One era of terminal division in North America is ending.
Another is about to begin.
Biden’s call for unity after four years of vindictive demonization is a totally hollow statement from a totally hollow man. It will fall on deaf ears as it should.
Trump introduced the open political lie after countless years of similar lies couched in phrases designed to ring true.
Biden will now revert to the earlier sophistry that allowed wars to be fought and hundreds of thousands killed based on those lies, lies that gained the USA impunity from any charges of crimes against humanity, despite their full exposure to view.
Biden will assume the same semantic mantle taken by Trump’s Pompeo: “The USA is back and we will never leave you alone again.” Not that anyone had noticed the USA’s disappearance from the international scene. Only the disappearance of those many family members blown to bloody little pieces by that same USA.
Biden will talk in highly elevated terms of the USA’s “mission”, to save western values, to insist upon democracy and all the freedoms the people of ‘The West’ are so grateful for and which must be preserved against all freedom’s “enemies”. It will sound very high falutin’ but it will all be lies. The true motivation behind all his fine worlds will be the retention of North America’s “interests” and you know what is meant by that, its profitable interests, its guaranteed wealth... in short, it’s all about economics, forget the rest of the high-flown rhetoric.
It has ALL been about maintaining the USA as top economic dog with predominant power to manipulate the global economy for its own self-interest. Every destroyed family, village, town, city and nation was obliterated just so those in North America could grow increasingly fat, unhealthy and be assured they could do so with no threat of any decrease in their abilities to do so.
Meanwhile the internecine war to see who will be top dog among the global top dogs went on, getting dirtier and dirtier as time went on. Trump and his ilk against Obama. Clinton and her ilk against Trump. And now it will again be Trump and his ilk against Biden.
Why not impeach Biden from the get go over his son’s obvious corruption regarding Ukraine and his father’s obvious involvement?
Why not continue to attack Biden for four entire years on how his people stole the presidential election just as they said Trump did with Russian connivance?
Talk of unifying Americans is just so much hot (and putrid) political air, utterly meaningless and totally redundant after the tortuous four years of infinitely abusive political rough-housing just ended. But it does signify the total cynicism to come. I predict Biden’s time will mirror every obnoxious period of humanity known when all that was false claimed to be all that was holy.
Do you think everything is going to change? Do you expect ANYTHING is going to change?
Think again.
It will be just the same... only different.
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
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