Thursday 10 October 2024


It has started in earnest. The noisy internet rebels are to be made to obey their superiors and stop expressing themselves. It has become inconvenient.

You will be hearing from a variety of western elites at the moment concerning the evils of free thought and speech. Our desire to have a say is annoying them, especially when they are engaged in a war to maintain their long-held ability to dominate the world that is increasingly under threat.

These elites are panicking. Everything they have, all the power, influence and perks, all their ability to manipulate and shape opinion to suit their needs, all their sacred status and ego-boosting elitism is under threat… from us through social media. Democracy has gone too far and provided us with a say. This doesn’t suit them. It doesn’t suit them one bit.

We were supposed to keep our mouths shut and merely turn up at a voting both once every four years to place an X in a box on a piece of paper then go home content. Leaving everything to them. We were supposed to be satisfied that we had taken part in the holy ritual known as western democracy and then shut ourselves down. However, as we saw what a fuck-up these so-called democratic leaders were making we decided to have our say. This has become inconvenient.

Protesting war has almost become illegal. Speak out about the West’s proclivity for war and you risk being canceled. Waging war or not has been consigned to those who conceive themselves to be our betters, not our representatives. They consider they know best and consider also that it has nothing to do with you or me whether they wage wars on our behalf or not. There’s your “democracy” for you. In reality none at all, only a command from above for you to stop expressing an opinion, it’s nothing to do with you.

This is where our wonderful “democracy” has led us. While we were fed ‘bread and circuses’ to keep us distracted with all intellectual capacities benumbed, those who see themselves as eminently superior to us wished to continue to do whatever they wish to undisturbed. Now that the natives have begun revolting across the internet they want to shut us down. Von der Leyen, Hillary Clinton and the entire rank of new Gestapo agents are now determined that we’ll be silenced and kept in line.

With their war mode mentality, fearing the loss of all their ill-gotten power and influence, they are clearly willing to impose the most draconian systems upon us, gagging us, making us helpless drones to their systematized narrative feeds. Like Assange we are to be silenced. As in Orwell’s ‘1984’ we are to blindly accept the reality they command us to.

War Is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength.

And Silence… Is Golden. 

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