereign nationhood in the face of threats to them.

The USA is of course at the forefront of the assault upon the rest of the world where it does not accede to its demands. Assisted by the United Kingdom and most of the European Union elites they form a formidable force with which to threaten, coerce, damage and destroy nations they have targeted for regime change and transformation to their requirements.

As Professor John J. Mearsheimer has pointed out, the surge to achieve global conformity to western needs went into high gear in the ‘unipolar moment’ as he calls it, when the Soviet Union collapsed. In that time the power of the USA and its allies/proxies was at its height and the goal of spreading ‘liberal hegemony’ appeared to be eminently achievable. However, we have been slipping as a world incrementally one step at a time toward a multipolar epoch where the powers of the western elites are steadily diminished.

What we are seeing now, with the western powers using Ukraine as a tool against Russia and Taiwan against China is a desperate attempt to re-engineer and re-establish the unipolar moment and thus put back on track the goal of establishing global uniformity of governance in the western model.

There can be and will be no turning back from the goal of undermining all non-conforming governance systems by the western powers. They cannot conceive of allowing those nations who do not conform to their wishes being left alone to determine their own future course. Western elites, whether political or within the mainstream media sphere are united in seeking to do whatever is necessary within the nations they have targeted to bring about conformity to western needs and desires. There is not a glimmer of hope that they will retreat from their determination to do whatever they can to shake, destabilise and destroy the target nations until they conform. As a secondary goal they will be weakened, even to the point of collapse as remains the secondary goal for Syria and which remains the goal in many other nations such as Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and indeed all others that have not yet conformed to western requirements.

In recent months we have seen the blowback from the attempts by the West to achieve a significant weakening of the Russian Federation. For nearly a year now attempts have been made in successive waves to hit and destroy Russian institutions from the financial to the cultural and from the economic to the personal. Almost all such attacks have failed and many of them are now having a cumulative effect on western economies and populations. The western powers  have in effect metaphorically-speaking  shot themselves multiple times in the foot and to such a degree that they risk being unable to stand.

Thus both Russia and China are strengthened in their attempt to remain in ever-greater extent invulnerable to western attacks seeking to undermine and transform them. Meanwhile, with western nations becoming weaker and both Asian and Eurasian nations adhering ever closer to each other along with many nations in the global south (many who have aspirations to join BRICS) the probability of a robust and self-sustaining multipolar world free of western threats, attacks and violent military attempts to undermine them becomes an ever more tangible aspiration.

If a fully multipolar world with fully independent, sovereign and inviolate nations eventuate from the mix of economic dynamics now in play then the final nails will be hammered into the coffin of western elite aspirations to dictate how these newly, fully sovereign and inviolate nations will govern themselves in perpetuity. At that point the era of the World Bully/Policeman of the collective West will finally be over.

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