Thursday, 31 August 2023


It was a clever move but not without precedent. Those who had read George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’ were (or should have been) very familiar with it. Those who hadn’t… well, most appear to have been taken in, many completely.

The runup to the morphing into a totalitarian controlled zone was gradual. The establishment of that zone required a clear enemy (as in ‘1984’) a perpetual and heinous enemy with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. A source of pure evil and a history of vile deeds that put that enemy beyond the pale. That enemy was relentlessly demonised by every form of media for a decade and a half. Books, magazine and newspaper articles, television programmes, speeches by prominent political figures and by notable pundits and commentators. Any counter arguments to the prevailing narratives promulgated by mass media and senior figures had no meaningful effect. As far as the vast mass of the general public were concerned they had been told the truth and that “truth” was laid in deep in the subconscious by myriad sources relentlessly communicating the same message: “Here is our evil enemy, the enemy you should fear, loathe, hate and wish totally defeated, eliminated and replaced. This enemy cannot be redeemed, no good will come from talking with it. Diplomacy is wasted on it. It should only be tricked, fooled, confused, and relentlessly attacked until it is no more.

This tactic, employed consistently since 2007 worked all but perfectly. The only ones not conditioned completely by the relentlessly negative targeting of them were those who had an interest in geopolitics and had observed how half-truths and downright lies had become a weapon of war in the two decades before when a series of nations were attacked in one form or another by use of deceptive and dishonest means. Most people however had remained largely oblivious to the lies they were told during this time, either didn’t care much or firmly believed the lies were true and supported each and every attack or invasion. The majority of western populations then were open to a fresh series of conditioning messages broadcast from every possible media source and elite communication. Despite all the fabrications of the past two decades the new fabrications passed for truth with the majority, indeed with almost everyone. The percentage of skeptics was undoubtedly extremely low.

So, the groundwork was laid for the next push by those who had held the levers of power regarding the regime change wars of choice that had gone before. They or those who took their place and held the same stances regarding foreign policy as those they replaced. The necessity to destroy the enemy was held as a sacrosanct and unquestionable fixed idea. To rebel against it meant career suicide and was totally unthinkable. To demonstrate that you were the most fervent believer in that necessity was the path to ever-greater success, job advancement and all-round acceptance by your peers. In this way the coming totalitarian environment for the general population began with its installation in all the corridors of power across the West.

What were the reasons for such a dramatic shift in behaviour? Western state institutions had always been highly conservative and used to a certain degree of uniformity in thinking… but at the same time it was realised that complete uniformity might lead to blind spots where reality was obscured by dogma and fixed modes of thinking. Specialist teams in the UK Foreign Office and U.S. StateDepartment along with similar components in the UK MI5/6 and CIA had performed similar functions. By 2011 however, all were to be politicised and very soon after virtually all mass media also. From then on there would one single view, one series of narratives and, for the time being one single enemy. But why? Why do this to a system that had by and large worked well for you over centuries? Why turn a complex world of colourful geopolitical realities into one simple black and white fabrication?

Because the worst thing imaginable was going to happen to you. You were going to become impotent, weak and no longer able to have your way. The entire proud edifice of western power was clearly at enormous risk. The political, economic and military power and influence of the West was in imminent threat of dissolution in geopolitical terms threat. It was clear that within thirty years at most what had been built up over the previous three hundred would be totally lost. Those first would soon be last. All the status, the power, the pride, the “glorious” history, the right to govern, to manipulate, exploit, punish, obliterate, denigrate and push around would be gone… forever, never to return. Powers were seen to be rising that would take it all away, every last prideful and sexy, glorious and self-appointed, enriching and empowering, chest-puffing and status-ensuring reason for being what it was always assumed they would be forever and a day, special, exceptional and always, superior. The warders of the world would lose their place. The global cops would be retired and told to stay home. It was utterly unacceptable.

And so here we are. What was seen thirty years ago to be coming has arrived. Ironically brought on in a significant degree by the very actions designed to thwart it. The western elites, the power junkies that they have become over centuries, are losing their fix. And we all know what happens when a junkie begins to lose his or her fix. Desperation sets in. A willingness to contemplate acts that would have been eschewed in times of plenty. And, as the fix became ever more endangered all aspects of earlier relatively reasonable and ethical behaviour began to be dispensed with. Torture began to be used and semantic exercises indulged in to justify it. Wars were initiated along with invasions and attacks of many kinds both overt and covert, some using terrorist proxies. All leading to the point where no holds were barred at all. And this is also where we are now.

One of the primary weapons of these times where nothing is “off the table” is the creation of a coalition of states where the truth is what the agreed narrative is as decided by the coalition leader. In the case of the western states this is of course the USA, the state with most to lose by the rise of those who would inexorably take away its power, as foreseen all those years ago when the plans to counteract their development and to contain them were laid. The most potent element of the “truth” broadcast by all possible means was of course that about the enemy. That “truth” was paramount in creating the obedient states necessary to fight the enemy and to submit their taxes, energies and end of their life ambitions to the task of defeating that enemy without let or hindrance. And this is also where we are now. In a fight to the death with no Plan B, no questioning of the need to press onward, no matter the cost, even if the cost is the end of life itself as it has existed on this planet. Anything is better for the elites driving this juggernaut than losing the power and all that comes with it that they have enjoyed for so very long and cannot for even a second contemplate losing.

‘1984’ is recommended reading, to see where this leads, to understand what a totalitarian regime is capable of doing to its citizens. And then to consider the message of ‘1984’ in our present era where the use of strategic nuclear weapons is seen by some as yet another way to “win”...

Wednesday, 30 August 2023


Whatever you think of the ongoing efforts of the western powers to transform the world into its own image, whether you approve or disapprove, there is one aspect of this effort which is undeniable; the certainty of continued strife, military engagement, war, further mass deaths and destruction.

What lies behind this clear and urgent goal of the western powers to overcome all obstacles regarding national sovereignty, international law and accepted norms of behaviour regarding how the world has been organised since the end of World War Two? What can account for the seeming driving ambitions behind what, on the face of it, is a task that will certainly mean at least one if not two generations blighted by the scourge of constant war?

Perhaps you believe as the western powers purport to that the need to spread freedom, democracy and human rights for all justifies the scenario painted above. That it will all be worth it for the generations to come apart from the possible exception of the next two. Perhaps you can visualise a world where the western powers have established themselves once and for all as the global cops in perpetuity and believe this is the best possible outcome. That our world will then be a virtual prison planet maintained in a state of constant surveillance against disaffected individuals and groups doesn’t concern you.

There does appear to be a large percentage of western populations who take the view that supporting their leaders in all they do, from Vietnam to Iraq to Syria to now Ukraine is absolutely the right thing to do. They can be seen to be extremely active across social media platforms providing their support for the political elite of the USA, UK and Europe. They can be seen forcefully supporting the Ukrainian forces against Russia on a daily basis, seeking every possible way to degenerate those who take the opposite view and stance. To what degree are those offering this support realise the implications of the West winning against Russia is unknown.

Russia as we all know is not the sole or even primary target of the West. China remains to be dealt with if the West should succeed against Russia. (Though it is worth considering what it means to succeed against Russia. What kind of state would the country with the largest land mass and most diverse ethnic make up be? Where is the guarantee that such a broken state could be controlled?) When the USA and its coalition of the willing brought Afghanistan to its knees they quickly moved on to do the same to Iraq, then Libya and before long, Syria. If Russia was defeated would they move quickly on to China?

Anyone who thinks any of the above will bring speedy solutions and perfect outcomes is surely deluding themselves. Yet the gung-ho attitude displayed by many in cheering on the USA and its allies into ever greater interventions vis a vis Ukraine display no qualms as if all will be dealt with without any major problem… just keep fuelling the fire and we’ll all wildly applaud as death and destruction is meted out to ever greater degree. Do they see all this in terms of greater freedom, democracy and human rights? You have to wonder. Is anything at all cerebral involved? We must surely doubt it.

There must be something elemental and visceral involved in all this that totally overpowers the cerebral. Fixed notions of superiority and tribal emotions where the deepest roots of violence, hatred and desire to destroy come into play. Such deep set, subconscious energies, driven by massive adrenaline boosts in fight mode inevitably eliminate all logical functions, intellectual considerations and even basic common sense. We see this even at the level of what these days passes for diplomacy. In recent decades it has more resembled schoolyard disputes where rivals shout insults and accusations toward each other. In fact the usual niceties of the diplomatic art appear to have been completely abandoned in the West.

The goal appears very definitely to be to destroy the enemy, to destroy ALL enemies in fact, and replace them. Since the hours following 9/11 there can surely be no doubt in any mind that the goal fixed upon was to urgently destroy all those who might create the conditions for a second 9/11. It is an obvious conclusion to make that the forever war being waged upon all those who the USA considers its enemies is a direct result of the decisions made immediately after 9/11. What other motivating force could be so strong that the very future of the world could be put at risk to attain the goal set? The conclusion that it remains the events of 9/11 that fuels all we see occurring now in Ukraine and that all was in fact eminently avoidable.

It is our conclusion that there was never any question of the Ukraine war being avoided. The Ukraine war was seen as a necessity by the western powers, a required device through which Russia was to be weakened, brought to its knees and then broken up. Financial and economic sanctions would provide the death blow to the Russian authorities, the Ukraine war would drain it of resources, many thousands of Russians would die, the Russian people would rise up due to all these factors combined and the West would step in to take over. Then China would be dealt with in similar fashion though a much tougher nut to crack.

Failing in its goal set after 9/11 is not considered an acceptable option across the political elite cabal of the West. They are fixed on this. Those in the USA to 100% and all others in the UK and Europe at almost the same level. Losing control of the world, held for so long in the West, is unimaginable and anathema to them and reinforcement of that dominance became an especially urgent task after 9/11. There was to be no Plan B. No turning back. On to victory… or death. Death of whom you might say? Most likely death of everyone, for the present reality seems clear, the western political elites appear to consider that it would be better to have no world at all than one they cannot control.

Tuesday, 29 August 2023


The world desires an end to war. The BRICS group and a multipolar world is the obvious route to the peaceful planet desired by the vast majority of us. The western world, led by the USA and UK are doing everything possible to stop any such world emerging. Their actions, if successful, will lead to what they call a ‘Forever War’, a world where war and the threat of war is constant. However, the plans of the West that will lead to ever more war are being increasingly thwarted by the rejection of these plans by an increasing number of nations.

The western powers have brought ruin upon their populations and with it the contempt of a rising number of countries who see their chance to finally escape the western net of exploitation and intimidation. In recent days we have seen six new nations join the BRICS group, SaudiArabia, Iran, UnitedArabEmirates, Argentina, Ethiopia and Egypt. Over thirty additional nations have expressed their desire to join. The era of western domination is fast ending and a truly multipolar world based upon cooperation rather than confrontation, tolerance rather than tyranny and agreements rather than aggression is becoming a reality before our very eyes.

It is not before time that a sane geopolitical scenario worldwide becomes a real possibility, it can easily be argued that it has come at the very last moment. Western wars of choice have shattered anything resembling stability across the planet in recent decades and their ready use of threats, violence, invasion and myriad covert means of waging war shows no sign of ending. In Ukraine we see only the latest example of a string of interventions stretching back through Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria before it. The aggressive rhetoric of US and UK politicians and the ready support of that rhetoric by their mass media entities provides the only picture we need, in combination with the wars mentioned above, to recognise there is no peaceful future via the status quo.

The problem of the past which is causing the change we see now has been the desire of one region of the planet to dominate all others. Some may say the motivation was good, to spread freedom and democracy throughout the world. The result however, no matter what the intent, has been to create a world far from free or democratic but instead a world filled with an abiding fear. Where is the next war to break out, where the next atrocity, where will torture and rendition be used next, who will be on the receiving end of sanctions if they do not obey those in the west who command their obedience? This situation, whereby one region of the world seeks continually to dominate, control, exploit, punish and threaten all others has finally caused a revolt among those who have been subject for generations to western threat and attack.

The continent of Africa in particular is signalling its wish to be released from the virtual bondage and national slavery it has lived under for so long now. The African nations have resources that should by rights make African populations rich, providing high standards of living for all. Yet, due to the kind of deals made by western governments and corporations and the remains of the colonial era supervisors such as the French, the people of Africa by and large remain extremely poor. Now, with powerful friends such as China and Russia, African nations are increasingly showing their determination to break out of the abusive relationship they have had with the West.

That SaudiArabia and the UnitedArab Emirates have joined an economic union (BRICS) along with Iran is, some would say, a miraculous development. Who would have thought that the previously arch enemies of Saudi Arabia and Iran would do such a thing even a few short years ago? The peacemakers of China are bringing national leaders together in unity and those leaders see with clear eyes that at last this is their chance, their long-awaited chance, to strike a new path, one that will see their individual nation states enjoy the fruits of their national resources rather than watch them leave, enjoyed by others. Those joining BRICS now and those standing in line wishing to join see with utmost clarity that the old order of western dominance is ending and a new era is within grasp. And almost everything the West is doing now is making this reality ever clearer and the need to escape the influence of the western world ever more urgent.

The wars of choice engaged in by western nations in their ‘Coalition of the Willing’ and their disastrous consequences have been one of the primary reasons for the incredible geopolitical shift we see emerging before us. The second primary reason, without which there would have been a continual inability to escape western dominance with certainty, has been the economic rise of China. Nations who have been firmly under the thumb of western nations now have an alternative source of power and assistance to call upon. In addition, there is the BRICS group, including Russia that an increasing number of nations see as their way out of the western grip that has held them in fear and in a continual state of economic abuse. The factors above are powerful enough motivators to expend energy now to ensure a full escape from the West. However, there is one final and conclusive reason and that is Ukraine.

The USA, UK and their allies in the European Union created the situation we see now in Ukraine. Though their propaganda says otherwise any honest observer who studies the machinations of these powers during the many years since 2014 will know that it is they, not Russia, that has caused the present tragedy in Ukraine. The same mendacious tactics, the same ultra-aggressive policies and the same disdain for diplomacy have brought us here. Russia struggled for almost a decade to find a peaceful path to a settlement, not only concerning the destiny of the Russian-speaking people of eastern Ukraine but also that of the entire security framework of Europe in respect of all parties, including Russia.

It should be clear to any neutral observer that the western powers, USA, UK and EU, never wished to see a peaceful outcome to the need for Russian security concerns to be addressed. No willingness whatsoever to settle difficult issues through diplomatic negotiations was evidenced by the western powers. Incredibly enough it was even admitted by both Angela Merkel and the ex-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, that the process Russia invested so much time and effort into to find peace, was a sham. The West was using the Minsk process only to give Ukraine time to rearm, nothing more.

Even after all that they had done and admitted to, the western powers displayed shock and surprise as the Ukraine conflict broke out that a large number of nations worldwide refused to condemn Russia as they demanded. The level of self-delusion by these western powers was clearly evidenced, they still clearly believed their self-congratulatory notions of being the world’s saviour rather than its primary abuser. Their confusion was evident yet they persisted in their goal, to weaken, undermine and break apart Russia using Ukraine as their tool. Every nation refusing to condemn Russia saw the true perpetrators of this latest war, the same perpetrators of all the others mentioned above.

The era of western dominance is therefore ending. Ukraine is the very last war the West will engender. Behaviours that had to be tolerated in the past due to western dominance and lack of alternatives will never again be supported. The desire of the world is for peace, for a return diplomacy and the search for peace, and beyond this, to a world where agreements are sought for, where trading relationships build trust and investment among cooperating nations creates stability. War was always the ugliest of all pursuits. Only those who had never fought in a war could ever relish waging one. The Russian people who lost some 27 million in WWII certainly never relished war. Only the neoconservatives of the USA, UK and EU in their ivory towers could do so. This will be their final war. Their spectacular missteps have ensured the end of the dominance that made it and all their other misbegotten wars possible.

Monday, 28 August 2023


The entire elite panoply of the western world has been undermined and unrecoverably damaged. Its power to effect changes in the world and to manipulate outcomes has been reduced significantly and will inevitably reduce to an ever greater extent. The catastrophic series of mistakes made by the West’s political elites, continuing as they do to this day, have damaged and continue to damage the present and future well being and standard of life of all westerners.

The degree of damage that these mistakes and miscalculations have wrought is inestimable. The effects will be felt by all future generations in the West and historians will inevitably assign blame where it is due even though those involved seek by every possible means to justify themselves and to cover their tracks today. This will be cold comfort indeed for the general populations of those countries who have lost so much at their hands and who will surely seek justice before too much longer, but in vain.

The genesis of the present and future catastrophe for the West lies in a combination of hubris and ignorance. It has been the level of institutionalised overconfidence in the overweening might and influence abused repeatedly in recent years (to little positive and much negative effect) that has led directly to this point. It appears no lessons were learnt from the negative outcomes seen plainly by the rest of the world. Contrition appears to have been totally absent concerning these failures, there being an unacceptable risk of denting the confidence that had to be maintained at all costs.

The institutional blindness created among western political elites regarding past failures and their desperate need to shore up confidence in the face of the goals set up post 9/11 to transform the world in their favour, meant that a disaster at some level was inevitable. But what made the disaster so incredibly catastrophic, continuing to this very day and showing no sign of diminishing, was the continual doubling down in the hope of eventually finding a way to prevail and achieve those goals.

The anvil that has broken every western hammer brought down upon it is of course Russia. The primary hammer that western politicians believed would crack Russia forever and drive it out of the league of great powers was of course Ukraine. Ukraine was the tool the West believed would be used to devastating effect in the undermining of their secondary target Russia, before engaging in the campaign against their most important target of all, China. The political and military failures of the West,along with their disastrous consequences, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Libya and Syria were consigned resolutely to the past. This time they would succeed as they knew they must. Failure was not an option. There was no Plan B when it came to the goals set after 9/11. To relent was unthinkable. For these reasons and despite monumental failure, doubling down was considered the ONLY option.

The Miscalculation.

There is a certain “Yes Sir!” mentality within the highest echelons of the U.S. political hierarchy in particular which sees a reflection of sorts across all its allies, particularly so in the United Kingdom. This evidences itself in a determination only to reflect confidence and deliver what is asked with as few questions asked as possible. In the environments where this mentality prevails reality fast fades from discussion replaced by a show of confidence, positivism and a perpetually maintained can-do approach. The vital details of reality are replaced by a vacuous level of overconfidence that initiates ever greater degrees of blindness which over time breed a fantasyland where mistakes of enormous proportion become inevitable.

Russia was portrayed in the political circles of the West as weak, a ‘gas station with nukes’. Those who new better within the U.S. state department and UK foreign office had long been silenced due to the effects of 9/11 whereby only information that helped achieve the post-9/11 goals was required. All western intelligence agencies were politicised to one degree or another and that of the USA to by far the greatest degree. Being realistic was out of fashion, hard facts with which to come to sound conclusions began to be replaced by politically useful soundbytes. The myopia of the political decision makers of the West once institutionalised could not help but grow until it led to the complete disaster we see unfolding before us now.

Russia was no longer weak by early 2022 when the disaster for the West began to unfold. The notion that Russia remained unchanged from the catastrophic Yeltsin years continued to hold sway in the fantasyland milieu of western elite mindsets. She would be a pushover, her undermining would be easy. And so an entire roster of financial and economic sanctions were prepared. In order to unleash these against Russia it was required that Russia be cornered with no way out but to enter the trap set for it. Ukraine was of course the trap and the baiting of that trap and the channeling of Russia toward that trap continued all the way from 2014 to the early months of 2022. There would be no escape for Russia, every possibility of a peaceful outcome to the Ukraine question would be denied.

No matter how much Russia attempted to avoid the trap set for her no such escape was allowed. For the USA and its allies it was vital (due to the requirements of the post-9/11 goals) for Russia to be destroyed and Ukraine was the only way seen to effectively accomplish this. Russia was weak, the economic tools to dismantle her were in place, all that was needed was to allow her no escape from the jaws of the Ukrainian trop that awaited her. No diplomatic escape was to be encouraged. In late 2021 Russia put forward proposals for the creation of a new security architecture for Europe whereby a framework for stability and trust could be erected. It was dismissed. Just as the Minsk Agreements had been a ploy to set Russia up for the initiation of the trap and to ready the forces necessary to destroy Russia within it so this last attempt at finding a diplomatic settlement by Russia was also doomed to failure.

The western elites succeeded and on February 24th 2022 Russia entered the trap set for it and her military crossed the border into Ukraine. The trap closed and remains closed to this day. Russia remains inside. But the expected death of Russia within that trap has not occurred. Quite the reverse has occurred. Russia grows in strength despite the efforts of the West to double down time and time again, continuing to do so even now. Russia continues to win, not lose, both within that trap set for her and internationally.

The defeat of the current Ukrainian counteroffensive, the growth of the BRICS group and the obvious signs of economic and political distress in the West point with absolute clarity at a trap gone horribly wrong. It is the western world that is suffering, not Russia, the western elites who set the trap are being inexorably humiliated even while they continue to pour ever more scarce financial resources into Ukraine. It is their economies that are tottering toward recession with high inflation, not that of Russia. Russia, on the other hand, is showing economic growth and is ever more closely embraced by nations worldwide, in Eurasia, the Middle East, Latin America and the Global South, particularly so in Africa.

The catastrophic mistakes and miscalculations made by the political elites of the western world are monumental in scale. Vast financial resources have been squandered in constantly feeding their lost gambit to undermine Russia in Ukraine while vital infrastructure in their home countries increasingly show signs of major distress. The dominance of the dollar, for long seen as supreme, is now being seriously challenged by nations no longer as scared of the economic whip the USA and its allies could apply to them. Aligning with BRICS in their droves provides a long-sought level of protection. A strong China and strengthening Russia mean they have reliable, trustworthy allies to depend upon and trade with who are vitally interested in their well being as trading partners and who can and will invest in them and their future success. The tyrants to the west, the all-domineering and forever manipulating colonisers and exploiters who abused and threatened them for so long can now be treated as they deserve with a disgusted revulsion.

And left to descend into the economic, political and social morass which they have so ignorantly, arrogantly and so very blindly, created for themselves.

Friday, 18 August 2023


We can see that the situation which has developed is in the make or break, do or die category. Since 9/11 the USA and those in its orbit made a decision that they cannot tolerate a world that is not safe for them, i.e. a world where there are individuals, governments and systems of governance that are not compliant and even antagonistic toward them.

The decisions made immediately following 9/11 require the elimination (at all costs) of these entities. This (in my confirmed opinion) is why we are where we are now. I am extremely surprised and on a daily basis that 9/11 is never mentioned. No other event could possibly account for the determination we see now to take the situation regarding Ukraine to this extent and beyond.

The U.S. political elites and those allied with them wish to increase their position to one of 'full spectrum dominance' and will tolerate nothing less. A virtual prison planet will result of course. A prison planet where Russia, China and all like them have been completely undermined and their leaders and systems of governance replaced. We will then all be monitored from near space and whipped into line wherever and whenever it is considered necessary by the agents of the then supremely dominant powers, the USA primarily, then the UK and thirdly, by the EU elites.

This is certainly (in my mind) what awaits us if Russia and then China are undermined, weakened and destroyed and their systems of governance replaced. This is the grand scheme... all to ensure that there is a possibility as close to zero as possible that any such event as 9/11 could ever occur again.

That the 9/11 events are not an integral part of the discussion generally is incredibly surprising. It is these events that lie at the heart of the determination of the USA and its allies to carry the present conflict in Ukraine on and far beyond it. Those who are fuelling the war are doing so in full knowledge of the risks. However, for them these risks are far outweighed by the risks they see in the status quo where more 9/11 type events could eventually occur. That belief powers all we see happening now and any expectation that we will see some reduction in the determination to offset and eliminate that risk is totally misguided.

We are on course for one of three futures.

In the first and by far the only hopeful the rising union of Eurasian, Asian and Global South states will reach such a peak of economic, military and financial cooperation and successful outcomes that the ability of the USA and its allies to wield power and destructive force are reduced to such a degree that their virtual quarantining takes place. This of course is the promise contained within the concept of a multipolar world.

The second eventuality is the prison planet described above whereby the USA and its proxies permanently hold sway and work constantly to identify and eliminate any and all nascent threats against them.

The third and in many ways the most likely outcome if a multipolar world is too slow in rising to its most effective and power-changing extent globally is a nuclear conflict between east and west where the world is thrown back in vast areas to dystopian existence never before known. The world that rises from those ashes can hardly be hoped to develop in any sense that could be recognised as normal. Without doubt the conflict would continue even beyond the nuclear stage which in itself could last some weeks. Any semblance of normality is unlikely EVER to be resumed. Not, at least, for generations.

Thursday, 3 August 2023


The scenario you see rapidly unfolding now was not at all what was planned. Russia was, by this point in time, supposed to be in complete turmoil with its president ousted, chaos on its city streets and what was left of its military limping home after a resounding defeat by the NATO proxy army in Ukraine. Its economy was to have been fundamentally undermined and its political elite run out of office then replaced by west-oriented figures who would break Russia up into easily manageable parts. The world was to be turned against Russia after it being constantly pushed toward war against the Ukrainian authorities.

None of this was achieved. No significant weakening of Russia has taken place. The anticipated collapse in the Russian economy and banking sector failed to emerge and subsequently no mass revolt on Russian streets by suffering Russians took place. The popularity of the Russian president rose to new levels and the attitude of the Russian people toward the West soured significantly. Russia, rather than being isolated by the world community, found herself more in demand by major nations than she had ever been, these being some of the most powerful economies in the world. Russia's economy, after a period of adjustment, began to rise, not fall. And of course, the conflict in Ukraine that was supposed to finish Russia off, was steadily seen to move in Russia's favour.

There is hardly a single aspect of the West's plan for Russia that can be said to have worked out as envisaged. The very opposite result has been achieved in regard to weakening and isolating Russia. She is stronger today than ever and growing stronger by the day. This while western economies reel from increasing prices caused by the lack of inexpensive Russian gas which helped fuel them over recent decades. Inflation has taken root and recession awaits almost every one of the nations that signed on to the western plan for Russia. Russia has assigned then unfriendly status and, until they change their policies regarding Russia they look likely to continue on their downward trajectory.

To say this is a major defeat for the western war planners who believed they had the key to Russia's downfall is arguably the biggest understatement of all time. All the negative effects planned for Russia have rebounded on the nations of the planners and the likelihood is that the western political elites who signed up to the plan will fall, one after the other until not a single one of them is left standing. Some call this 'The Zelensky Curse' but more accurately it should be referred to as 'The Curse of Western Hubris', for it has been the dangerous overconfidence of the planners that has brought this disaster down upon their nations. A mix of out of date and completely erroneous assumptions about Russia, permanent arrogance, exceptionalism and false optimism has delivered a result of overwhelming disaster that will affect western nations for years to come.

The position of the West has been brought to its lowest levels ever seen just as the global south and major nations such as India, Saudi Arabia and many others across Eurasia, Asia and Latin America seek to draw closer to Russia. The BRICS group, of which Russia is a founding member, now has some forty nations seeking to join it and form economic alliances with the nations within it. In the most recent development a number of nations within the African continent have expressed a wish to drive out western colonialist powers and seek ties specifically with Russia. These eventualities along with dedollarisation where local currencies are used rather than the dollar must be causing increasing nightmares in the West.

The regime change wars of choice that the western political elites of the West have indulged in, in recent times are compounding the desire to exit from the western orbit many have reluctantly been in for a generation. With the rising power and influence of both Russia and China an increasing number of nations have realised that now is their moment of opportunity and by various means they are acting with alacrity to escape the long-held domination of the West over their affairs. Western demands that they censure Russia for the situation in Ukraine has fallen on deaf ears where the hypocrisy involved was recognised immediately. This is another factor that has added to the exodus of nations from their previous virtual imprisonment by the USA and its allies.

These trends show no sign of losing steam, in fact, as more nations openly express their antipathy toward the way the USA and those in its orbit have sought to rule the world ever more nations are displaying their increasing confidence and ability to break free from what they see as the oppressive and suppressive influence of the West. A tectonic shift in geopolitical terms is taking place before our very eyes. The balance of power, held by the West for generations, is shifting eastward and southward. A multipolar world is fast taking shape where the western powers will no longer hold sway, no longer being able to manipulate, strong-arm or use violence at will to mould the rest of the world to its wishes.

In the Donbass region of what used to be Ukraine but which is now an integral part of the Russian Federation Russia is within months of being able to dictate terms to the western powers now rendered impotent against it. Russia will achieve every one of her goals. A war Russia never once wanted but which it was finally pressured and provoked into initiating will have been won. The world community will then recognise the magnitude of Russia's victory, a recognition that cannot help but boost Russia's reputation and acceptability in its wake. A recognition too will arise of just how utterly humiliated the western leaders are who planned the debacle just ended.

In the death of influence in the West we will see the birth of a new world power relationship among all those geographical locations not aligned with it and a migration of others that were marginally aligned with the West toward those who were responsible for the major realignment that has taken place. Chief of these to whom nations will now increasingly align will be China, a China deeply committed to reciprocally beneficial trade, investment and agreement to align interested in the name of the increased well being of all. The waning of the western threat will further emphasise the potential that all others have reached a watershed moment in which this new world of political tolerance, mutual trust and international trade can thrive.

So we see just what the politicians of the West have done in their desperation to maintain their domination over the world. In trying to eliminate those nations it conceived of as enemies it has delivered what must surely be the most devastating of blows to their already declining power. Through myopic blindness and devotion to certain unquestioned dogmas, it has, through its self-created ignorance, brought economic and reputational ruin down upon itself. A ruination from which it will not recover unless under the benevolence and ultimate forgiveness of those who now create a truly civilised and governance-tolerant world permanently focused on building relationships in peace rather than seeking to destroy others through war.

The final straw that brought about the fall of the West was its plan to destroy Russia. Through this cataclysmic error of judgement based on an entire range of factors stemming from both ignorance and arrogance it has thrown away its chance to integrate itself smoothly with the powers it saw rising and that it sought instead to destroy. This fatal mistake is having its inevitable consequences. Nations that couldn't earlier see a way to escape the West's grasp now do so. This factor as much as any has done for the West and those fossilised and intractable minds that run it. And the greatest mistake of all, that finally settled the matter, was the West's plan for Russia, a plan that can plainly be seen to have gone catastrophically wrong.


The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being d...