Wednesday 16 October 2024


The Ukraine war is the result of a plan devised by the western powers to weaken Russia. This was deemed a vital first step in stemming the clear, ongoing decline of western power & influence.

The final verdict on the Russo-Ukrainian war will undoubtedly be that it came about as a result of an agreed plan by all western powers to weaken Russia. This was deemed a vital necessity due to the rise of nations such as Russia and China who disagreed with the idea of western hegemony. The need by western elites to stem the decline of western power and influence globally has brought about a catastrophe for the Ukrainian people, and a catastrophe that will affect Europe for a generation.

The denial of all off ramps to Russia in the leadup to the conflict in Ukraine provides the most obvious sign of western intent. It is clear that there was no way the western allies were going to let Russia off the Ukrainian hook. Any normal approach would have resulted in some form of agreement whereby Russia's issues with Ukraine would have been resolved diplomatically. After all, what Russia wanted was not much of an ask, that the Russian-speaking majority in the Donbass region of Ukraine be given sufficient autonomy so that they would feel secure, that Ukraine would not join NATO. 

Those above were the two primary concerns Russia had in respect of Ukraine. Russia had previously denied the request of the two breakaway republics to join the Russian Federation. Putin saw the federalisation of the region as the best way forward and worked for seven years via Minsk to see the peaceful end to the situation. It is clear however that the western allies never had any intention of letting this diplomatic route come to any peaceful conclusion.

Historians will lambast the western political elites who ultimately cost Ukraine so much, including up to one million dead/wounded. Will we see any contrition by those elites? We are extremely unlikely to see the kind of contrition Obama showed regarding the NATO assault upon Libya and its aftermath. The present leaders of the West, those who have endlessly doubled down on pushing the war forward with all the dire consequences now being recognised, appear totally averse to such honesty.

What we are likely to see now is much more grasping at straws from western political elites and mass media alike as Russia's victory steadily approaches. They will be unable to face reality. That reality is simply so objectionable to them that they will be forced into a series of ever more grotesque fantasies where somehow the Ukrainian regime (and therefore the West) has won. The most likely of these fantasies, the one they hope will gain most traction via a highly contorted and visibly distorted version of events.

The political and media elites of the western world will inevitably claim that Russia sought to occupy the entirety of Ukraine and were frustrated in that ambition by a combination of Ukrainian bravery and robust western support of Ukraine. This will be the most likely meme through which they will seek to put a protective PR spin on the disaster they have presided over and in fact generated from the get go. They will attempt (and no doubt in the West) succeed in clouding the reality of the Project Ukraine debacle and escape all responsibility for it.

It appears that this inability of both legacy media and the politicians of the West to confront the hard reality of the situation will continue right up to the bitter end. That bitter end for them where Russia completes its special military operation in a recognised victory (to most of the world outside the West). 

After the PR onslaught by western leaders concerning how they “defeated Russian ambitions” and “denied Russia its goal” we will see news of Ukraine quite rapidly exit the news media. All western mass media will then switch off after a few days reporting western state assertions of victory, some few recriminations by other more honest commentators and a general and quite obvious desire to hide the whole thing under the bloody rug they created. Ukraine will then be abandoned by the media to stew in its toxic juice. 

After a few weeks or months pass by there will be a mere trickle of reports consigned to various back pages of the print news media on the tortuous rebuilding efforts the EU is making in Ukraine. Apart from these the entirety of the conflict will be consigned to the same memory hole as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya. Historians will write books hopefully providing a realistic portrayal of events… that relatively few will read. On the internet, those who have been engendering far more factual analyses will make their concluding and highly scathing remarks on western guilt. 

Meanwhile, the entire panoply of western political and media interest will divert their full concentration on fomenting their next war, focusing what remains of their combined fire power just as hubris-consumed as ever, on China.

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