Wednesday 2 October 2024


There is a certain inevitability in the descent of the West. It could almost be said to be in its DNA; its unavoidable karmic "reward" for all its crimes.

The two Ukrainian regimes that followed in the wake of the US-supported insurrection in Kiev in 2014 have brought their country to the brink of destruction. Prodded on by the USA and its allies the Ukrainian people, who once lived in peace despite using different languages and having different geopolitical affiliations have been torn apart. This could not have occurred without western insistence that an opportunity must be taken to weaken Russia. It has been this desire to maintain western dominance in the face of the rise of others and the subsequent decision to use war as a means to achieve this that has brought us here.

The mania of western elites to always be top dogs on our planet and their inability to accept that this ambition is fast slipping from them has directly led to a world now predisposed to be always at war.

It is manifest destiny they say in the corridors of power in Washington that they are the warders, guardians and world police. Only they have the power and influence to achieve the full spectrum dominance required to govern with global reach. It is their destiny, they will say, their duty, responsibility and solemn requirement to engage the rest of the world and transform it for its own good. But what good do we see emerging from this overweening and constant desire to interfere worldwide? Can anyone honestly say they see the light at the end of this pitch black tunnel of unending western ambition?

Afghanistan went wrong after twenty years of ‘feel good’ reports sent back to Washington by military commanders who dared not speak of the truth. Iraq, left to its own devices after one mistake after another by the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ now wants all western forces out. Libya now looks toward the east and the BRICS, not toward the West. Saudi Arabia, the West’s great ally in the Middle East is now in BRICS. Even Turkey, a supposedly stalwart NATO member is approaching BRICS with a view to joining along with a host of others.

The world is turning against the shrinking western coalition of braggarts and bullies who have held sway for so long now. Now we see the backlash that has been building year on year as western dominance brought nothing but fears, threat, criminality and state terrorism and, ultimately, the inevitability of a forever war actively perpetually sought by western neocon maniacs. No sane man or woman could ever support this. All it needed for the backlash to occur was the rise of those the USA and its allies now seek to destroy.

Russia led the way against the warmongering juggernaut of the West. In 2007 in Munich Vladimir Putin described in detail how the era of the West getting its own way and commanding others with threats that they better follow, were over. He laid down a marker that will always be remembered as the starting point for the revolt against the West that, if we all work for it, will lead inevitably to a multipolar world.

China, is the backstop nation that, with its economic power, allows the others to finally revolt against the West and dare to reject it and its array of bribes, threats and criminal violence. Without China Russia could not stand against the West and others along with Russia would continue to be exploited and bullied into submission.

Russia’s special military operation against the Ukrainian regime is now poised to show the entire world that the West not only can be resisted, it can be beaten. The final nails are being hammered into the coffin of western hegemony in Ukraine. The last vestiges of its brutal abuse of power will now be seen to dissipate, through its defeat in Ukraine and its coming defeat in the Middle East.

Humiliation is something the West is used to foisting on others through the vast historical abuses it has perpetrated. Now humiliation is coming home to those who meted it out for centuries. With the triumph of Russia and the defeat of Israel, with the political demise of every pro-war leader in Europe, with the collapse of NATO and the continuing rise of nations opposing western hegemony, the West will be utterly humiliated, weakened and ultimately quarantined, no longer able to abuse the remaining power left to it.

The West’s defeat in Ukraine will be complete. Russia, strengthened on all fronts, from its economy to its increasing number of partners, to its social cohesion and military strength will arrive in a place of unsurmountable glory… just as the entire West meets deindustrialization and social collapse. A just end to a sordid period in world history where a native population suffered genocide, where millions were enslaved and used as unpaid labor, where entire nations were enslaved as colonial acquisitions and where all was attempted to be imprisoned within a western  military vice.

There will be no going back. Russia’s victory in Ukraine will be such a heavy blow that it will ensure this is so. The defeat of Israel and the triumph of the Palestinians along with Iran will land the final blows.

It could all have been very different. However, the impulse to enslave, exploit, threaten, abuse and use the most violent methods possible is endemic to the West. It’s leaders have no ability to relieve themselves of the vicious and malignant habits of their forebears. It is now deep in their DNA. They are incapable of change. Which is why we, and the Ukrainians, are where we are now.

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The end of the Ukraine war is approaching and with it will come all manner of finger-pointing, blame-gaming and of course... a waterfa...