Tuesday 9 March 2021


In fact you can. But it is totally pointless.

You may have tried from time to time, becoming embroiled in an increasingly heated and frustrating verbal war where the focus veers wildly away from the original point of contention.

Afterwards you swear never to engage in such a waste of time ever again... but inevitably you do.

It’s partially getting suckered in, not recognizing quickly enough the kind of person you’re dealing with. You have found discussions where the sharing of views and experiences with mutual respect invigorating and intellectually stimulating, leaving you with a feeling of hope and a newfound spring in your step. This is what you hope for in initially engaging someone in a dialogue on something less than the usual small talk subjects that generally bore you. But you soon perceive that what’s happening is a verbal slug fest where opinions are transmitted as facts merely because the ego across from you needs to prove something about himself or herself, not about the subject at hand particularly. If you are wise you will simply hold up your hand, apologize for being rude and say you have somewhere else you need urgently to be.

But what happens when such a belligerent to and fro occur on an international scale?

If you have watched and listened to the U.S. representative at the United Nations speak in recent years you will have observed the equivalent to the kind of interpersonal relations i describe immediately above. Worse even. Accusations fly about Russian officers commanding their men to target schools and hospitals in Syria. Word pictures are pained that would do justice to the evil villains seen in U.S. B-movies of the Fifties and earlier. Perhaps even Hitler making similar speeches accusing the Jews of having a universal evil nature. Neither nuance, shades of grey or reasoned logic play any part. You could imagine the speaker wishing to spit and punch the air while delivering her message with ferocious and well-rehearsed hatred. I say she as the last four have been female.

Samantha Power (2013–2017)
Nikki R. Haley (2017–2018)
Kelly Knight Craft (2019–2021)
Linda Thomas-Greenfield (2021–)

Power and Haley were the worst in the hate-fueled harridan stakes. Haley is now being touted as a prospective president it seems. Hopefully we will be preserved from this fate. Harris will be the next president of the United States without any doubt. No doubt she is already receiving coaching in how to project maximum hatred and believable lies as you read this.

In the USA and in most of Europe it is the fashion to direct venom at Russia. China too is in line for this treatment on a more regular basis than before. Comparatively little Venezuela has recently come through a constant stream of invective from the U.S. hierarchy of hatred. She survived. As will Russia and China along with others such as Syria, Iran, Cuba and Nicaragua.

Western elites pose as adults while slinging mud like pre-teens in a typically immature pout-fest. They behave as petulant whores denied their ten bucks a fuck, garrulous airheads screeching and pointing thinking they make effective points while revealing their vacuity.
It’s an ugly spectacle. But this is how western “diplomacy” is conducted these days.

Back court cats screech. Neighborhood gossips in virtual hair-pulling diatribes while others watch aghast. Lowlifes revealing themselves for exactly what they are, designer-suited demons and intellectual pygmies.

While the whole world watches, looking on in disgust.

Though of course there are those who mirror the mentalities on show and agree with the shallow propaganda desiring it to go further like an audience of Rednecks at a wrestling match.

Isn’t it the case that most of us thought we’d be at a better place by now, that politicians would outgrow their baby-walkers and start to behave at least like the average reasonably-behaved ten year old?

Was it too much to ask?

It seems so.

Multiple Neroes fiddling while Rome burns.

Or, if you’re Biden authorizing a missile attack to “de-escalate”.

When I attended protests against the coming illegal attack upon and war against Iraq for no good reason but a pack of lies I saw a certain poster being carried by a young girl which was a phrase I’d not come across before but which I’ve seen several times since.


But if you ask Joe Biden about that I guarantee he’ll argue till he’s blue in the face that bombing for peace is EXACTLY what he’s doing. Tell him about George Orwell’s concept of a coming dystopia then where ‘WAR IS PEACE’ if his eyes havn’t glazed completely over by that time.

As I say... You Can’t Argue With A Sick Mind.


1 comment:

  1. Политика-действие на самоуничтожение для неразумных.



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