Tuesday, 14 March 2023


Does Joe Biden care about anything except those things he perceives as the national interests of the USA?

It would appear not.

Reckless doesn’t quite cover his recent actions he took in concert with his brothers and sisters in sanctions across in Europe. Making as big an economic mess as possible seems to be the name of the game of Russian Roulette Biden is playing currently.

All those playing this dangerous and potentially fatal game in the last chance saloon are tagging along as they have done for decades now, indeed since the end of world war two. I wonder if they’d still tag along after Biden drags them into world war three? Will one or two make for those swinging doors before the shoot out begins? I wonder.

Biden has set an economic chain reaction going with his latest throw of the dice, to encourage ending Russian gas supplies. Who knows, Putin may agree to this request sooner than expected. He needs the European and North American markets right now like he needs a hole in the head such as one of the Ukrainian peace negotiators to intent on achieving that goal did.

The sanctions upon Russia have had the effect of sending the nations of the collective west into a tailspin. Russia on the other hand has just announced that it is doing better than ever economically. It appears that everything the western leaders do has had the opposite effect than that intended over the past 12 months.

Biden is of course a political thug of the old school, much used to being abrasive and creating policies that divided the USA rather than unite it. In his latest endeavours to continue pushing Russia into a corner in similar manner to his predecessors he has managed to put a bomb under Europe’s economic future as well as, in due course, under that of his own nation.

Is anybody in the West at all concerned about this? Has the economic blast that is still with them from Covid made them all punch-drunk and maniacally and wholly irresponsible, full of the glee of insanity… ready to throw whatever babies are necessary out with the bathwater? What gives. Anyone know?

What could be the overarching imperative issue that makes the possible ruination of our entire world “worth it”?

Retention of the level of global domination, power and influence over the planet that it now still has to an ever-lessening degree? The desire to keep the shekels rolling in that all that influence gains you when you are the big cheese, top dog and ones with constant pole position? The recognition, long held, that unless something is done China is going to get too big to compete against, manipulate or eliminate? The overwhelming need to destroy any and all elements that might someday merge to make a recurrence of 9/11 possible?

All of the above and more maybe?

When you are exceptional, superior to all others, keep telling yourself so and a huge proportion of your in-house mythology, legacy, status, income, self-view and the jollies you get from being powerful… could all disappear, eclipsed by those “Commies” might you indeed be capable of almost ANYTHING?

Even throwing the whole world under a bus in your absolute, desperate need to remain right where you feel it’s your inalienable right to be, the world’s police, judge, jury and executioner all rolled up into one?

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