Wednesday, 26 July 2023


It is difficult to know where to start in answering the question above. The reason why this is such a difficult question to answer in short form is due to the fact that there is almost no policy over which any of these politicians preside that is either appropriate, well intentioned or well applied.

The only thing these incompetent people seem to do is make existing problems much worse while recklessly lying about them and pouring money down various drains in response to them. The combination of criminality, deceit, corruption and incompetence is a deadly one and it is destroying the western world. All the while this is going on its citizens appear largely benumbed or drug-dazed into a kind of stupor about the collapse in their countries and the seemingly braindead/thug-like, airheaded political elites who run them.  

It is not simply Joe Biden in the USA who is perpetrating these gross acts of criminality and incompetence. It is also his allied numbskulls in Europe that appear tied to that nation like hapless victims falling together in chains off a sinking ship. Political lifeboats are there for their use… but they seem totally blinded to their existence by dire hallucinations that permeate all their brains.

That common hallucination they all share is Ukraine in all its opaque manifestations as perceived in the deluded/demented minds of the western elites. They avoid like the plague anything resembling the truth about that land. An entire fake scenario of desired realities is being constantly thrown up about Ukraine, a facade consisting of wishful thinking and politically necessary factoids that just might give some positive spin to their political futures.

The dysfunctional approach described above has all the characteristics of a mental ailment where chronic lying has taken over step by step until it has become habitual if not fully resembling an addictive state. 

Political spin has grown over the years from slight manipulations of fact to ever greater proportions of downright deceit. In the case of Ukraine the spin is at absolute maximum. The degree to which the U.S. Department of Defence resembles the ‘Ministry of Truth’ in George Orwell’s classic novel, ‘1984’, is astonishing. For those who have not read the book the ‘Ministry of Truth’ in the book deals in wholesale fabrications and lies. 

It is quite breathtaking to see the extent to which the level of integrity, such as it has been within the western political sphere, has plummeted in recent years. Of course sticking to the truth was never quite seen as necessary in the debating societies out of which many western politicians have emerged in recent times. Embroidering the facts has long been the practice of those who sought to win the argument as their priority rather than framing the facts to most closely approximate reality. But now, the very raw nature of the outright lying and consistent broadcasting of those lies by each and every minion below the upper echelons is jaw-dropping.

Nothing being currently said by Joe Biden or those closest to him can be said to be worth a damn. In fact you can take each statement and reverse it to approximate the facts. They play their parts with scripts written by fantasists who aim constantly to dupe western populations, to condition their minds with falsity and render them into a stupified zombie state of controlled idiocy.

Biden, a political thug his entire life went into full on criminal mode regarding Ukraine when responsibility for it was given to him by Obama. Some of his criminal dealings in Ukraine are already known and many more appear ready to explode onto the western public consciousness. That is if western mainstream media is not similarly, indeed identically affected by the criminality and deviousness of the politicians it now serves rather than western populations.

The USA is now run by and for a politico-corporate entity sometimes posing as headed by politicians and at other times by directors of corporations within the military industrial complex. The policies they agree are virtually all designed to benefit the two halves of the same criminal and corrupt entity. One hand washes the other, while those they pretend to serve go completely unattended to, unwashed and seemingly unwanted. Politics in the USA has become a dirty thing run like a Mafia gang where billions in income pays for PR executives to snow the marks effectively so they stay unaware of how well and often they are being shafted.

Ukraine is just the latest scam that the politico-corporate entity above has foisted on the people of the USA and which has been assisted by their proxies in the UK and Europe. It is nothing more than a money-laundering scam combined with a ploy to extricate the top Mafia boss by the name of Biden from the ticking time bomb of his criminal enterprises there. Biden appears happy to wipe Ukraine off the map and with it all record of the criminal dealings of himself and his vile-natured son there. At this point these two crooks, through the office of the presidency, have infected the entire western world with their corruption.  

Millions across the western world will now suffer for at least a generation as the totally self-interested politico-corporate elites attempt to cover their asses at their massive cost. Hundreds of thousands in Ukraine have already died to do so and with no end in sight to western corruption and criminality it appears hundreds of thousands more are destined to die in future. There appears to be zero desire to end the conflict in Ukraine until the goals of the politico-corporate elite have ground that country into the dirt and massively impoverished Europe as a result. American has become first at last, first criminal in a line of many such degenerates stretching right across the western world. Criminal, corrupt and incompetent. A devastating combination that can only be answered, solved and healed by western populations rising up and ejecting every last one these criminals and sociopaths from office as soon as humanly possible. 

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The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being d...