Sunday 13 October 2024


Largely unreported in the West, the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia will be discussing new ways for the world to work, ways allowing escape from domination by the USA and its allies.

This month, in Kazan, Russia and the other BRICS nations are gathering to agree on a path forward that will establish a new financial trading and money transfer system. When this system is up and operating the group will by its use escape the domination of the U.S. dollar. Currently, through the U.S. dollar western elites are able to blackmail nations into doing their bidding. The power of the U.S. dollar stems from its use as the default trading currency, accounting for the vast majority of trades worldwide. By threatening sanctions linked to the U.S. dollar western elites currently have a chokehold on much of the world. Now, via BRICS cooperation those nations can be set free.

Alongside the above development we will see outright victory for Russia in its conflict with the Ukrainian regime. Due to Russia having to fight virtually the entire collective west this victory will have enormous global implications. The victory against the Kiev regime and its backers across the West will not be merely in terms of its military prowess however. Russia has fought off and defeated the entire western economic and financial attack upon it emerging stronger with an economy more robust than ever. This while economies in Europe are in steep decline due to the very sanctions they sought to impose upon Russia which have backfired badly against them.

For all our lifetimes the western world with its domination globally has set the framework for the world generally. This domination is about to end. Already in decline due to massive debts, growing military impotency the ever-increasing shrinkage of their economic, political and strategic reach, the western elites have exhibited a parallel desperation and willingness to use ever-more panic-driven methods. These methods, employed to shore up the declining power and influence of the West are instead having the opposite effect.

The nations of the global majority, those outside the western orbit of direct influence, have for years been seeking an escape route that would allow them to emerge from the manipulative control of the West. With the economic rise of China after the reforms of Deng Xiaoping, and the economic resurrection of Russia brought about by Vladimir Putin a new pole of major economic influence rapidly emerged in the east. To this pole more and more nations have graduated over the years with the most major developments in this respect occurring over the previous few years. Recent years have seen both Iran and Saudi Arabia join BRICS. For many years these nations were sworn enemies. Now they cooperate on friendly terms in a relationship where economic and other areas are certain to flow from their BRICS membership.

The USA and its proxy powers in Europe along with those in the southern hemisphere such as Australia and New Zealand will soon no longer be able to rely on economic muscle to preserve their long-held domination. Their grip has been weakening for decades and now that grip will be seen to slacken to the point where it will be totally released. The impact of this change in the geopolitical fundamentals of our world cannot possibly be overestimated, it will be huge and massively transformative. Nothing will ever be quite the same again. Apart from transforming the economic fundamentals of our world we will see the geopolitical fundamentals underpinning the West’s grip over us wither and die. When the alternative arrangements now being set in place within BRICS and other Eurasian institutions come into full effect, there will be no more economic, military or political leeway for the kind of interference by the West we have seen in recent years. It will in effect find itself quarantined, unable to interfere, threaten, invade or cajole nations into doing its bidding.

With Russia’s imminent victory in Ukraine, having bested the collective power of the western world, along with its chairmanship this month in Kazan where fundamental financial and economic changes will be agreed to global norms, we can clearly recognise in which direction power is flowing. Russia and China, having prevailed against an ever-aggressive western political elite, will now build a global platform where peace not war is the norm, where, within an atmosphere of cooperation and tolerance toward diverse systems of governance bridges between nations will be built, not burned. Setbacks there will be to this project, mistakes will be made from time to time, but the goals sought, of freedom from western domination and a multipolar world where peace not war is the rule will certainly be attained. The idea of continuing with a world at war due to western elites demanding all others conform to the West’s needs, comply with its demands and are forced to recognise its permanent hegemony is too awful any longer to contemplate.

Therefore, despite the efforts of western political and media elites to downplay the extent of Russia’s victory against them and their Kiev clients and the importance of the BRICS summit in Kazan later this month, the flow of fundamental, historical changes into the future is now clearly unstoppable. Happily for the world and luckily for the elites of the USA and its proxy nations the powers that will now increasingly wrest power from them are benign and will not seek to replicate their own aggressively self-interested and jealous stance regarding power and spheres of influence. This will be a new world that will not reflect the polarised, colonialist past where one region of the world insists it is superior to all others and of such an exceptional nature that fully justify its demands, insisting on compliance of all others to its will. This kind of arrogance is about to disappear forever. This new reality remains a few years distant as of now, perhaps a decade or more of a rapidly dwindling western power remains, but that new world is very definitely on its way.


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