Thursday 3 October 2024


The house of cards the USA built upon the genocide of its native population, exploitation of Africa for slaves, and the plunder of the rest of the world for resources is tottering, ready to fall.

All attempts by the West to interfere globally from this point on will cause resistance to the abuse of its power to grow. No matter what the West does now in acting out the fixed mindset developed over the years of its domination, the consequences of their actions can only speed its fall.

These western gamblers with the world’s fate are no longer welcome within the noxious casino they built. There will be no more doubling down with threats and violence to maintain its position. The West, nearing bankruptcy, has a credit rating regarding its power and influence that has all but expired.

Those such as Lindsey Graham, advocating a steady march toward Armageddon as the best way forward will not be permitted for much longer to have their way. Such people care nothing for how many die for their ambitions to be realized. Their rabid desire for more and ever more can never be assuaged. But a new, multipolar world is emerging that is destined to neutralize such people and to deny any future power to any who would wish to emulate them.

All the monstrous denizens of the global casino the West created will have no choice but to enter real world as opposed to that of their insane schemes. There they will find themselves past their sell-by date, completely unable any longer to project their noxious ambitions. The assistants to such warmongering politicians, the corporate, media, think tank and military facilitators who sought to pave the way for global interference, will find their power expiring with them.

What’s left of the native population of the USA, virtually genocided out of existence; those wrenched from their homes in Africa, kidnapped and abused as slaves; along with the millions exploited during both the U.S. and British empires, will finally have the justice they have long deserved. The West must then seek its place in the world other than through threats and acts of violence used in aggressive self-interest. A restoration of global balance will bring it into quarantine until it is fit company for the rest of humanity.

The era of overweening western power and influence of the past is ending. Though it may still attempt to wield its remaining power, the entire world now sees its incipient impotence and is reassured by it. What was once a gargantuan monster able to shake the world and command it to obey, is now visibly shrinking in power and influence. Its leaders have shrunk in brain capacity to match this decline, mental pygmies increasingly ruling a dying empire that lashes out in its death throes.

The concept of American exceptionalism and that of British superiority will in future no longer be quoted as justification for their past abuses. A new and better future will sweep away all such self-justifying rhetoric. A multipolar world where sovereignty is respected as sacrosanct is emerging. Nations opposing domination by the West will no longer be subdued due to its fast fading power.

The growing resistance and strength of unity among those formally threatened and exploited by the West will ultimately be seen to bring about a level of multipolarity where the western house of cards can no longer stand.

It will then be seen by the entire world to fall.

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