Wednesday, 30 August 2023


Whatever you think of the ongoing efforts of the western powers to transform the world into its own image, whether you approve or disapprove, there is one aspect of this effort which is undeniable; the certainty of continued strife, military engagement, war, further mass deaths and destruction.

What lies behind this clear and urgent goal of the western powers to overcome all obstacles regarding national sovereignty, international law and accepted norms of behaviour regarding how the world has been organised since the end of World War Two? What can account for the seeming driving ambitions behind what, on the face of it, is a task that will certainly mean at least one if not two generations blighted by the scourge of constant war?

Perhaps you believe as the western powers purport to that the need to spread freedom, democracy and human rights for all justifies the scenario painted above. That it will all be worth it for the generations to come apart from the possible exception of the next two. Perhaps you can visualise a world where the western powers have established themselves once and for all as the global cops in perpetuity and believe this is the best possible outcome. That our world will then be a virtual prison planet maintained in a state of constant surveillance against disaffected individuals and groups doesn’t concern you.

There does appear to be a large percentage of western populations who take the view that supporting their leaders in all they do, from Vietnam to Iraq to Syria to now Ukraine is absolutely the right thing to do. They can be seen to be extremely active across social media platforms providing their support for the political elite of the USA, UK and Europe. They can be seen forcefully supporting the Ukrainian forces against Russia on a daily basis, seeking every possible way to degenerate those who take the opposite view and stance. To what degree are those offering this support realise the implications of the West winning against Russia is unknown.

Russia as we all know is not the sole or even primary target of the West. China remains to be dealt with if the West should succeed against Russia. (Though it is worth considering what it means to succeed against Russia. What kind of state would the country with the largest land mass and most diverse ethnic make up be? Where is the guarantee that such a broken state could be controlled?) When the USA and its coalition of the willing brought Afghanistan to its knees they quickly moved on to do the same to Iraq, then Libya and before long, Syria. If Russia was defeated would they move quickly on to China?

Anyone who thinks any of the above will bring speedy solutions and perfect outcomes is surely deluding themselves. Yet the gung-ho attitude displayed by many in cheering on the USA and its allies into ever greater interventions vis a vis Ukraine display no qualms as if all will be dealt with without any major problem… just keep fuelling the fire and we’ll all wildly applaud as death and destruction is meted out to ever greater degree. Do they see all this in terms of greater freedom, democracy and human rights? You have to wonder. Is anything at all cerebral involved? We must surely doubt it.

There must be something elemental and visceral involved in all this that totally overpowers the cerebral. Fixed notions of superiority and tribal emotions where the deepest roots of violence, hatred and desire to destroy come into play. Such deep set, subconscious energies, driven by massive adrenaline boosts in fight mode inevitably eliminate all logical functions, intellectual considerations and even basic common sense. We see this even at the level of what these days passes for diplomacy. In recent decades it has more resembled schoolyard disputes where rivals shout insults and accusations toward each other. In fact the usual niceties of the diplomatic art appear to have been completely abandoned in the West.

The goal appears very definitely to be to destroy the enemy, to destroy ALL enemies in fact, and replace them. Since the hours following 9/11 there can surely be no doubt in any mind that the goal fixed upon was to urgently destroy all those who might create the conditions for a second 9/11. It is an obvious conclusion to make that the forever war being waged upon all those who the USA considers its enemies is a direct result of the decisions made immediately after 9/11. What other motivating force could be so strong that the very future of the world could be put at risk to attain the goal set? The conclusion that it remains the events of 9/11 that fuels all we see occurring now in Ukraine and that all was in fact eminently avoidable.

It is our conclusion that there was never any question of the Ukraine war being avoided. The Ukraine war was seen as a necessity by the western powers, a required device through which Russia was to be weakened, brought to its knees and then broken up. Financial and economic sanctions would provide the death blow to the Russian authorities, the Ukraine war would drain it of resources, many thousands of Russians would die, the Russian people would rise up due to all these factors combined and the West would step in to take over. Then China would be dealt with in similar fashion though a much tougher nut to crack.

Failing in its goal set after 9/11 is not considered an acceptable option across the political elite cabal of the West. They are fixed on this. Those in the USA to 100% and all others in the UK and Europe at almost the same level. Losing control of the world, held for so long in the West, is unimaginable and anathema to them and reinforcement of that dominance became an especially urgent task after 9/11. There was to be no Plan B. No turning back. On to victory… or death. Death of whom you might say? Most likely death of everyone, for the present reality seems clear, the western political elites appear to consider that it would be better to have no world at all than one they cannot control.

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