Tuesday, 14 March 2023



Things could not have gone in a better direction with a more positive outlook for our common global outlook if they had been planned that way.

The political elites of the western world have managed to create a fast-evolving situation that is stripping them of the last vestiges of what were already fast-fading powers.

By driving Russia into a corner and leaving no way out but the one she eventually took, the West opened a Pandora’s Box of indignities, humiliations and economic horrors for itself. And in so doing set in train an ever-faster movement toward a multipolar world.

The nations of the global south are observing the last weak hurrah of western aggression in respect of its largely now impotent reliance on threat and military means to get its way. The days when its threats meant something and delivered the required fear to get its way have been seen to dissipate steadily in recent years.

The debacle in Afghanistan and the continuing disasters in Libya, Iraq and Syria have been more than enough to prove to the nations of the global south that they must find new exemplars of good governance. The self-seeking belligerence of the West will no longer manage to maintain others in situations vulnerable to its commands.

Ukraine has been the final straw for nations that previously accepted the yoke of western dominance. More and more we see this yoke being thrown off by nations determining to become free to choose partners rather than predators.

In recent years some of these nations stood up to what has been until recently the global cop, the USA. Cuba has been one of the bravest of these. Venezuela also. These nations show no sign of returning to acceptance of the western yoke. It now lies abandoned, thrown off by a steadily growing number of proud, sovereign nations.

China has long presented a far more equitable and sanely-based policy in regard to partner nations. No threats. No onerous demands. Only win-win solutions where cooperation, investment and mutually beneficial resource-sharing occurs, quite irrespective of the mode of governance involved.

There is no sign whatsoever that China wishes to take the place of the global ogre, the USA. The era of domination from above is ending. The effectiveness of the previous modus operandi of the West, the arm-twisting, bribery and threat-based command structure is weakening now almost by the day.

In recent times another great nation of the global south, India has stepped away from being unaligned and has embraced a renewed and strengthened relationship with Russia. This relationship is destined to grow stronger and stronger as there is now no reason to be intimidated by a USA rapidly diminishing in its reach and influence.

Russia too continues to mirror the same attitudes as its Chinese partners in displaying tolerance for a diversity of political and ideological systems of governance, primarily interested in increasing the economic prosperity of all through trading relations exemplified by high levels of mutual respect and co-operation. All very much in contrast with the strong arm tactics of the West so despised, secretly or openly for so long now.

In Latin America more and more nations are rejecting the extremists who the USA prefer in power. A renewed ‘Pink Tide’ is on its way. In Europe too I predict we will see enormous political changes before too long. Macron in France is on shaky ground as are Scholz and his idiot colleagues. The geopolitical tectonic plates are shifting… and not in the West’s direction.

In addition to all of the above we have now have a quite remarkable number of nations desiring to become members of the BRICS group. If nothing else shows the way the western powers, the USA, UK and EU have been diminished in stature, reputation, power and influence this fact does.

And, in recent days we have seen China step in an broker a peace deal between what have been two deadly enemies in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and Iran. The shock wave is rippling across the centres of power in the West from this game-changing accomplishment. It is yet one more sign of the rise in influence of the Chinese and the corresponding failing influence of the West.

The level of mindless incompetence across the western world then, has been immense. This combined with the constant self-admiring, self-interested ego full desire to remain in power no matter the consequences for the populations of their countries. Together these factors have produced a disaster now unfolding which cannot help but bring these cretinous politicians crashing down as their citizens rise to eliminate the source of their woes.

And oh the irony. Like a fly caught in a spider’s intricate web, every movement the western powers make only gets them stuck ever more completely within a web where all exit routes produce conditions worse than those encountered before. This because those exit routes would require an admission of failure and inevitable disaster for every political reputation involved. So the status quo of interminable and unavoidable disaster continues to see deterioration within the most fundamental structures that made up the previously powerful West.

The western powers are condemned to inflict all this on themselves. Quite fitting wouldn’t you say for those who lived by exploitation, belligerent threats and the ever-present promise of violence? It is all now coming back to hit them squarely in the face, further diminishing them and their reputation.

”Goodbye to all that”, just about sums up the attitude of the community of nations in the global south regarding the fading power of the West. And, well met to those nations now known to offer friendship without strings, an honest handshake, and a vision of a multipolar world that provides trustworthy partners along with a sustainable peace that cannot help but gladden every heart.

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