It was named year zero. The beginning of a new world.
The new world was to be built on the goals held dear by the would-be patricians of the old one.
The ambitions contained in 'The New American Century' screed were to be fulfilled by other than those who had generated it. They were the hardliners of old. New hardliners would now take over. Men and women whose minds would unwaveringly see the future in sharp-edged, super-clear black and corresponding self-described shining white.
There were only those for us and those against us. Everyone had to decide and their decision would designate whether they were one of the good or one of the evil.
This new semi-religious, semi-political dualism would permeate the new world as seen by its western elite would-be masters. There was to be no more messy nuance. No more pretense of good on the “other side” and therefore no possible point in democracy or dialogue. The good were already on your side. All others were the enemy, therefore evil and therefore to be neutralized and then eliminated.
The Middle Ages were transported to the 21st century. The Devil was real and attempting to undermine the good at every moment using every underhand method available to him. His aspects were legion and in this modern newly archaic time they were named Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and any others who stood arraigned among the hordes of evil to be vanquished and brought low.
Minds now were to be the minds of zealots. Without doubt. Imbued with certainty. Determined. Convinced of the righteousness of their mission. Never weakening. Permeated with the noble aspirations of the good smiting the enemy for the sake of all Mankind.
No barriers were to be placed upon the good. Their actions, no matter their consequences in the delivery of their noble mission were to be assigned the labels right and proper, needful and the result of resolute goodness. Torture, kidnap, the bypassing of normal laws, moral and ethical strictures, all and every action was in the name of freedom and democracy and the liberation of humankind from evil. So it was good.
The new world needed new men and women. Year zero allowed no self-doubt in these warriors for freedom. Those who could not stand resolute in the face of evil must be replaced. Peacemakers would only weaken the force of the needful actions now. Diplomats must be made into spears of anger thrust into the bowels of the enemy. No detente, no dialogue, no compromise... diplomats must not under any circumstances engage in diplomacy with the evil representatives of the evil powers whose only answer would be the rage of the good.
9/11 and year zero brought an irreconcilable divergence to the world whereby there were no longer any options at the highest level but two. This new dualism demanded you be assigned the status of being acceptable to the West or assigned the label of enemy to be undermined, weakened, destabilized, sanctioned, and perhaps attacked militarily and invaded to MAKE you good.
If you deigned to be independent this would not do. If you sought to criticize the good this would not do. If you expressed doubt about the good this would not do. There was no longer any allowance or tolerance for independence, criticism or doubt. You were either of us or to be destroyed and replaced by us. Us being the elites of the western world. No compromise, ever would be their watchwords. And the whole world would be transformed into their image or be destroyed in the attempt.
9/11, year zero in reality saw the return of medieval barbarism, of the Dark Ages, of nations engaging others in endless war calling each other demonic and unworthy of existence. No quarter given, men, women and children to die, cities laid waste to, burned to the ground, erased from the Earth. The dualistic thought processes of good and evil were returned in an age where most had hoped for a new era of enlightenment but now all was plunged into darkness.
Though one light prevailed, one source of a possible renaissance continued and even grew brighter. The “good” looked on in dismay and drew their plans against this unwelcome rival to their self-convinced perfection. Two nations personified this light in an age of growing darkness of zealotry and semi-religous bigotry that threatened the freedom they claimed to offer. Two great nations became the standard bearers of true good, true freedom and truly civilized behavior. They represent the enlightened, the renaissance men and women who will engage the zealots who wish to enslave the entire world with their faux goodness.
China, along with Russia and their allies are the only hope left for Mankind that the delusions of goodness expounded by western elites with all their fakery, fake news, false flags and reliance of the dirtiest of methods to enforce their “goodness” can be reduced in power and ultimately be quarantined and left to consider their idiocy in peace while the world returns to its multipolar path to greater unity.
If the above comes to pass there will be yet another year zero so very soon after the first. However, it will herald a very different world than that envisioned by the authors of ‘The New American Century’. It will not have a name but it will personify the best humanity can aspire to in terms of tolerance of difference, meeting of minds, celebration of diversity, joy in collaboration and continual attempts to compromise rather than seek conflict. A civilized world in short. A TRULY new world.
Not the prison planet of enforced belief sought after 9/11 and the age of division and dualism that its progenitors sought to engender in their designation ‘Year Zero’ but instead the continuance of our common road to a world of promise and shared-experience in joyous independence, culture, sovereignty and coexistence.
Friday, 11 September 2020
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