Monday, 6 May 2024


There is much stamping of feet occurring in western elite circles. Minds are reeling in shock and dismay. Petulant faces grimace in a grotesque mimicry of tiny tots who have seen their toys thrown over the garden fence. What the hell is going on in the western elite kindergarten?

The toddler politicians of the western elite kindergarten are continuing to wet their already sodden diapers. Rattles are being thrown out of prams constantly. Hysterical tantrums have reached fever pitch with cheeks red as stop signs. Are they fit to burst? It appears so. The resulting projectile vomit may well go nuclear.

The classroom project to erase certain nations from the map in the geography class has gone horribly wrong. Instead of being erased the colours have only been made to shine brighter and reflect a deeper level of permanency. Teachers are in dismay clamouring for answers to this totally unacceptable outcome. The reputation of the entire school is at stake!

In the USA an adult who has long since entered his second childhood appears to believe he is some kind of anti-Santa, destined to bring the darkest variety of toys to the world. As he rants we can see the gleam of the wannabe thug in his, for the moment, unglazed eyes. Out of the unfathomable stupor he is usually in he has suddenly envisioned his “enemies” of the east. “Show me someone who wants to be Xi Jinping!” he rails, forgetting everything else (including where he is).

In Europe a Nazi Reichmaiden after her time, Ursula Von der Leyen squeals that China is de-industrialising Europe and adds her clumpen feet to the foot-stamping heard in every western capital these days. Meanwhile, ‘Jungle Josep’ Borrell bemoans the fact that the schools pet animal, Vloddy Zelensky is looking sickly and weak. In a rambling geriatric monologue he mutters that some of the other “teachers” support those feeding the poor thing out of date rabbit food.

In the UK, another of the loosely tied together bevy of hapless mental dwarfs who are hardly distinguishable from their charges has come under fire. Rishi Sunak, the unelected headmaster of the British branch of the western elite kindergarten cabal is looking decidedly shaky. More toy guns for all who support Vloddy is his answer to the critics hounding him. Unknown to Retarded Rishi this is the very issue upon which his tormentors are determined to decapitate him.

Things are looking decidedly shaky within the western elite kindergarten. Everyone is casting around looking for a solution to a crisis that is increasingly set to completely engulf them. There’s talk of using the nuclear option. And of sending a host of “teachers” off to create merry hell for Vloddy with a view to gaining greater public recognition. Sadly the general public has a rather fixed view on the now rapidly failing rep of the place. That it’s far overdue for being demolished and replaced, it’s sell-by date being incredibly out of date, being early April 2014.

It was in April 2014 that every branch of the western elite kindergarten blotted their copybook. By giving their collective approval to bringing in a new member to the club by the name of Pedo Poroshenko. Pedo was going to be the agent of chaos that come February 24th 2022, through the agency of his successor, Vloddy Zelensky the whole school would be brought to ruin. Ironically enough they proved impossible to school but continued in their support for Pedo and Vloddy right to the extremely bitter end. Foreclosure.

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