Tuesday, 29 August 2023


The world desires an end to war. The BRICS group and a multipolar world is the obvious route to the peaceful planet desired by the vast majority of us. The western world, led by the USA and UK are doing everything possible to stop any such world emerging. Their actions, if successful, will lead to what they call a ‘Forever War’, a world where war and the threat of war is constant. However, the plans of the West that will lead to ever more war are being increasingly thwarted by the rejection of these plans by an increasing number of nations.

The western powers have brought ruin upon their populations and with it the contempt of a rising number of countries who see their chance to finally escape the western net of exploitation and intimidation. In recent days we have seen six new nations join the BRICS group, SaudiArabia, Iran, UnitedArabEmirates, Argentina, Ethiopia and Egypt. Over thirty additional nations have expressed their desire to join. The era of western domination is fast ending and a truly multipolar world based upon cooperation rather than confrontation, tolerance rather than tyranny and agreements rather than aggression is becoming a reality before our very eyes.

It is not before time that a sane geopolitical scenario worldwide becomes a real possibility, it can easily be argued that it has come at the very last moment. Western wars of choice have shattered anything resembling stability across the planet in recent decades and their ready use of threats, violence, invasion and myriad covert means of waging war shows no sign of ending. In Ukraine we see only the latest example of a string of interventions stretching back through Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria before it. The aggressive rhetoric of US and UK politicians and the ready support of that rhetoric by their mass media entities provides the only picture we need, in combination with the wars mentioned above, to recognise there is no peaceful future via the status quo.

The problem of the past which is causing the change we see now has been the desire of one region of the planet to dominate all others. Some may say the motivation was good, to spread freedom and democracy throughout the world. The result however, no matter what the intent, has been to create a world far from free or democratic but instead a world filled with an abiding fear. Where is the next war to break out, where the next atrocity, where will torture and rendition be used next, who will be on the receiving end of sanctions if they do not obey those in the west who command their obedience? This situation, whereby one region of the world seeks continually to dominate, control, exploit, punish and threaten all others has finally caused a revolt among those who have been subject for generations to western threat and attack.

The continent of Africa in particular is signalling its wish to be released from the virtual bondage and national slavery it has lived under for so long now. The African nations have resources that should by rights make African populations rich, providing high standards of living for all. Yet, due to the kind of deals made by western governments and corporations and the remains of the colonial era supervisors such as the French, the people of Africa by and large remain extremely poor. Now, with powerful friends such as China and Russia, African nations are increasingly showing their determination to break out of the abusive relationship they have had with the West.

That SaudiArabia and the UnitedArab Emirates have joined an economic union (BRICS) along with Iran is, some would say, a miraculous development. Who would have thought that the previously arch enemies of Saudi Arabia and Iran would do such a thing even a few short years ago? The peacemakers of China are bringing national leaders together in unity and those leaders see with clear eyes that at last this is their chance, their long-awaited chance, to strike a new path, one that will see their individual nation states enjoy the fruits of their national resources rather than watch them leave, enjoyed by others. Those joining BRICS now and those standing in line wishing to join see with utmost clarity that the old order of western dominance is ending and a new era is within grasp. And almost everything the West is doing now is making this reality ever clearer and the need to escape the influence of the western world ever more urgent.

The wars of choice engaged in by western nations in their ‘Coalition of the Willing’ and their disastrous consequences have been one of the primary reasons for the incredible geopolitical shift we see emerging before us. The second primary reason, without which there would have been a continual inability to escape western dominance with certainty, has been the economic rise of China. Nations who have been firmly under the thumb of western nations now have an alternative source of power and assistance to call upon. In addition, there is the BRICS group, including Russia that an increasing number of nations see as their way out of the western grip that has held them in fear and in a continual state of economic abuse. The factors above are powerful enough motivators to expend energy now to ensure a full escape from the West. However, there is one final and conclusive reason and that is Ukraine.

The USA, UK and their allies in the European Union created the situation we see now in Ukraine. Though their propaganda says otherwise any honest observer who studies the machinations of these powers during the many years since 2014 will know that it is they, not Russia, that has caused the present tragedy in Ukraine. The same mendacious tactics, the same ultra-aggressive policies and the same disdain for diplomacy have brought us here. Russia struggled for almost a decade to find a peaceful path to a settlement, not only concerning the destiny of the Russian-speaking people of eastern Ukraine but also that of the entire security framework of Europe in respect of all parties, including Russia.

It should be clear to any neutral observer that the western powers, USA, UK and EU, never wished to see a peaceful outcome to the need for Russian security concerns to be addressed. No willingness whatsoever to settle difficult issues through diplomatic negotiations was evidenced by the western powers. Incredibly enough it was even admitted by both Angela Merkel and the ex-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, that the process Russia invested so much time and effort into to find peace, was a sham. The West was using the Minsk process only to give Ukraine time to rearm, nothing more.

Even after all that they had done and admitted to, the western powers displayed shock and surprise as the Ukraine conflict broke out that a large number of nations worldwide refused to condemn Russia as they demanded. The level of self-delusion by these western powers was clearly evidenced, they still clearly believed their self-congratulatory notions of being the world’s saviour rather than its primary abuser. Their confusion was evident yet they persisted in their goal, to weaken, undermine and break apart Russia using Ukraine as their tool. Every nation refusing to condemn Russia saw the true perpetrators of this latest war, the same perpetrators of all the others mentioned above.

The era of western dominance is therefore ending. Ukraine is the very last war the West will engender. Behaviours that had to be tolerated in the past due to western dominance and lack of alternatives will never again be supported. The desire of the world is for peace, for a return diplomacy and the search for peace, and beyond this, to a world where agreements are sought for, where trading relationships build trust and investment among cooperating nations creates stability. War was always the ugliest of all pursuits. Only those who had never fought in a war could ever relish waging one. The Russian people who lost some 27 million in WWII certainly never relished war. Only the neoconservatives of the USA, UK and EU in their ivory towers could do so. This will be their final war. Their spectacular missteps have ensured the end of the dominance that made it and all their other misbegotten wars possible.

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