Thursday 4 March 2021


Those of you who still retain some notion that western politicians are going to see sense and stop walking the road to war can let that drop now. We have already been at war for at least fourteen years since Vladimir Putin’s address at the Munich Security Conference in the year 2007.

From February of that year western elites were daggers drawn concerning Vladimir Putin and his closest allies in the Kremlin. There can be no doubt about that.

If you run a search and look at articles about and photographs of Putin before 2007 you will find nothing negative, you’ll find heartfelt praise from George W. Bush and photographs of Putin and his wife with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Look for the same after February of 2007 when he addressed the West’s elites and said Russia would work with them but not be subservient to them and you will find almost endless attacks, insinuations and outright accusations of wrongdoing.

It couldn’t be clearer.

It’s not all that’s going on but that’s basically it regarding the continual animosity towards Vladimir Putin and it is certainly showing no sign of ending.

So, what else is going on?

As there is before and after Putin’s speech there is also before and after 9/11.

Before 9/11 the elites of the USA were certainly arrogant, felt they and their nation were unquestioningly exceptional and had a tendency to throw their weight around whenever and wherever they wished. Only a cursory look at the coups and assassinations in Latin America alone show us this. The level of belligerence and bullying was high. What the U.S. wanted it generally got, one way or another. Either with or without allies.

Then came 9/11.

9/11 was a shock of such proportions to the elite superstructure of the USA and indeed to those of the western world that it cannot be described in mere words. This was never meant to happen and the reactions were twofold; we have let ourselves be vulnerable to attack and it can never be allowed to happen again and, we have to demonstrate unequivocally to the world that we remain strong and that we will no longer put up with anyone or any nation being against us. We need strength in depth and we need to project our power globally.

(You will be able to tell from the last paragraph that I do not believe for an instant that 9/11 was an inside job as some claim. For a great many reasons I do not give that theory any credence whatsoever. I’m not going into the ins and outs of why I feel this so strongly here save to say I have looked at this and have come to the decision that the essential elements we know as the standard analysis are factual.)

The meetings directly after 9/11 have not been publicized except for the one leak provided by General Wesley Clark which I am sure everyone reading will have heard of, the memo stating that the USA will seek regime change in seven specified nations.

These immediate period after 9/11 was when the forever war was formulated. There was to be no leeway given on any goal set out with the aim of ensuring the future safety of the USA. No tool, method, policy or weapon would be excluded from the arsenal of weapons with which to accomplish every goal delineated and that the ‘War on Terror’ so called would remain open-ended and continuous until every “enemy” had been vanquished and every “hostile” nation subdued and subject to elite western control and influence.

This is the forever war. We are in it now. It will not end until the USA has achieved the goals set out above. There will be no true diplomacy, no dialogue, no debate and no detente leading to agreements which bring opposing parties together. There will only be U.S. and western demands until those being demanded relent, submit and obey. Debating and having dialogue indicate that there will be some give and take. There can be none as the U.S./western elite side want their demands met to conform with the goals above. They are non-negotiable. Any relenting on those goals leaves the U.S. at risk to the percentage that the full demands are unmet and the goals are unattained. This was what was agreed after 9/11. These goals MUST be met. Nothing less. Not 1% less. Not 0.0001% less.

This is the forever war. A war that demands TOTAL victory and not one iota of relenting can take place at any time whatsoever. This is why the U.S. elites will not give up in in Venezuela, in Cuba, Nicaragua, Syria, Ukraine, or Iraq. Nor will they give up in their desire to humble any and all other nations that are not made safe by being brought to the feet of western elites such as Iran, Russia and China.

The war is only intended to have one destination and to be carried on with no turning back until that destination is achieved to ensure the continued, complete and perennial safety of the USA until the end of time. The overarching goal that incorporates both goals stated above is the achievement of full spectrum dominance by the USA and hence all her allies. In short to make this a prison planet controlled by and for the sake of America and its allies.

That is the future of humanity if this war is taken to its final conclusion with the West winning in a conclusive and final victory over all opposition.

So, why do I title this text, ‘IT’S THE FOREVER WAR... UNTIL IT ISN’T’?

Because the West is NOT going to win. It is already clear that it is impossible for it to win.

This is not because Vladimir Putin with the considerable weight of Russian power behind him can stop the elites of the West in their determined quest. Certainly he is a major figurehead and though Russia has a well-trained military and he can without doubt get the majority of Russians behind him to oppose the West. But with an economy approximately the size of South Korea Russia simply has not the economic or military power of the Soviet Union. Besides, there can be no military solution to this conflict. The war will be won through a far greater economic power than Russia can ever become. That power and the end of all western hopes for victory can only come from China.

In short, China has been rising fast for thirty years now. China has its own system of governance and by all polls is a very popular one by its citizens. The Chinese economy is fast overtaking that of the USA and has already overtaken the USA as the biggest trading nation with Europe. This can only build to ever greater heights once China’s incredible investment, the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative is complete. The amount of influence China has in Europe, Africa and elsewhere is set to soar. This acts directly against U.S. plans for global full spectrum dominance. This is at the root of U.S. economic policy which desperately seeks to hold back China in any way it can. But this is in vain, China will not be held back and is already almost fully recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic and her economy is beginning a renewed surge. The latest figure on Chinese economic growth is 3.5%, an incredible performance showing the resilience of the Chinese economy. And this is only the start.

Meanwhile the U.S. economy and that of its allies has declined and will decline further. Economic power equates to military power and the power of political influence. The rise of China and the descent of the USA and the West in general makes for obvious conclusions.

The goal of full spectrum dominance over land, sea, air and space that is at the cornerstone of post-9/11 thinking and determination in the USA and West in general is doomed to failure and a total and abject failure at that.

Sooner or later... and it will be later due to the obstinacy and group-thought myopia on the side of the USA and its allies, there will come a time of acknowledgement that it’s over, that there is no possible way that the goals set after 9/11 can be achieved. At that point we have to hope questioning, pragmatic and rational minds are available within the general “Yessir!" blindness that constitutes U.S. geopolitical thought. We have to hope that some semblance of broad awareness prevails at that moment and that those advocating the most desperate of military solutions do not prevail. For there will be those who cannot reconcile themselves to failure in the mission, who are so absolutely certain that it is all or nothing, victory or death that they will advocate strategic nuclear strikes in their desperation.

If we manage as a species to move past this point then a new pathway can tentatively and very gradually be created where the possibility of engagement in diversity emerges and the wall of fear built on dogma and paranoia begins a process leading eventually over time to its being totally dismantled.  

And at that point the forever war will be well and truly over.


1 comment:

  1. Вы, находитесь в Порядке Мёртвых и ложных культов, чёрной магии,беспределе дурмане паразитарных управленце колонии -ПРЕЗИДЕНТ- колониальный управляющий,вся планета превращена в некрополь, ваше пользополучение-ложь, война и ваше высшее пользополучение мучения, смерть и хаос. Мир-Рай, только в Божественном Мировом Порядке.



What can be said about the situation in Ukraine free of the biases of western political narratives & their mirror image in western mass ...