Wednesday, 31 March 2021


Capitalism as we know it is failing. This is especially true of hyper-capitalism as seen in the USA and to some extent in the UK. It is failing to provide for all and increasingly provides only for the rich.

The red tide now approaching has been seen before but each time it was turned back by a capitalism telling lies about riches for all.

Capitalism as it stands now will NEVER even provide the basics of life for all. If there was any wish to even attempt to do so a universal basic income would have been initiated long before now.

Capitalism as we have seen it over our lifetimes is a Ponzi scheme that works only for a certain number who entrench themselves by one means or another, do very well out of climbing that greasy pole... then kick away the ladder beneath them.

Is there anyone left in the western world that doesn’t see this now? Even those still holding onto some form of employment, squeezed for every ounce of energy, timed to the second and stressed to the limit... even they see how things stand now whether they have just enough to pay their bills or not.

The ‘Pink Tide’ in Latin America led by Hugo Chavez, Christina Kirchner, Lula da Silva and Evo Morales in the late Nineties to mid Twenties saw socialist governments rise to power. Other Latin American nations followed but economic factors including the crash of 2007-08 saw right-wing parties come to power through various dubious means supported in general by significant numbers voting with their wallets rather than with their consciences once again.

However tides do turn, they ebb and flow and now conditions are right for the tide of socialism to be return once more.

A coup in Bolivia saw Evo Morales driven from the country and a right-wing regime take power. This has recently been reversed and Morales has returned with a socialist grouping back in power.

In Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro has hung on despite enormous efforts made by the USA, UK and many other nations within the western orbit to unseat him. An estimated forty thousand Venezuelans died as a result of the sanctions and financial barriers placed before the nation however there has been no capitulation to the forces of hyper-capitalism or the greed-driven neoconservatives of Washington and London.

Cuba noticeably survives all attempts by its bullying neighbor to destroy its socialist system and has successfully weathered every storm down through the years giving gives every appearance of surviving any that may yet arrive on her shores.

Meanwhile in the USA Bernie Sanders has once again been defeated by his allies in the Democratic Party in his bid to establish democratic socialism as the ultimate progressive force in the country. Despite this the USA remains one of the most interesting nations regarding a new awakening to the merits of socialism.

In Britain the enthusiastic welcoming of Jeremy Corbyn by an inspired movement of primarily young Britons created a sea change and wave of idealism that threatened the established conservative order. A smear campaign across British mainstream media labeling Corbyn an anti-Semite along with a fifth column within his own party effectively destroyed the hopes of a generation for a better, more sustainable, peace-loving and compassionate Britain... for now.

Returning to Latin America there is great potential for the left across several nations including Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Nicaragua of course remains steadfastly socialist led by President Daniel Ortega of Sandanista fame.

In Brazil we can see the gradual decay of the Bolsonaro presidency and government with Lula da Silva poised to return to power in a renewed wave of enthusiasm for socialism after the ending of the Trump-like insanity of the Bolsonaro years.

While China continues to exemplify the massive success which can be obtained by mixing socialist planning with ethical entrepreneurial activity in a hybrid economy creating benefit for all there can be little doubt that this mix is the sustainable wave of the future.

Europe will soon experience the retreat of U.S. influence and its devotion to exploitative hyper-capitalism as China’s ‘Belt and Road’ initiative makes ever deeper inroads increasing not only her economic influence but that of her diplomatic influence also.

We will see wave after wave of initiatives worldwide in future that seek to reduce the effect of hyper-capitalism which has brought to us distinctly ‘Us and Them’ societies where the gap between the majority and the super-wealthy minority has reached epic proportions.

As wealth flows ever faster and in ever-larger quantities upward, as services and manufacturing become ever more automated and conducted online, as disposable income shrinks and in many cases disappears entirely, as life chances narrow and all the many stresses now involved in gaining a livable income, pay check to paycheck rise... the call for more socially responsive governments will be heard ever more frequently.

Capitalism is not only failing fast, it is being SEEN to fail by ever more observers.

The Covid-19 pandemic has cast capitalist societies in a very harsh light, particularly so in the most devotedly hyper-capitalist nation of all, the USA.

The threat of climate change now looms large and it cannot possibly have been lost on the vast majority that a unified, efficient, effective centrally-planned approach, as seen in China brought results where the scattered, incoherent and highly divisive and chaotic approach by the USA, the UK and other western states did not.

We are on the cusp of what may well be the most momentous epoch in our history as a species. If we fail to organize ourselves in important ways where the distribution of life chances, a livable income and the de-stressing of lives are prioritized and not subject to the whims of elites only interested in themselves... we invite a dire future indeed.

The answer is a broadening of access to a solid foundation in life, a guaranteed income and the various necessities of health care, education, housing and all other basics there for all, reliably present at all times. Only in this way will we be collectively ready to face the future with hope for survival and a decent life for future generations in our hearts.

Socialism, thinking socially as much as personally, creating safe and accessible societies for all, encouraging agreement rather than discord and welcoming the red wave rising now in both East and West... will herald a new and brighter horizon for all.


Tuesday, 30 March 2021


Except at the extremes politics is becoming united with one single goal and measuring stick combined; providing what the people need and want.

The history of political power took a winding road to arrive at the emerging consensus I believe will end with a toleration of diverse forms of governance.

In the beginning of settled communities consensus was the only way things were done, either semi-freely given by general consent, or by a predetermined consensus of elites enforced upon the population.

So-called primitive communities were run by leaders generally agreed by populations as the strongest and wisest. Why? Because they were believed to provide the best chance of the people gaining what was needed and wanted; safety from attack and enough stability and knowledge to win the food needed to survive. Over time tribal leaders evolved into presiding over larger and larger groups of people until at last we reach formal monarchies. These shared almost universal power with their religious counterparts. For a thousand years and more these elites at all levels vied for the power to decide and enforce the rules and laws their subjects and followers lived by.

Throughout this period wars of conquest were fought where differences between peoples and their beliefs, cultures and standards of living provided enough reasons for conflict. Until we reach the present age, at least in Europe, where war appears all but impossible, no matter what differences divide nations. A peaceful consensus has been reached across the length and breadth of Europe that shows no sign of bringing about a military conflagration.

In nations such as Britain we see the two main parties abandoning extreme positions for a middle ground where providing good services to the people, preserving popular elements and initiating desired policies has become everything. Right and left as denoting two policy options far distant from each other has been largely abandoned in the UK as it has been in the USA. Naturally those shouting loudest like to give the impression that there is a need for extreme measures of the right or left to resolve outstanding grievances but generally middle of the road policies attempting simply to provide what’s wanted gain most acceptance.

Outright war, whether class war or hot war has been abandoned in most part as a solution as general affluence rose. This is not to say that grievous inequities and injustices do not exist. They do. But there is no sign that the radical rather than the predictable will be chosen to solve them, hard those of a more radical frame of mind may work to bring this about.

Outright war within and between nations is lessening in our world despite the many problems modern economies and those that are developing face. A consensus is gathering that war is no longer an attractive option for bringing about change. Or a viable one considering the visible consequences seen following wars and violent revolutions of the past.

However, apart from the flashpoints in various parts of the Middle East and a degree of tension in Asia there is one primary source of potential conflict that could provide the most devastating military conflagration of all. However, even in this case, a hot war is unlikely. This is however the greatest contest of systems seen since all western nations confronted the Soviet Union, culminating in its collapse at the end of the Eighties.

This is the confrontation between the USA and its allies, first and foremost the UK and a combination of nations comprising the Russian Federation, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and a grouping of others of indeterminate status.

The USA has traditionally been far from averse to waging war. It has been said that it has been at war with some nation or other more or less since its founding. But recent wars it initiated have tended to show it very clearly that this method for achieving its goals has been grossly inefficient and indeed in most cases almost completely counterproductive. Its elites must surely have comprehended by now after their experiences in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen that this is definitely not the direction it wishes to take in future.

The new kind of war it is waging now comprises a public relations war of words plus various tools used to leverage its position, tariffs, sanctions, boycotts and the exertion of pressure on chosen leaderships by itself and institutions generally compliant with its goals, plus all counterparts within nations allied with it.

While the USA wages this war those it wages war against are not standing still. China being chief of these. China leads Russia and the others in terms of economic growth. Though Russia and those others have potential for growth if the deadlock caused by U.S. blockades (and those of allies) of one kind or another are lifted. This global arm-wrestling contest is reaching its most crucial point and will last an unpredictable period of time... but what will be the inevitable result? A hot war? I don’t think so.

Does anyone seriously believe the USA and its allies can wage a hot war against China, Russia and their allies? Certainly the USA and allies can pick off the smaller nations in the group named above. Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, even Iran and Syria. But China and Russia? Inconceivable. China and Russia alone are clearly capable of standing against the USA, UK and Europe.

So if no hot war, what? A standoff. To what end? If the USA and its allies can’t defeat China and Russia via a hot war or soft power (sanctions, boycotts, tariffs etc.) what then? No war. No leverage. What can they do merely using strong words and empty threats? Essentially nothing. Nothing that makes any real difference at least. Nothing when your goal was to defeat and remake them in your own image.

That leaves one option gradually emerging from this stand-off. Compromise. A greater degree of tolerance for what you once wanted to wipe from the face of the Earth. And what will all the efforts to climb down and meet half-way lead to?

An emerging consensus. An agreement to live and let live. An acknowledgment that the most important item on any future agenda will be whether a system is generating what a nation’s people need and want, not what ideological system any world power thinks should be mandatory.

If this enormously important consensus can be reached, and these diversely governed nations can agree on a high degree of tolerance, reached by finding goals in common rather than dogmatic reliance on emphasizing differences which creates enmity, then attention can turn to other, similar but lesser world problems.

Solving the largest issue brings the most powerful nations globally together with a newfound focus and agenda... to use the same solutions to their problems to solve the lesser disputes of others.

At this point a truly breathtaking possibility arises.

To move toward a world where a global consensus of tolerance and a desire to work together of the main world powers on the basis of mutual respect and thus bring the goal of a planet united in a desire to find agreements and solutions into focus.

From there it may not be out of reach to hope for the ultimate consensus of all.

A human race at peace on a planet that reaches the full potential of its species in the sustainable harmony of a true planetary civilization.


Monday, 29 March 2021


Which leaders are acting as emperors demanding conquest? Which army is perpetually on the move seeking new conquests? In which direction are swords being rattled? From where is aggression being heard, from where demands made and ultimatums given?

From where do we hear the rhetoric of division used to castigate another making nations into enemies. From which source do we hear constant attempts to frame other leaders as lesser beings than themselves worthy of overthrow?

All the chest-beating and moralizing stems from one single region of the world, those who conceive themselves as a mix of evangelizing angels and holier-than-though saints in human form. These are the “democratic” dictators of the West seeking to dictate how those half a world away should live.

That those who dictate come from the very same stock as their precursors who mouthed the very same demands, threats, insults and ultimatums. Those past and those present all have one thing in common, an arrogant mindset and blood on their hands. You could also add voicing violent rhetoric, lies and declarations of war while keeping their sons and daughters home from war while others died. When it comes to being “democratic” it seems they feel the concept can be taken a little too far.

They will dictate their conditions, make their threats, foment their wars and nominate their cannon fodder. They will make their threats and demands from comfortable homes and gardens, carefully avoiding the resultant carnage seen in realities they provoke. They are making a “democratic” choice to remain blind to the consequences of their actions. This is the elite prerogative of these “democratic” dictators.

Did anyone ever vote for war? No. But did they get it anyway? Yes they did.

Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas. But they get slaughtered anyway.

Now these western dictators with war on their minds need enemies as always. They find it difficult to operate with out them. Scapegoats and whipping boys to point to when things are perhaps not quite as wonderful at home as they promised. As long as the gravy train with its revolving doors of the military industrial complex keeps chugging along with the Wall Street carriages in tow all is well. For them.

They needn’t see anything they don’t wish to. Neither must their wives or children. If you followed half a dozen politicians around their usual haunts for a year it is unlikely you would see even one drop of blood, bit of dirt or untidy corner. They have built-in immunity, guaranteed security and a totally comfortable existence from which to “understand” everyone else and determine their future. It’s how “democracy” works and now you understand why so many seek it out. You needn’t upset yourself with contact to the common herd ever again.

But wait. Western nations and leaders have always been on top, surveying their global domain, their fiefdom and empire. Judge, jury, punishers and executioners. The high authority based on the gains made through genocide, slavery and colonialization... through a hundred years and more of exploiting stupid “Johnny Foreigner” and teaching him how to behave, show some decorum, supplicate and bow... and most important of all let himself be exploited to the fullest extent possible.

Now what’s this? Johnny Foreigner is getting uppity and threatening to go it alone. Somehow these lesser beings are making a success of things, manufacturing, trading, investing, innovating and beating the westerners at their own game. This cannot be tolerated. Something must be done. Now the high status of global overseers is in jeopardy. The seat at the head of the high table is not theirs as a matter of course. Now rivals have emerged after all these years and it doesn’t feel pleasant, it doesn’t feel pleasant at all.

Who are these  Johnny-come-latelies? Don’t they know that only we know how to run the world and that without us in charge everything will go to hell?? The benign dictators doing things only for the best can’t allow these new boys on the block to get away with it. For the sake of the world, no!

Of course the true reason is that its is for their status and a nameless fear of the future that they react like this. But they may not even admit this to themselves. For them the way things have been was assumed to be the way that things would always be. They, the exceptional aristocrats of world administration organizing and manipulating from their ivory towers and top-drawer board rooms, political palaces and vast bureaucratic empires.

Give it all up and let “Chinks” and “Ruskies” take over? Never!!!

And so... despite a world plagued by dire threats requiring unity of purpose to resolve these “democratic” dictators fight for their cozy existence of great power tooth and nail often quite oblivious to the chaos they engender, foment, ignore and use for their purposes in the process of forwarding their agenda. Of preserving their power.

There is nothing remotely democratic about any of this. The citizenry sheep hardly get moment’s chance to bleat about it before the wolves hunt on. Their voices are as feint as the sound of tumbleweed while their shepherds, political aristos vent their spleens seeking division, destabilization and the endlessly profitable benefits of war.

Democracy? Hardly. No western emperor decides on any of this based on democracy.

It is based purely and simply on how to use the dictatorship provided to preserve the dominance of themselves in perpetuity.

While stating it is for the good, democracy, freedom and benefit of everyone.


Imagine you are a fly in the western web, cross-referenced, indexed and identified. Located precisely by myriad traces left indelibly by each transaction, determination, notion and act. Located, labeled, screened, sorted and meticulously filed. Your profile updated constantly, digitally trailed, algorithm tested and pinned for potential.

Specimens for minute observation, individual case studies, examined until expiry.

A living autopsy performed by the nanosecond measures you, all personality disorder pathogens identified for risk in the beneficial empire’s laboratory of the soul.

Guinea pigs are chosen, random spot checks made. Those defined as Pavlov’s dogs are dosed. A vast, all-embracing matrix holds the human flies under the microscope of one Ministry. All good is kept in the nation for the nation. A world of minute control of the micro for the sake of the macro, explained, justified and provided by popular demand. Keeping the All safe from harm.

Directing prods weave better designs for every mind within the matrix. Interior and exterior drones crisscross delivering vital realtime patterns in myriad layers. Skyeyes and Mindeyes detect each minute aberration within the matrix, reporting micro portraits of irregular patterns to the nexus hub of Central Intelligence. All for the good of All.

The All is the prime context in nations held in intimate embrace. Obedience to the All is a necessary subtext required while foreign danger stalks the world. This is the repeated subliminal meme that refreshes itself in every mind. Obedience to this protective narrative brings the vital safety protecting the All from the enemy Outside.

Always at work a holograph of data is built, individual images constructed in real time, all “units” fixed within byte-portraits. Precisely located, with deep scan status provided and potential for harm measured and registered. Thought-patterns are logged, cross-referenced, current activities are measured and, whenever necessary flagged for further action. Just in time, Just in case. All angles covered. 24/7.

For the good of All.

The enemy endlessly waits, looking for weakness. Only total obedience to the current narrative can save the nation. Information brings power not to be left in the wrong hands. Or minds. Minds need inspection for deviance from the rules that protect us All. The Overseers see what’s best for All, in Central Intelligence guided by the legally-sanctioned Overview that keeps All safe.

Obedience is your tool for preserving this fragile cocoon where we are safe.

Do not struggle. All is for the good. Be well, do well and all will be well within the web.


Sunday, 28 March 2021


Are you a traitor for not agreeing with your government?

Are your words of protest helping the enemy?

Are you an agent of a foreign power even if you don’t know it?

Even if no war has been announced?

Perhaps you are supposed to take your cue from the media.

Don’t you hear what they’re saying?

Have you heard a good word said about Russia or China lately?

You surely can’t have missed how the major league social media people are being hauled over the coals about content.

Or how those who look after broadcasting rules have been looking for every possible way to ban RT (Russia Today) that they all say is propaganda.

Perhaps you missed how the BBC and Reuters were exposed recently for taking money from the British government to help with their plans to “educate” Russian journalists to create the “proper” narratives in Russia?

Havn’t you got the message yet?

If you live in the USA you surely know that commentators with large audiences are being denied income for videos that don’t quite have the “right” content.

Fact checking entities that lean toward a certain direction in doing their checking have sprouted as a new industry and ‘cancel culture’ is thriving. The drive to homogenize speech is well under way.

You could be forgiven for thinking that the western world is turning into the black and white world of oppression, censorship and denial of free speech it once claimed was the entirety of the USSR, the Soviet Union.

If you have read George Orwell’s ‘1984’ you will surely also see a few parallels in it to what’s happening now.

Perhaps you are not quite aware how far things have already gone and are unaware of the implications of what has already transpired.

We are being watched, monitored and judged... constantly. Not those of us with tiny audiences yet. Not yet. But how long might it be before we are?

The USA and UK are at war with Russia and China. Not that there has been an official announcement and it is likely there never will be. But they are at war with them and they are seeking every single means possible to attack them.

They don’t want a single positive thing said about either one of them. Look at how Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine and the Chinese equivalent are being treated for instance. Look at any recent article by a mainstream journalists and the statements made by the U.S. State Department or the UK’s Foreign Office. Search in vain for anything positive, anything that looks like an attempt at diplomacy. You won’t find anything.

We are in ‘The Ice Cold War’ where no diplomacy is considered good diplomacy. Diplomacy is now composed of western demands and accusations, nothing more.

This is how it is when nations are at war.

The enemy must be demonized, treated as sub-human, evil in both intent and act. Monsters and criminals, plotters trying to harm you, devious, untrustworthy and requiring elimination.

Vladimir Putin and the Chinese Communist Party are being treated in exactly this way. China has become a relatively recent case for this treatment. But Vladimir Putin has suffered it since 2007. His crime? Insisting the Russian Federation should exist as an independent, sovereign state with its own foreign policy and not a controllable minion nation governed by others in a unipolar world.

Before his speech in 2007 making plain this was how he saw things he has been public enemy number one in the West. Before this time, from 2000 that is, he was treated as a friend, respected, lauded even. After it he was persona non grata in most of the West.

So, those who admire him, as I do, can be treated with suspicion, suspected of trading in disinformation, of being ‘Putin’s Puppet’ or a ‘Russian Agent’.

But I am a minor player, a nobody, not even an irritant, unworthy of attention.

Those with an audience of many thousands however, watch out.

Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Benjamin Norton, Anya Parampil, John Pilger, George Galloway, Lee Camp, Jimmy Dore, Kim Iversen and a growing number of others however, watch your backs. You have a target there. You are in their cross-hairs.

The elites of the West are at war and are not playing around. This is serious. All the power they have accrued over the last several hundred years is now at stake. China is rising fast and once she surpasses the economic power of the West to a certain degree then everything changes. The diplomatic and military power of the USA, UK and their allies relies of their combined economic power.

Why do you think the USA opposes Russia’s ‘Nordstream2‘ pipeline so very hard with innumerable sanctions applied?

Why do you think China is facing a rising tide of verbal and economic attacks from the USA, UK and most probably soon, from the EU?

China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ to create trade superhighways by land and sea into the heart of Europe is going to change the geopolitical landscape completely.

And there goes the power the West has had over others due to one single project progressed steadily over the next two to five years.

The “enemy” is at the gates.

And the UK and USA are pouring metaphorical boiling oil over them.

So do you think they appreciate your praise for their “enemies" or your attempts to be fair?

They don’t.

For them you are also an enemy. The enemy within.

So what do they want you to do? What will they increasingly TELL you to do...?



Saturday, 27 March 2021


Do you know the term 'group-thought', or ’group-think’?

‘Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Cohesiveness, or the desire for cohesiveness, in a group may produce a tendency among its members to agree at all costs.’ (Wikipedia)

The elites of the West have a series of fixed, group-thought concepts which have resulted in a series of solid, unquestioned group agreements. In one way or another they convey these to each other constantly.

These agreements, perpetually reinforced create a group reality which few if any dare question. These agreements convey that they are exceptional, superior to others, have a mission to assist those less endowed with such greatness. This they believe is their fixed destiny.

They conceive themselves to be the God-awarded guardians of our planet who embody all that is right, proper and good. They have become addicted to these concepts which preserve their power over others and their inalienable right to it in much the same way as addicts are addicted to hard drugs.

In short they have become power-junkies who fill tell any lie to preserve their fix.

Like a street addict who will do anything to keep the supply of his or her drug available so western elites are willing to do anything, or almost anything, to preserve their power. Mass murder is arguably their peak solution. Others involve individual, financial and trade sanctions. Others still involve all manner of negative interference in the affairs of sovereign nations. This could mean weaponizing their national mainstream media and that of allies to attack a target nation, it can mean organizing dissidents, criminals and other activists within target nations to create chaos and an atmosphere of maximum discontent or infecting, using non-governmental organizations and other western institutions to do the same from outside such nations. The means are many and embodied primarily in two main institutions in the West, the CIA and MI6.

These intelligence agencies along with their cousins throughout the western world and its allies work at the beck and call of the elites who have the group-thought agreements named above firmly and deeply embedded in their psyches. They have infected an entire sub-strata of established power in the West. Subsequently the entire top layer of government in the West can be likened to a juggernaut headed permanently in a fixed direction, toward perpetual war.

The war is against all those who threaten the fixed group-thought agreements held in common among all western elites and those who work for them. These mentally restricted elites firmly bound within their impermeable bubbles of incontrovertible belief are totally unable to visualize any alternate reality.

If any data appears in their vicinity which threatens to contradict what they “know” it will immediately be assigned a pejorative label. It will be framed as ‘misinformation’, ‘disinformation’ or some other label that denies it legitimacy. When such items of information appear on a regular basis then the source is identified and labeled an enemy. In this way it does not matter at all whether the information is valid or not, if it does not tie in with and reinforce the group-thought agreements of western elites it must be false.

You will have noticed no doubt how most if not all assertions referring to ‘Fake News’ come from establishment sources framing narratives inconvenient to them and their fixed group-thought agreements are categorized this way.

The increasing censorship we are seeing in the western world and the ‘cancel culture’ that stems from it are part of the same phenomenon. In a sub-issue context, the ‘Woke’ generation are being asked to permanently fix their views in a similar fashion into a black and white simplistic mental construct.

Life never was and never will be reducible to primary colors never mind pure black and white.

But this is the way of thinking that has been impressed on western populations at least since 9/11. You are either with or against us. Those incarcerated in Guantanamo are bad people where no trial is necessary. If you say anything that is remotely positive or conciliatory about our “enemies” then you are either an agent of that nation or a puppet of its leadership... or perhaps simply a traitor to your own country.

You see how this works?

And it starts at the top where only one view is now allowed. It wasn’t always this way but it very certainly is now.

The “Yessir!” response of any military is now fully in force at the height of the western elites superstructure. No thinking outside the box is permitted for a moment. Do so and the conversation stops, your name mentally noted and your future suddenly turns inescapably dark. In any editorial suite where journalists are invited the same is true now, ever since 9/11. You are either on the bus or off it. In line with a certain way of thinking or you will be immediately looking for other employment. The New York Times is a prime example of this, and to a somewhat lesser but still pervasive degree the rest of western mainstream media.

Try saying Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela are not quite as bad as constantly labeled in any of these group-though enclosed spaces sometime. The sudden silence and the stares that accompany it will tell you all you need to know. Of course anyone actually existing or working in such places learns the score before starting or within hours of entering such a work space.

This is what we face when we attempt to discover objective truth; deceptive narratives designed to bolster the group-thought narratives of elites who see conspiracy against their nations in any such attempt and therefore immediately attack it. This of course is dependent upon the popularity of your views, the extent of their distribution and your persistence as a challenge to the agendas of the elites and the preservation of their power.

The Group-Thought, God-Awarded, Power-Junkie Guardians are, as they conceive their God, jealous and protective of their might. They already have all the justifications they need in their blind allegiance to their chosen and very fixed truths to smite anyone contradicting them.

And they are quite willing to destroy anyone and anything on their quest to enforce their way of thinking, and systems of control and punishment until they have gained ‘full spectrum dominance’ across the entire planet.

Then there will be only one truth that can be said, thought or acknowledged. Theirs.



The USA is busy bringing friends together against it to face down its constant interference and attacks against them. This counterproductive result of a thoroughly bull-headed policy of utmost stupidity has been continuing for decades now.

A mongrel kept as a pedigree breed holds the concept in its addled brain that it wears a collar of diamonds and can shit anywhere in the street it chooses. It is about to be taught a lesson and delivered into quarantine until it learns better.

Overweening arrogance and unwarranted pride inevitably lead to a fall.

The USA and UK through their collective past believe they are superior through a combined history of genocide, slavery, colonialism and mass murder. These criminal states have become long used to having and exerting power. They consider it their birthright. Both blinded by varieties of ignorance, arrogance and unending greed they find it impossible to shake the habits of generations. The elitist mentality is so deeply ingrained that it now represents the predominant ethos of their nations.

Creating victims was their previous modus operandi.

The USA by murdering its native population after acts of unspeakable treachery before initiating its near comprehensive genocidal campaign.

The USA also in enslaving millions of African men, women and children, wrenching them from their homes to work, die and be raped in their plantations. Aided and abetted by the UK of course.

The USA in experimenting with the lives of Marshall Islanders and mass murdering the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (with Japan pleading to surrender) using nuclear devices.

The UK in enslaving half the world to its will through colonialism with the same terminally racist attitudes as it had when running the slave trade to the USA, raping nations of their dignity and resources.

These are the nations now interfering worldwide creating enemies of them once again, totally unable to learn the lessons of their past, shameless in their incurable greed, arrogance and insatiable appetite to control, dominate and exploit.

These are the nations who demand respect as saintly warriors for freedom, justice, human rights and democracy.

Are they totally insane? It would appear so.

The deeply ingrained myopia allowing them to tell themselves such lies indicates the depth of their willingness to remain this insane and to forever bolster their blindness to the detriment of all others.

Such nations garner allies only by dint of the threats they hold over them or by an inducement to share the fruits of the power they wield in plundering nations to weak to stand against them.

But this filthiest of “games” has reached its limit. The all-powerful West is now about to reap the last crop of its filthy system of bullying, threatening and interminable manipulation. The final harvest will be an extremely bitter one for them.

Those they previously attacked, invaded, brutalized, manipulated and otherwise treated as their fiefdoms populated by lesser beings have risen despite all their efforts. They have risen from their servitude to western overlords and slave-masters, colonial oppressors and threat-wielding butchers.

So you might expect they want revenge. But every indication is that they do not.

Take China for instance:

China has every right to despise the British.

Anyone who has heard of the ‘Opium Wars’ knows why.

‘In the 18th century, Great Britain was the first western country to trade with China. In the Sino-British trade, China sold porcelains, silk, and tea, but the Western industrial goods were hard to sell in China's self-sufficient natural economy, therefore, foreign countries had to offset the trade balance with silver.

The British had nurtured an opium market in China since 1757. Ten years later, the amount of opium imported into China was 1,000 boxes per year (each weighing 100-120 pounds).

Britain occupied Bengal (modern Bangladesh) which produced opium. In the 18th century, the British East India Company expanded the cultivation of opium in its Indian Bengal territories. The British occupiers forced Indian farmers to grow poppy and also set up Opium processing plants in Kolkata.

In the 1830s, opium accounted for more than half of Britain's shipments to China.’

The Japanese too have been an enemy of China, another member of the western empire of influence.

‘The Nanking Massacre was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing, then the capital of the Republic of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The massacre is also known as the Rape of Nanking. (Wikipedia)

Yet China bears no ill will to either nation. It wishes only that good relationships be founded and maintained.

Despite the USA and UK still attempting to interfere in China she will undoubtedly wish to restore good relations with both as soon as possible.

The same holds true I am certain regarding Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and all other nations suffering interference from the UK and USA.

But the bull-headed exceptionalist mentality of these two nations negates all possibilities in this direction. Tolerance is a forgotten virtue (if it ever existed at all) in these nations who deploy an ersatz facade of it, designed only to deceive. Their continued rabid desire to exploit and control is plain to see beneath the shallow propaganda veneer they lay on top of it.

Thus they create enemies who can see their vices plainly, eyes fully open and focused while those of the West remain blinkered by their group-thought mentalities that create a fully enclosed circle of self-serving lies.

These are enemies that would rather not be, but would rather be accepted as sovereign nations following their own cultural destinies in good relations with their neighbors and those further afield. They wish only to engage in trade... not war.

We will see the end of the West’s game within the next decade as it descends ever further as those it has made enemies of  ascend ever higher.

This will be the final bitter harvest for the West which it has sown for so many disgraceful years now and which it was always destined in its blindness to reap.


Friday, 26 March 2021


The rest of the world is supposed to look at the social, political and financial systems of the western world with envy.

But what is the reality, the underlying reality, beyond the endless self-congratulatory statements about these systems and the pretense of perennially ethical conduct by western elites?

The reality is a damn sight darker than the rosy picture painted, is it not?

While the West’s elites get up on their hind legs and sing their own praises while pointing at others not following their example something simply does not ring true.

Which nations used a pack of lies in recent times to attack and invade nations killing hundreds of thousands that had not laid a finger on them?

Which nations caused the financial crash of 2007-08?

Which nations are endlessly embroiled in social discontent with attendant riots, looting, arson and demands for reform?

Which nations have the largest proportion of their citizens incarcerated?

Which nations have the biggest drug problem, homeless problem, financial fraud problem, killer cop problem, pornography and pedophile problem etc. etc. ?

And which nations have a history including genocide, slavery, colonialism and mass murder on an industrial scale?

Can it possibly be those same nations whose elites claim to have an inalienable right to judge all others, to name them as not rising to their standard, to claim they need to change in order to mirror them and to act to destabilize, subvert and perhaps even attack and invade them to make them change their ways?

How could this possibly be? Someone is being hoodwinked don’t you think?

In fact it is an enormous PR facade, very well funded and fully complied with by the mainstream media of every western nation plus their allies.

When this facade is punctured even to the slightest degree by media not owned or under the psychological domination of western states such as RT (Russia Today) or Sputnik International or a host of crowdfunded YouTube commentators then these outlets are criticized as propaganda.

Could this scenario get any more 'Alice in Wonderland’ than this?

Reality is turned on its head in the West. Realities are reversed. Black is White. And of course, as Orwell warned, War becomes Peace. The West kills for peace, threatens, bribes, kidnaps, tortures and assassinates for peace.

And we are all supposed to believe it is all right and proper because every mainstream outlet subliminally infers it. Polite and highly deferential questions are asked. Politicians, generals and various talking heads are queried about what to do concerning the terrible deeds of those foreigners ‘over there’. But even a cursory mention of the evil deeds ‘right here’ in the West? Almost never. The only recent example came from a sociopath for heaven’s sake! From Trump. In answer to a leading question seeking confirmation that Vladimir Putin is “a killer” Trump replied “You think we never killed someone?”

This the truth that cannot be spoken in the West except by those with no to minimal connection to its elite and not owned by some “news” corporation. The truth concerning the West’s past and present and warmongering future is a forbidden zone only those who want to lose their jobs, be vilified and never see promotion again and become a social pariah can voice. Unless they have broken free from the jobsworths of the mainstream, people like John Pilger and the late Robert Parry and Robert Fisk.

Where is this West of supreme integrity, free press, freedom of speech, humanitarian concerns and holier-than-thou NGOs who stand in line with their elites pointing bloody fingers?

The West that is riven with discord, drowning in debt and reeling from a pandemic is was so obviously unfit to counter. That is the West we see. The West of regime change wars, of black site torture, waterboarding and inhuman treatments, of political in-fighting, of obese citizens wracked by ill-health,  of racism and nascent fascism, of a myriad forms of division tearing its societal fabric apart.

This is the West we see. A West at war with itself and nations it wants to bring down to its level, not up to some fake self-image of itself.

This is the real West. Unfit in almost every way. Unfit to speak concerning the faults and flaws of others. Unfit to claim anything about itself that others should follow. Unfit to be in the company of nations of true integrity. An unfit and failing group of states whose history and behavior both past and present should make it thoroughly ashamed.

A West totally unfit for purpose.


Thursday, 25 March 2021


All’s fair in love and war the adage goes, correct?

What about U.S. elites weaponizing the same kind of terrorists who killed almost 3,000 American citizens on 9/11 2001?

How fair, honest, decent and ethical is THAT?

This is precisely what U.S. elites did in Syria along with their British allies and they appearing to be actively seeking to do the same in Xinjiang, China.

The USA has done this before. During its campaign against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan it assisted those who later became al Qaeda with high-tech weaponry with which to target Red Army transports and helicopters.

In Syria any enemy of the regime change targets of the Syrian president, the Syrian government and military, was a friend in need for the USA. Anyone who thinks the USA differentiated between the so-called ‘moderate rebels’ and terrorist seeking to make an Islamist caliphate out of Syria is living in a parallel universe where western propaganda permeates it with not a single piece of contrary data anywhere to be found.

The same hold true for Iran. There is an organization called Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) that holds conferences in the United States where speakers such as John Bolton give speeches calling for them to take over there and become the new government in Tehran. The MEK has a long and inglorious history which includes fighting for Saddam Hussein in Iraq’s war with their home country Iran. The USA is actively weaponizing this terrorist army for use in overthrowing the leadership in Iran.

In China the USA is intent on using Uyghur militants who have been fighting in Afghanistan and Syria to destabilize the Xinjiang region there. They have recently de-categorized the organization containing many Uyghur fighters formerly designated as a terrorist entity and appear to be fomenting chaos in Xinjiang through their use. While this is going on a variety of propaganda memes are being used to demonize the Chinese authorities making false claims about genocide, forced sterilization and concentration camps in the region.

The USA was also active in fomenting unrest in Hong Kong in recent times funneling money and other means of support to the activists and rioters who were seeking to generate a campaign to have Hong Kong secede from China. This was done mainly through Non-governmental organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

In Ukraine the USA was guilty of gross interference in the affairs of another sovereign state by training activists within the U.S. embassy to be weaponized against the democratically elected president and government of Ukraine. Victoria Nuland of the U.S. State department along with Geoffrey Pyatt, then U.S. ambassador in Kiev worked to enable a takeover of the Ukrainian state and along with senator John McCain actively supported those attempting to overthrow the legal authorities in Ukraine. The rioters on Kiev’s Maidan Square who were attempting to kill the police there using any means possible were framed by President Barack Obama as “peaceful protestors”.

In Venezuela the elites of the USA have actively supported the most violent thugs within Venezuela in their effort to undermine the president and government there. Venezuela is merely the latest of a litany of crimes by the USA in Latin America which have run the whole gamut from coups to assassinations to the financing and training of terrorist groups such as the Contras in Nicaragua who perpetrated some of the most horrendous crimes against humanity ever known. This group was actively assisted by the Reagan administration secretly funneling money to them from the proceeds of what became known as the ‘Iran-Contra’ scandal.

The above examples are only a very few from the litany of crimes perpetrated by the USA under cover of attempting to spread “freedom and democracy”.

The examples above describe a consistent pattern of the U.S. elites assisting terrorists and other criminally violent groups to overthrow the leadership of sovereign nations who have never perpetrated a single act of war against them.

Only a blind and deaf person with no other access to information but western mainstream news could think otherwise than that the USA along with allies such as the UK was a state sponsor of terrorism and criminality overseas as a policy of government over successive administrations.

These activities continue at the heart and behest of every successive U.S. administration and the methods involved will be used against any individual or nation that it deems a suitable candidate for such treatment with no respect or adherence to international law whatsoever.

These abuses are quite incontrovertible and can be found in the historical record. Yet they raise hardly a murmur in the West, not by the vast majority of mainstream media staff at any level and certainly not by any prominent political figures. These crimes against humanity pass in succession in virtual silence giving a mute approval to encourage even more to be perpetrated with total immunity given to the perpetrators.

It is therefore certain that we will see many more instances of this criminal activity and terrorist acts presented as acts of laudable bravery by “freedom fighters” only intent on selflessly liberating others. This the level of amorality that infests UK and U.S. elites who deliver death and destruction while framing it as some sort of victory for humanity.

These are the cynical and callous activities of western amoral elites who weaponize terrorist and ultra-violent proxy forces worldwide.

‘Timber Sycamore was a classified weapons supply and training program run by the United States CIA and supported by some Arab intelligence services, such as the security service in Saudi Arabia. Launched in 2012 or 2013, it supplied money, weaponry and training to rebel forces fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian Civil War. According to US officials, the program was run by the CIA's Special Activities Division and has trained thousands of rebels. President Barack Obama secretly authorized the CIA to begin arming Syria's embattled rebels in 2013.

The program's existence was suspected after the US Federal Business Opportunities website publicly solicited contract bids to ship tons of weaponry from Eastern Europe to TaÅŸucu, Turkey and Aqaba, Jordan.’ (Wikipedia)

‘The European Union, Canada, the United States, and Japan have previously listed the MEK as a terrorist organization. This designation has since been lifted,after a legal battle launched by the PMOI, first by the Council of the European Union on 26 January 2009, by the U.S. government on 21 September 2012, by the Canadian government on 20 December 2012, and by the Japanese government in 2013. The MEK is designated as a terrorist organization by Iran and Iraq. In June 2004, the U.S. had designated members of the MEK to be ‘protected persons’ under the Geneva Convention IV, relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which expired in 2009 after the attainment of the full sovereignty of Iraq.

Critics have described the group as "resembling a cult". Those who back the MEK describe the group as proponents of "a free and democratic Iran" that could become the next government there.’ (Wikipedia) 


What if the U.S. project running currently to eliminate all rivals and replace them with their people fails and is seen to fail? What if the Chinese Communist Party stays resolutely in place and China continues her economic growth and expands her influence? What if this latter circumstance means that the U.S. elites perceive their goal of achieving 'full spectrum dominance’ is lost? Might they countenance one last desperate throw of the dice in those last moments when all seems lost?

The goal of full spectrum dominance set in motion after 9/11 was never meant to be countermanded and in fact there is certainly a prohibition on any future U.S. president or administration to countermand it. The very security of the American nation was seen to depend upon it and for it to be fulfilled at all costs and in all circumstances. No half measures were to be countenanced, nothing short of total security would do. Not a percentage of total security, an entirely secure system was to be put in place monitored 24/7 from space after all non-compliant entities had been removed.

So, what if China stays resolutely opposed to having its present system of governance undermined? What if this holds true for Russia also? And others such as Iran, Syria, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and others who have no wish to be supervised, managed and punished whenever deemed necessary in a unipolar world where the USA is global controller.

What if the project to secure the USA’s future in the total security envisaged fails to reach its objective?

What if China continues to send her technology into space along with Russia and shows not one sign of being willing to have the revolution against their authorities the USA and its allies seek?  In recent days Russia and China have said they will work together on creating a Lunar Space Station. Under Trump the U.S. Space Corp was founded and we will soon see the Ice Cold War (as I call it) transferred to the Earth’s orbit and lunar surface.

China is working toward the completion of her ‘Belt and Road’ initiative to bring trade with Europe to higher and higher levels. Russia has almost completed her ‘Nordstream2‘ pipeline to bring Russian gas into the heart of Europe bypassing one of the USA’s most strategic allies, Ukraine in the process.

You will have noticed the ramping up of western propaganda against China in recent weeks and months to almost match that against Russia of the many years previously. This indicates to me that a parallel ramping up of desperation within the ranks of the western elites is also occurring.

In my view the pandemic has caused the elites running the full spectrum dominance project to reconfigure their timeline of planned events. The highly negative economic consequences for the West and the speedy return to health of that of China has been the cause of the increase in aggression by the West in line with a foreshortening of the predicted timeline on the path to eliminating China as a barrier.

If no catastrophic events intervene China will gain an enormously expanded degree of influence within Europe over the next five to ten years due to the expanded and upgraded transport infrastructure she is now putting in place. The influence of the USA in Europe cannot help but diminish and this is exactly the converse of what U.S. elites have planned. U.S. influence was programed to increase, expand and become ever more pervasive after 9/11 and each administration has attempted to make this so.

Putin was the primary target along with the other well known regime change targets seen hit hard in the first years after 9/11. Putin stood in the way of the other projects scheduled for the Middle East and eastern Europe. despite all efforts by the USA, UK and their allies he has withstood all attacks aimed at removing him.

The desperation to attain the post 9/11 goals has only grown in recent years due to the timetable falling further and further behind in terms of nations successfully undermined and rendered “safe”. If China now powers ahead with an extremely strong economic push both at home and into Europe, if Russia remains ever more effectively defended in terms of weaponry (hypersonic missiles etc.) and successfully negotiates its internal west-fomented protest movements (Navalny, etc.) what then?

Then the post 9/11 project to attain full spectrum dominance, full, predictable and actionable global overview and control is lost.


Unless, as has been reported in recent years, the elites of the USA now believe that limited tactical nuclear strikes are no longer unthinkable but a potential strategic asset that can be used where all other options have failed.

Is this where we are now headed?

If the current ramping up of anti-China propaganda and demonization projects to coincide with those against Russia is seen to have failed and all hope of other subversion events being effective drops to zero... will nuclear strikes be seen as the single last option to save the day and allow the project to continue towards its goal?



The USA and the UK, known collectively as ‘Interference Inc.’ have as one of their primary products the destabilization of those forms of governance that don’t suit their agenda.

That agenda is of course the maintenance of their long-held global dominance.

Completely ignoring their collective histories of genocide, slavery, colonialism and mass murder they constantly assert their self-given right to subvert, destabilize, manipulate, punish and otherwise destroy, the fabric of nations not complying with their notion of correct governance.

This pair of genocidal manipulators also hold their own dubious self-awarded rights and sovereignty as sacrosanct and that any response to their own constant interference is a criminal activity deserving of yet more attacks upon the perpetrators.

Apart from military attacks upon and invasion of sovereign nations without just cause what are the other methods employed by the criminal states of the USA and UK?

These vary from nation to nation depending on the weaknesses their intelligence units have identified. The CIA and MI6 work tirelessly to locate weak points which can be utilized to cause chaos within target nations.

In earlier times the USA and UK were much more blatant in their methodologies in bringing presidents and governments down in order to get their hands on a governments resources or to shape the geopolitical direction of nations. This is seen to its greatest extent in Latin America where coups and assassinations directly carried out or assisted by the CIA.

This also took place to a somewhat lesser degree in the Middle East where both the USA and UK were determined to ensure a constant oil supply. In 1953 the then democratically elected prime minister of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddegh and his government were overthrown by a CIA-directed coup.

Apart from the several regime change military attacks and subsequent invasions in the Middle East the USA and UK have taken to somewhat more subtle techniques to overthrow the leaders and governments which don’t suit their interests.

In Hong Kong for instance they used the discontent being felt by those young Hong Kongers who felt entitled to the easy money without much accountability that their forebears under the British diktat had enjoyed. The niches for their ambitions to gain access to and exploit had all but been filled, real estate prices were becoming far too expensive for them and what with the job market that had dwindled to only the most expert of them they decided a renewed secession from China would create the environment where their greed and ambition could be assuaged.

These predominantly young men became activists. They are a minority in Hong Kong but a very active and energetic minority. They were fed finances and other forms of support by the UK and USA mainly via an assortment of NGOs, Non-Governmental Agencies, among them the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and George Soros’ ‘Open Society’. The complicity of organizations such as Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International could also be relied upon. To top out the effort there was another important entity that could also be relied upon to frame the entire situation as ‘The People of Hong Kong against the evil Communist Regime’, namely western mainstream media.

In the Xinjiang region of China much the same scenario was depicted in the West and still is. Activists channel half-truths distorted into downright lies conveyed onward to a still (unbelievably naive) western population of various horror stories regarding genocide, forced sterilization and concentration camps. While of course, as with Hong Kong, entirely omitting any relay of the situation from the side of the Chinese authorities.

In Syria we can see what is arguably the very worst case of all. Not content to finance and train militants with a view to bringing down the Syrian president, government and military through the ever-increasing chaos they could engender, they added a number of other steps in their regime change playbook.

Year after year Syria was reduced to rubble in much of the country. After four years the USA and UK saw their plan (along with their Middle Eastern allies was working). Terrorism was rife across the majority of the country and all stood ready for the final onslaught on Damascus and an Islamic caliphate then across all of Syria and the massacre of all Christians still within it.

During this time the USA and primarily the UK had come up with an ingenious plan to channel useful narratives carefully constructed by their activists, The White Helmets and others to mainstream western media. The White Helmet operation was a particularly clever combination of believable facades. Framing their activists as a heroic rescue squad who saved woebegone children from buildings destroyed by “The Evil Assad Regime” it was perfect for endlessly pushing the emotional buttons of the western populace.

Unluckily for the planners of the Syria Op in the UK and USA Russia decided to step in and refuse to allow to be taken over and occupied by a terrorist force that would present a serious threat to her own borders, also occupied to some extent (Chechnya) by similar radicals. Syria now is no longer in any risk of takeover by the proxies of the West. (Though the UK and USA continue to wage war on Syria through ‘The Caeser Act’ and a plethora of economic sanctions, plus the U.S. denying Syria the finance it needs to rebuild by illegally occupying its oil resources.)

In Venezuela we see another striking case of the USA, UK and a coalition of others targeting a nation to make it comply with western elite requirements. A host of sanctions and bans on perfectly legal trading and financial activity has caused in excess of 40,000 additional lives. Misery is piled on misery in Venezuela with measure upon measure including the waterfall of propaganda and demonization that is a common thread across all the West’s regime change efforts.

Regarding Russia we can see the exploitation of ambitious self-publicists such as Alexei Navalny and assistance to the same kind of young activists who feel they are entitled to everything they think the West can provide just as those in Hong Kong do. The West’s intelligence agencies, politicians, misguided citizens, NGOs and media all weigh in to create as much chaos as possible while delivering a minimal of contrary viewpoints, least of all that of the Russian state.

The methods used by western intelligence agencies are guided by no moral or ethical code. Using software techniques to leave the cyber “fingerprints” of foerign nations on supposed hacking events or attempts to manipulate the electoral systems of western nations was made clear by the Snowden revelations. Is it too far a stretch to recognize the similarity involved in using a Russian-identified poison, ‘Novichok’ to kill people, or at least to make it LOOK like an assassination attempt? Consider this for a moment before you make up your mind. Suppose Russia did poison the Skripals... would Russia use the exact same Russia-identified preparation on Navalny? No matter what you may think of Vladimir Putin, the last thing you can say about him is that he is not stupid. And certainly not THAT stupid.

Since 9/11 the USA with help from its primary ally, the UK plus others has initiated a program to eliminate every individual, entity, grouping or nation that is in the least critical of the West or its foreign policy and that will not bow down in supplication to it willing to follow its lead and do what it says.

Each targeted nation is targeted and attacked separately based on the weaknesses identified by the West’s intelligence community. Without doubt there are separate teams for China, Russia, Syria, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Yemen, Cuba, Nicaragua and all others listed and targeted for ‘The Treatment’. And you can be sure they all coordinate with each other, engage in training with each other, week-long seminars and constant interplay, data-transference and personal contact with the highest politicians in both nations. Progress reports, current operations reporting and brainstorming of new tactics, sanctions, activist coordination and liaison, media update briefings etc. etc. will be ongoing 24/7.

All overseen at the top of the political tree in all nations across the western world and elsewhere who are onboard for the duration, firmly committed members of the chaos-manufacturing coalition.

It’s not a case of one size fits all... it’s all about choosing the best chaos for each case.


Wednesday, 24 March 2021


The USA and UK are risking the life of everyone to impose their concepts of democracy on every nation on the planet. They claim this is for the good of everyone but the chaos that will ensue just when we need maximum unity to face the future is insane.

The elites of our world could work in unison if they wanted to. Most wish this but the USA and UK are leading a drive to divide and rule.

Divide and rule, then subjugate, and demand the enforcement of their will.

At this time when a pandemic is making millions sick and killing hundreds of thousands the need to have all nations working together to mitigate the damage being done should be obvious.

But these two nations are working in diametric opposition to unity, seeking instead to destroy two of the nations leading the fight against the pandemic, China and Russia.

The USA and UK are using this moment of greatest threat to humankind to advance their agenda of global regime change and tear our world apart so they can maintain their own national interests.

Both nations regard all resources on the planet to be rightfully theirs in an unparalleled drive to support their domination at all costs.

The nations that between them have histories of genocide, slavery, colonialism and mass murder using nuclear weapons want everyone to believe that they are the solution to all our problems.

The truth is that they are the problem and have been the problem since the end of World War II. Their greed and willingness to kill to assuage it is killing any chance of the vital unity that is the only way we can adequately face the threats that certainly lie in the future.

Their policy is divide and conquer, undermine, destabilize and subvert every nation that could rival their economic power and the main target is China. Previously the USA and UK believed they had more time with which to target and achieve regime change in all China’s allies and those nations unaligned with the West. Since the pandemic has wreaked havoc with the economies of the West they have brought the timetable for China’s destruction forward.

China has always been the main threat to western dominance, a dominance it has enjoyed for several hundred years. The economic rise of China alone makes the eclipse of the West’s economic and military dominance certain. The elites of the USA and UK cannot countenance what this will mean to their present still potent influence in the world. They have reached a stage of extreme desperation and are hurrying their plans to undermine China and her ally Russia.

The fact that nations are suffering from the worst global epidemic in living memory is not stopping them, it is causing them to move even after and display and plan ever more aggression and use of destabilizing methodologies.

The present propaganda against China is a forerunner to even more extreme sanctions and unknown additional methods to create chaos there. Activists are being used to spread false stories about locations in China to instigate disruption to the maximum level possible.

Chief of the fake news narratives is that concerning the Uyghur population in Xinjiang Province. There they want terrorists released into the Chinese population to restart the terrorist campaign they began less than a decade before. The chief target is China’s ‘Belt and Road’ initiative to create a highly upgraded transportation link from China to Europe.

Hindering or even destroying this high capacity, high-speed conduit from China to the heart of Europe would signal the end of the present US influence system within Europe that the USA uses as a prime asset to maintain its worldwide dominance.

Since 9/11 China has always been the target of the previously hidden primary target of the U.S. intelligence community. The agenda is now quite visible and the latest statements of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken make this clear. Post 9/11 protocols demand all those not fully compliant with the West and bending the knee to every demand of U.S. security requirements be rendered fully docile and compliant. These protocols demand that the USA shall attain full spectrum dominance across all land, sea, air and space and in perpetuity. China far above all other nations stands as a barrier to this goal that U.S. elites are totally unable to countermand and must push to a final victorious conclusion.

This is the reason for the present insanity within the wholly irresponsible acts of U.S. and UK elites in pushing the destructive agenda that we see occurring now against China.

They are putting the entire world at risk for the sake of their own narrow interests.

They cannot back down because the 9/11 protocols were written in a way that could never be countermanded. To countermand them was seen as exposing the USA to risk to the degree that they were not fulfilled to 100%. Even 0.1% left unfulfilled meant that the USA was put at 0.1% risk and this 0.1% risk was too much, the risk level demanded HAD to be 0%.

This is impossible. But in the atmosphere that prevailed immediately after 9/11 it was nevertheless seem as absolutely essential with no recourse to the effecting of any alteration or amendment and no feasible authority exists with the power to effect any such change.

This is what we face. With no entity in the West able to change course and signal the toleration of the forms of governance targeted for destruction the world is left open to continuing chaos, division and destruction and vulnerable to every threat which can expose every yawning chasm of disunity among us and leave us exposed... potentially all dying together.



There is an enemy of humankind working tirelessly to exert its influence and in so doing bring a chaos that it can use to its advantage.

This enemy is seeking to make all rivals conform to its own image and will use any means available to it to bring this about.

The aim is to establish itself as the preeminent force across the planet from which vantage point it can survey all others and quickly nullify threats to its hegemony.

If you consider your present freedom of speech and action important you ought to fear this enemy.

If it gets its way there will be almost no communication that is not intercepted, analyzed and acted upon.

Already it is using myriad means to invade every aspect of life anywhere it can reach and permeate it with its power by threats, bribes or blackmail.

If you live in a western nation and consider this enemy is coming at you from outside your borders you are mistaken. The enemy is operating at the highest level of your government and its intelligence institutions.

The source of most turmoil, death, destruction and chaos occurring presently can be directly traced to the policies, statements and actions of western governments, primarily those of the USA and UK with assistance from governments within the European Union.

They have an agenda which demands that all nations who do not comply with their demands must be undermined and their governmental structure made to conform with theirs.

This agenda completely downplays and indeed ignores, all loss of life, destruction of livelihoods, damage to infrastructure, the creation of human misery, the economic chaos and fragmentation of all regions that arise from its policies that it requires to activate in order to achieve its objectives.

By working hard, paying your taxes and remaining generally ignorant of and supportive of this agenda, its policies and goals, or at least not actively fighting against them, citizens of those nations involved actively assist their states in this world-wrecking, mass murder and chaos engendering agenda.

Far from having the noble goals of freedom and democracy these states espouse, the western nations involved are seeking to enforce slavery and dictatorship on to the rest of the world.

If their goals are achieved the USA will dominate, subjugate and be the sole judge concerning all aspects of life on this planet ensuring its permanent place dictating events in a unipolar world. There will be no democracy except some sham event that public relations personnel will demand is recognized as real. There will be no justice except the judgement handed down to those framed as “unlawful combatants”, “foreign agents” and “enemies of the state”. There will be no freedom of speech with a cancel culture much more globally pervasive than now where Orwell’s concept of a ‘thought crime’ is punishable by law as a “threat to society”.

The values of this “value-based” society will be those chosen on high, those which match the requirements of those in power at all times, the values which reflect the chosen narratives and “acceptable opinions” sanctioned by those powers.

Freedom of choice will be available only where those choices do not mitigate against the parameters of what is considered “right” and “proper” by western political and media elites.

All this awaits the success of the current war being waged by the West against all nations not conforming to its demands. All individuals, entities and nations are expected to comply with the West or face the consequences. Those consequences are to be demonized, attacked by financial and economic sanctions, to be propagandized against, have fake narratives told about you, activists in your country used to sabotage you and where it remains an affordable option to be attacked and invaded.

No one should be confused about what is happening.

The West is at war against most of the rest of the world, is planning to subjugate everyone for the security of its elite population to the detriment not only of the nations it targets but of their own populations also.

I would urge everyone to act accordingly.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021


The age of emancipation, empowerment, entitlement and the right to have an equal opinion to others no matter how speculative, shallow, hysterical or insane it might be arrived quite recently.

The Thatcher era blended perfectly with that of Blair which followed it. Then Major with his Citizens’ Charter, a weak follow up. Then the rest.

We were to be the new kings and queens demanding others listen and provide us with only the best of service, or else.

Each one of us  was encouraged to be Little Lord or Lady Fauntleroy, owning our own castle and demanding the epitome of good service from all... because we deserved it.

In the Blair era all socialists would drink champagne and send their children with a pristine pure conscience to private schools, bankers would be buddies and cool suits and Cool Britannia would carry us all to Thatcher’s universe vers 2.

We would strive for success without a twinge of doubt, engage with all monolith religions as stakeholders in common with the new religion of PR politics. The shiny new status quo was here to stay and the City of London would show the way.

Everyone was empowered to be as opinionated and as greedy as possible. Hypercriticism was on its way as cabling brought the joys of internet flaming to every household. No need to restrain yourself now. Let rip. Old British reticence was about to be banished in an orgy of babel-like verbal vomit.

We inspected those who used to be known as our betters on Question Time and discovered them to be craven liars and dissemblers, deceivers, dumbos and in most cases rank bastards.

The waterfall of know-best screamers was rushing down the pike and there would be no stopping them. Though the monstrously out of touch edifices of established religion still pushed out their epithets of stricture and warning less and less gave a fuck about anything they said any more. Now we were all pundits, know bests. Hadn’t we been told we were? Weren’t we now fully empowered, masters and mistresses of our own destinies, getting filthy rich and increasingly selfish? We had those we demanded service from. We expected to be served only the very best... or else. The cold walls of self-interest where our lives were lived based on a business plan where outside inputs (people) had to provide what it said ‘on the tin’.

Much was beyond its sell-by date including almost everyone we knew. Friends would now be chosen on the basis of what they supplied to you. If they didn’t make you laugh, curious or come they were gone, dropped like an empty crisp packet on the street for someone else to pick up.

People were for use depending on their appearance, their CV or clothes’ style, inspected and interrogated in job interviews where they were expected to say how much they loved you and your business model.

Everyone was getting the same eagle-eyed, cold-soulled look in their eye always watching for the main chance.

Thatcher died at last. Blair rose and led a mass slaughter of socialism and another in Iraq then was gone. The rest are a blur of dummies trying to minutely adjust a steering wheel locked in place heading in entirely the wrong direction.

In the USA that had been in the mode the UK now took on for years saw the heroic Reagan, the cuddly affable uncle give the thumbs up to the kind of terrorism in both Afghanistan and Nicaragua that we have seen time and time again since in America’s ever ongoing and ever evil proxy wars.

It all led up to now. A maelstrom of headless chicken certainty from a billion pseudo kings and queens demanding the best of everything and asserting their right to have it, have themselves heard and have what they think was agreed to.

“When everyone wants things their way, no one gets things their way.”

This is the unending, open-ended rite of passage for unlimited confusion from here on out in the western world. A sale-day opening of the human soul where we rip at each other to get the goodies we came for. Where the human animal tears the mental flesh of all others in an attempt to assert his or her ultimate individual rights. It’s reality TV for everyday life with every subliminal or shallow message generated by a billion screens onto minds otherwise as washed clean of deeper meaning as a new slate.

Ignorance is bliss and the shallower you are the more you’ll fit.

Just demand.

Get into the swing of it, be cool, look right and make sure your elbows are sharp enough to get to the top.

Welcome to a western world where only we are good and all else is put up with temporarily.

A western world where knowledge has been traded for the latest, easily imbibed conspiracy theory. Where nothing is trusted other that the latest diatribe against whoever your ire is directed at today.

In a world where no one knows much, but everyone claims to know everything.

Where everyone is wrapped up in themselves as an antidote to thinking about anyone else or anything very much.

In a western world where unlimited chaos roils round each head as the absolute norm.


Monday, 22 March 2021


In recent days and weeks known criminal state entities in the USA and UK whose hands have run with blood in recent years are attempting to look like saints and holier-than-thou virgins.

These state entities have perpetrated the mass murder of hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria over the past decade a half and the kidnapping and torturing of hundreds if not thousands.

These western state criminals have used their influence over a complicit mainstream media to negate and downplay these crimes against humanity which were committed with verbal fig-leafs of various lies.

Not one of the individuals in the highest positions of these criminal state entities has gone on trial let alone gone to jail for their crimes.

Multiple nations in the Middle East have been fractured and brought to a state of chaos and penury through their actions, the consequences of which will last for generations to come.

But do we see any signs of contrition if not justice?

No, not even that.

If you listen to any of those responsible they will be talking about how all their actions were correct and they would do the very same again given the chance. Anthony Blair, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condaleeza Rice, Colin Powell... ask any of these mass murdering liars and war criminals and you will here the same thing.

Now those who have taken their places within the criminal state enterprises involved which have experienced no criticism in official circles at all let alone demands that they account for their actions, want to point bloody fingers at others.

In the last few days they have become sanctions-happy, firing off accusations at China, Russia and a near half dozen others as if they are permanently perched on some moral high ground.

That mound they squat on is a mass grave. It wreaks of rotting corpses, leaks crimson red endlessly and those white shapes around their fat haunches are not doves but broken bones.

That such callous sociopaths can point at others and accuse them of crimes against human rights while the offices they hold have destroyed an entire region of the world because they had the power and the PR deceptions to do it is as sick an endeavor as you’ll come across in this world.

These people should be ashamed of themselves to work for states that caused mass bloodshed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen and 40,000+ deaths in Venezuela through inhuman sanctions. And let’s not forget the estimated 500,000 children who died in Iraq during the sanctions regime that led up to the illegal war against that nation.

These nations and officials ought to international pariahs, certainly not persons treated with any respect. To treat such people with respect is akin to bowing before terrorists.

And to find them accusing others as if their hands were clean and all the past crimes of their offices have been erased is brutally obvious hypocrisy, brass-necked arrogance and terminal cynicism all wrapped up in one.

Vampires cannot be allowed to pose as blood donors.

Vultures of the U.S. and UK war criminal states have no right to signal anything but their apologies for past crimes.

There must be no allowance for virtue signalling when virtue is so very obviously, brutally and transparently absent.



You may have noticed that the mode of communication employed by the USA in regard to the nations it has targeted for regime change has a certain tone to it.

It resembles the patronizing mode of address often heard from particularly haughty teachers to some pupil who has offended his or her sense of what’s right and proper.

No debate is expected, the naughty schoolboy or girl is meant to stand or sit head bowed and simply take their medicine and mend their ways.

At the end of the condemnation there is sometimes a demand from on high which is delivered in a commands for obedience to the higher authority and compliance with all its implied strictures from that time on.

The child is expected to depart and mend his or her ways... or else further punishment will be required, as implied by the manner in which the demands for obedience is voiced.

Threats of consequences in other words, where the target of these strictures has been found unequivocally guilty and should be under notice that he or she is on notice and under observation.

So where does the USA get off in assuming the manner of such a haughty teacher disciplining an unruly or naughty child?

Why do the political and media elites of the USA think this is appropriate?

As you will have no doubt guessed this all stems from the concept American elites have of they and their country being exceptionally blessed in God’s eyes, of having the great good fortune of having devised the very best way to behave in every circumstance.

This concept can be stretched very far. It allows immunity to do many things other nations would be criticized to high heaven for.

Just picture the following scenario:

China has in the last six months essentially obliterated an entire Middle East country and then sent in its troops invading it and killing over one hundred thousand of its citizens. Based on grounds later found to be mistaken or manipulated for certain geopolitical interests.

Then, despite the death and destruction wrought by it based on a false prospectus China says it has the moral high ground and therefore the right to point fingers at others saying THEY are “bad actors”.

Do you think the world would simply shrug and hardly mention what was done to that Middle East nation?

But because the USA and its allies do it, it’s as if it never really happened and if it did it wasn’t so bad really and in fact it was perfectly justified.

If you listen to George W. Bush, Anthony Blair and any others involved in the unsanctioned and illegal war on Iraq you would hear some variation of these excuses or attempts at full justification.

The USA takes upon itself the aura of infallibility despite all appearances, facts, obvious crimes against humanity and a clear penchant for historical aggression to the contrary.

Western elites have special blinkers, filters and blindfolds at the ready to festoon themselves with when it comes to the USA. The three highly diplomatic monkeys come to mind.


This is the kind of diplomacy the elites of the USA like best of course.

Mass murder with no trial, robbery, arson and destruction of public property, kidnapping and torture. All conveniently re-labeled as something else entirely so that no one notices or remarks or calls any of it into question.

When you conceive yourself to be global cop, judge, jury and executioner... how can you, the highest authority on everything possible be guilty of anything?  It simply does not compute as Mr Spock would say.

There are many fine Americans who question this attitude. But equally there are just as many if not more who do not.

And since 9/11 this attitude almost reaches the kind of careless words used by a certain proportion of Americans when Iraq was being put through the wringer:

“Kill ‘em all and let God sort them out.”

The Old Testament God was invoked time and time again in this message imbued with the ethos spoken of above, that of cop, judge, jury and executioner. When you conceive yourself to be the avenger and acting with a righteous vengeance there is hardly any limit beyond which you hold yourself accountable.

You are the infallible destroyer. You are the above the law enforcer and deliverer of whatever fate you wish to bring down upon your chosen target and if anyone should dare criticize you... then that person is certainly an agent of the enemy.

So diplomacy in the elite American mind... agreements, dialogue, discussion, debate, arbitration, talks... why would you bother? You have found these people guilty.

So you deliver a demand. And if that demand is not met you deliver a threat or immediate punishment. For you are a law unto to yourself. No other opinion, point of view, explanation, excuse or evidence of any kind can possibly be valid.

For you have decided what is good, what is right, what are facts and what they are not, you, in your high and mighty position have decreed what will be. It only remains for those others, those lesser mortals, those demons in human form, those enemies and bad agents to comply.

There are no questions requiring answers. You have decided, and now all must listen to your holy words of command at the criminals over there... while pointing a finger still dripping with the blood of millions.

Why would diplomacy be necessary for God’s sake?



The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being d...