Saturday, 20 January 2024



We are nearing the end of the bloody Ukraine saga. The puppets of the western powers are sagging at the end of their strings, drowning in their own blood. To pull the curtain down is long overdue.

We have been watching a tragedy take place at the furthest edge of Europe for almost two years now, a tragedy of epic proportions written by some of the most experienced authors of such tragedies across the western world. Unabashed by their initiation of many similar, earlier, bloodbaths they sought to stage yet another sequel, one last bout of “useful” carnage. The epilogue however, is being rewritten for them.

If the American, British and European political elites have any sense of decency left in their bodies they will release their death grip on Ukraine now before Ukrainians die in even greater numbers. What we have seen so far is only a prelude to the wholesale massacre of Ukrainians that will come with further input of finance, weaponry and ammunition from the West. It is time for them to show humility now, accept the humiliation that comes with defeat and spare the lives of the Ukrainians who will now die if they don’t.

Russia has won. They have lost. And through the intransigence of the western powers an unthinkable number of Ukrainians have died who would still be alive and with their families if they had abandoned their plan to initiate regime change in Russia. Ukraine was their chosen tool, their pawn in a global chess game. Russia was the ultimate target of a scheme initiated in 2008 at the NATO Bucharest summit, pushed onward during Ukraine’s ‘Orange Revolution’ in 2004 and carried through to a yet further stage in the Maidan insurrection of 2014. 

Only a few steps more were required after the coup on Kiev’s Maidan Square. The next elements involving inexorable pressure against Russia, of continual deceptions, goaded Russia further and further until she was brought to the final corner from which there was only one way out. The trap had been laid meticulously. Russia, made to mount her campaign against her chief tormentor, NATO, via the illegal Ukrainian regime that had been maneuvered into position with all military advantage catered for. Every financial and economic weapon was poised to bring Russia down and bring about regime change in short order.

As we see now, it all went horribly wrong for all those terribly “clever” western planners who had readied every possible weapon, poised for the right moment to strike. One by one Russia blunted every single one of them. In a little short of two years Russia has brought about a momentous defeat for all her attackers. One by one Russia tore down every defence so meticulously constructed and strategically arraigned against her by all the best military minds the West had at its disposal. Russia, alone, defeated every NATO nation through the complete and utter defeat of Ukraine.

Even now, in the face of this utter defeat the leaders of these nations appear ready to sacrifice more Ukrainians, unwilling as they are to face the humiliation this by rights ought to be owned by them. For those who care to look past whatever prejudices, wishful and magical thinking they might still retain, can surely acknowledge that the Ukrainians have paid a high enough price for the geopolitical mendacity and cynical “cunning” of their western masters. It’s time to say “Enough!” and let the blood-letting end. There has been carnage enough. Far, far more than enough. The West must let Ukraine go. The tool is broken. The pawn is fallen. The chessboard is no longer black and white, but soaked blood red.


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