Whatever the end result of the titanic struggle currently taking place we will certainly live on a planet radically different than the one previous generations to ours have known.
The elites of the collective west are quite clearly determined to insist that their definition of right conduct, right leadership and right systems of governance be accepted worldwide and are willing to do almost anything to ensure their vision for the world is realised.
A homogeneous world where liberal hegemony prevails globally is their vision, one that refuses existence to any opposition in the name of what they frame as ‘freedom’, ‘democracy’, ‘western liberal values’ and a ‘rules based system’ according to their definition and design.
The world to come, if determined by the elites of the West will brook no resistance to the standards set by them, and will demand obedience to the codes of conduct they insist are the only acceptable standard.
Tolerance for any forms of governance than those set as standard by them will end. The monitoring of potential deviation from those standards will be constant and any infractions regarding those standards will certainly be punished in one form or another.
There will be one set of principles, one form of justice, one narrative on world events and one dominant power of control.
Currently many forms of governance exist which, if the western powers achieve their goals, will disappear forever never to be replaced. The determination is clearly to replace every last one of these, eliminating them and substituting systems which adhere to the standards, values, principles and systems of the collective west.
This standardised world will inevitably take shape if the conclusion of the struggle now taking place sees western powers realizing their goals.
If however those that the western powers now seek to eliminate and replace prevail there will continue to be a diverse variety of governance systems, sets of principles regarding how life is best lived, ethical and moral standards and the mix of restrictions and freedoms seen now. No homogenisation will take place and the western project to transform the world will end.
With the war being waged by the West against those unwilling to accept a collective west-ordered world, the unipolar world demanded, being lost, with western elites effectively quarantined, unable to press home their demands, what world will then result?
China and Russia, being the two primary opponents of the unipolar system of world dominance are clearly uninterested in the kind of uniformity sought by the USA, UK and their allies. Trade in the furtherance of better conditions of life for their populations are their clear primary goals. Tolerance for diversity and an absence of any intention to eliminate or radically change the governance systems, life principles, ethical or moral values appear to be the foundation of that new world in prospect.
Alongside tolerance for all the many diverse systems of that world and in parallel with it would be their expectation that their own traditions, values and systems also be respected as they tolerate those of others. Security and sovereignty with agreement at the highest level would ensure relations allowed for trading relations to continue unhindered.
These are the two possible worlds that await us. One is a strictly monitored world by the western powers now insisting that all nations MUST adhere to the principles of behaviour and governance they require as standard. The other is a world not greatly divergent from the one we have know to date at its best where great diversity exists within a framework of trade and coexistence.
Currently the overarching unity sought by the institution of the United Nations is being superseded by the western powers intent on their own goals which they conceive of as being more urgent than the keeping of peace. If they prevail there will hardly be need for such an organisation as the will of the West will be done, constantly insisted upon and systems of control and punishment will ensure this is the case for any deviation from its standards.
In the alternate world should China and Russia prevail the United Nations will achieve a peak of influence only dreamed of in the past.
The world as we have known it is ending. The world to come will not be as it has been until now.
Each one of us now will be affected by the momentous changes currently taking place and each one of us must decide on which side of history we stand.
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