Friday, 21 July 2023


The fall of the Kiev regime that follows closely on the coming defeat of its military forces in the Donbass region will hardly mark the last collapse associated with the enormous mistake the western powers have made through pushing Russia into war with Ukraine.

It is rapidly becoming clear that the Ukrainian people are itching to bring down Zelensky and all his minions. A recent poll conducted by one of George Soros’ many groupings has found that Ukrainians both within the country and outside it by an extremely high percentage agree with the Russian description of the causes of the conflict and NOT with those of their so-called president or the leaders of the western world. Just as soon as they get the chance to exercise their votes the Ukrainian people will ensure that the Zelensky dictatorship and his so-called government will be gone and at the very least a neutral, if not outright pro-Russian president and government, will take their place.

Ukraine will then very quickly become a neutral buffer state between Russia and those that seek to weaken it and split it into controllable parts.

The end of extremist Ukraine will signal the fall of many others across the western world that sought to use it as a tool to undermine Russia. National leaders in the USA, Germany, France and many others will fall in quick succession.

In addition to the politicians who fomented war against Russia via Ukraine there are others who will surely find their reputations severely damaged if not brought crashing down to nought within the media field. The most prestigious titles and channels with the highest numbers of readers and viewers have consistently lied and embroidered the facts, skewing them to such a degree that the result has been a deeply conditioned population within the western world and its allies.

The level of humiliation and teeth-grinding angst resulting from the collapse of the anti-Russian project and the continual rise of Russia in economic terms as well as influence across the Global South and beyond will be enormous. Of course, as with the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity and their attendant lies regarding Iraq, Libya and Syria, no trials will take place. All will be swept under a very bloody carpet as usual. Like Blair and Bush the politicians and editors involved will write their memoirs explaining how they were right to do as they did and how others failed to do the right thing. We all know the drill by now.

But heads WILL roll and behind closed doors all will be known and you can be sure future historians will place blame where it is deserved. One of those who will be held chiefly responsible will be the current president of the USA, Joe Biden. The level of criminality and corruption to be revealed in his case will be truly breathtaking. Along with Biden a host of others in high places will be seen to have acted in the most disgustingly dishonest way imaginable, bringing the entire panoply of elite western life into total disrepute.

The level of change that will occur as a result of the coming collapse of the West’s pet Ukrainian project will be profound. An entire generation of misbegotten politicians will be swept away, lucky not to be tarred and feathered or strung up on the nearest lamp post on their exit. Public faith in politicians, already at an almost impossibly low ebb will fall even further. Only certain figures who have shown their capacity to communicate truthfully will be found at that point to provide an example for all those who follow. Sickened by the lies that have been told across the western world for so long now one man in particular will be held as the example for all politicians to come.

The man who is already extremely highly respected by those in the know and those who know all too well the capacity for dishonesty among the western political and media elites, is Russian president Vladimir Putin. The most frequent and biggest lies of all have been reserved for him. These lies have been told in gushing waterfalls ever since a speech he made in February of 2007 in Munich. Though many will scoff, secure in their belief Vladimir Putin is all that he has been called, these poor wretches will ultimately be seen as the most humiliated and conditioned dupes of all, true victims of the liars who have run the western world for two decades and more now.

Bob Dylan is famous for a particular song he wrote and sang in the Sixties by the name of ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’. A more appropriate anthem for the aftermath of the disgraceful years that the collective west has experienced would be difficult to find. A bonfire of the vanities is about to occur. A searing liquidation of all the political and media liars is coming. Well known names will be made to hang their heads in shame and at least a few of them will admit to their crimes that have cost so many their lives, Ukrainians and Russians both.

Peace was possible. The callous and terminally cynical and dishonest politicians of the western world in league with their mainstream broadcasters and most well known newspaper titles should by rights be put on trial and given the harshest possible sentences for their part in the mass murder that has continued since 2014 in Ukraine and which they seek to continue as this commentary is written. They will receive their comeuppance even if it is not to the fullest degree that they deserve, but it IS coming.

And soon...

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